Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 216: Without oxygen, she would die...

Chapter 216: Without oxygen, she would die...

Chapter 216 Without oxygen, she will die...

Sufu thought for a moment and then nodded, "Okay."

The little boy took the initiative to give his hand to Su Fu, and Su Fu held his hand and led him away.

Where is your father?

Sister, my father was over there just now, shall we go and look for her?

Su Fu felt that she was doing well today, perhaps because she had favored Shangguan Lingka, so she was so kind-hearted that she agreed to the little boy again.

Accompany him to find his missing father.

The sun is hot and there are many people in the swimming pool. People are swimming happily in the swimming pool.

Soph led the little boy and walked around the swimming pool in the direction he indicated.

Along the way, he was talking attentively, sometimes saying that this one looked like dad, and the next time he said which one looked like dad.

Soph couldn't help but wonder, did he know who his father was?

Sister, I saw daddy!

Just when Su Fu was impatient and ready to reject him and let him find it on his own, the little boy suddenly broke away from her hand.

The moment her hand was freed, she felt a strong force pushing against her behind.

She was caught off guard, her whole body leaned forward suddenly, and fell into the swimming pool.

The body fell into the water, and the feeling of suffocation came over instantly.

She opened her eyes and kicked her legs in the water, trying to get herself to the surface.

One hand grasped her ankle and pulled her down.

She looked down in horror, and saw a man dressed like a frogman putting heavy chains on her ankles.

She kept blowing bubbles, and the air in her lungs was almost exhausted.

Without oxygen, she will die...

The word death flashed in her mind, and her mind suddenly went blank.

A violent struggle, almost a subconscious reaction, an instinct to survive.

However, when she raised her head, she realized that someone had placed an inflatable boat on the water, completely covering her.

The lifeguard may not be able to see her either...

In this short period of time, Su Fu could only place her hopes on the man in black who went to buy a swimsuit.

Hope he can find out in time that he is missing, hope...he can save his life.

She doesnt want to die yet, not just in such an unclear way.

The frogman easily handcuffed her with two heavy anklets.

The heavy iron chain kept her falling in the water.

She was still struggling desperately, trying desperately to float up, but to no avail.

Despair comes overwhelming...

Today, she is probably going to die here.

The frightened eyes slowly closed.

The mask fell off his face during the violent struggle and slowly sank to the bottom of the pool.

Long hair flutters and dances in the water, elegant and light.

Her body gradually sank.

The man in black bought the swimsuit of the size Su Fu wanted as quickly as possible. When he returned to the swimming pool, he could not find Su Fu.

The man in black looked around, and a trace of anxiety flashed in his heart. If something happened to the little madman, the young master would definitely kill him!

Little madman, little madman, where are you?!

The man in black shouted. He took out his mobile phone and immediately called the manor for support.

At the same time, he also ran around the swimming pool quickly, refusing to miss every corner.

Even jumped into the water and checked it carefully.

If the little madman escapes, he won't stay here.

With this knowledge, the man in black immediately surfaced, landed on the shore, and immediately coordinated with the hotel to watch the surveillance.

Less than ten minutes, the helicopter landed on the helipad on the top floor of the hotel.

The men in black got off the cabin in unison and began to move towards the swimming pool floor.

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