Hundred Times Income Multiplier System

Chapter 88 Calculating The Rewards

Jack couldn't believe that he'd just received all of these rewards at this moment. Wasn't he filthy rich now? More than the Alfonso family, right?

Looking at the prompts that had appeared in front of his vision, Jack almost laughed out loud in ecstasy when he was suddenly brought back to reality by Calvin's voice.

"Mr Jack, is there a problem with the agreement?" Calvin asked. The way that he treated Jack was obviously better than he had ever treated the others.

Not only was Jack's ability in fighting high, but his background was also something that they failed to grasp. They had been planning on doing the same thing as the one that they did to Austin, getting the amount of his wealth that would be able to match with the 45% of Austin's 90%.

In the end, other than the information that Jack had bought the Safety Enforcers Security company, they only found that he was a member of Crystal city's Alfonso family.

But, according to the information that they had gotten, Jack wasn't favored in the family and was in fact expelled from the family and they were only trying to pull him back into the family recently.

If this was all of Jack's information about his background, then Calvin could say that it was nothing. But, the fact that Jack had used his money to buy to company and had already began grocery chain stores in Inchoate city proved that he had cash.

And, all the money that he had spent till this moment was definitely more than five billion, something that he was sure that Alfonso family couldn't fork out at a short time and give it to Jack, who wasn't the favored one.

The conclusion that they had come to was the fact that Jack had another secret background that even they couldn't investigate. They had tried looking into his accounts but for some reason, they couldn't access the information about his account statements.

"Not at all Mr Calvin." Jack shook his head. There was no way that he was going to tell him that he'd just gotten rich, right? Although there were things that still needed him to complete other procedures to obtain them, Jack already owned eighty eight percent of Austin's property.

Although he didn't have full control of them, still, they were counted as his property by the system. That meant that if he signed the shares transfer agreement with Ben, he would definitely have the rewards coming.

As of now, there was nothing that proved that he owned the shares that were in Ben's hand and that was the exact reason as to why they hadn't been multiplied yet.

"I have a request to make Mr Calvin, I don't know if you can help me with it?" Jack thought of something and asked.

"It depends on if I have the ability to help you or not." Calvin replied with a smile.

Jack nodded and said, "Can you help me sell all the assets that I've gotten from Mr Austin here apart from the company and the shares?"

Calvin, Edwin and Austin all had their mouths agape. They couldn't believe what they were hearing. Jack had only gotten hold of the assets and he was already selling them? Wasn't that a bit rushed or, was it that he cared not about them?

Austin was obviously not only stunned, but he was also angered. Jack asking for the wealth that had been gotten from him to be sold in front of him was no different from a taunt. But all the same, he knew that there was nothing that he could do at this moment.

Not only was he no longer rich, Jack's own strength was enough to prove that he wasn't someone that he could handle at his peak, not to mention now that he was at his lowest point.

"Of course, it won't be for free. After selling them, you can get ten percent of the income as commission. What do you think?" Jack stated as he ignored their surprised gazes.

Calvin came back to his senses and replied, "Okay then. I will make sure that you get the most out of the assets."

Jack shook his head and said, "I don't want to wait for a long time. Just sell everything at the market price. Or, you can buy them from me at a market price and decide to sell them at a bigger profit later."

Austin's mouth opened for a moment before he closed it without saying a word. He currently had the bruises on his face due to the fact that he'd interfered with the way that the matches were supposed to be and caused the arena big losses when people stopped betting.

Now, he was sure that as long as he said another contradictory word, he would definitely suffer a broken limb or maybe, he may end up dead. In the eyes of the arena's owner, he was nothing at all.

Calvin came to an agreement and said that he would transfer the money to Jack's account the following day. It was obvious that he was going to buy the assets that Jack intended to sell.

Jack then left with Edwin. But, he was currently impatient to get to the hotel so that he could finally look at the rewards that he'd received. He still had a few questions that he still needed to ask the system.

Edwin who was in a good mood drove the car slowly in that Jack had no choice but to ask him to let him (Jack) to drive.

The moment that he held the steering wheel, the car charged forward on the highway heading towards Chida hotel. Edwin wasn't prepared for the sudden increase in speed and was forced to lean back on the seat with his feet almost rising into the air.

Not long after they arrived at Chida hotel and Jack bid goodbye to Edwin, he hurried towards his room.

On the way there, he met with Wendy and Angy but he completely ignored them as if he hadn't seen them and headed to his room. The moment that he got into the room, he began looking at the prompts once again.

[You've earned $700M. Multiplier applied. You receive $70B.]

[You've received two sports cars, one SUV and a limousine. Multiplier applied. Merging applied. You receive a Boeing 787-8 BBJ]

[You've received Amber Securities. Multiplier applied. You receive Good Vision Security Limited.]

[You've received three mansions and one villa. Multiplier applied. Merging applied. You receive the Serenity Residential area.]

[You've received 7% shares of Ambition Research institute. Multiplier applied. You receive 51% shares of Brightway Medical Research Centre.]

[You've received a laptop, a pen, thirty pieces of male underwear, three boxes of tissue paper, twenty pairs of suits….It is detected that they may no meet the hosts taste….Changed into cash. You've received $321,548,000. Multiplier applied. You receive $32,154,800,000.]

[You've received one slave, Ayush. Multiplier applied. You receive a servant, nameless (You can assign the name.)]

[Limit to the multiplier on the wealth earned from betting has been reached. For future application of the multiplier, host needs to upgrade the system to level 2.]

The next thing that he did was to take out his phone to check the balance in his account.

[Flyers Bank Savings Account Balance is $111,164,670,000.]

Now, he had more than $111B in his account and it was enough for him to upgrade the level of his card.

Then, he began following the prompts one after the other. He took out his laptop and placed it on the table before connecting it to the Wi-Fi of the hotel, ready to search for the information of anything that he didn't know about.

The first thing that he searched about was definitely Boeing 787-8 BBJ. He found that this was a luxurious business private jet. It was worth at least $2B.

When Jack saw the information about it, he was shocked to the extend that he didn't know what to say. In other words, just this private jet made him have a net worth of two billion dollars. And that was just the start.

Amber Securities was the company that was owned by Austin, the one that was competing against Safety Enforcers as their headquarters were located in the same city.

Its worth was slightly below Safety Enforcers by a few hundred million dollars. Looking at this, Jack smiled. It seemed that he could as well just merge the two companies and bring up a bigger one.

But, that would have to wait for a moment because there was a company that he'd gotten after the multiplier was applied. Good Vision Security Limited. This was a popular security company in the country. It was by a far margin bigger than Safety Enforcers and Amber Securities.

Its worth was almost $300B. The reason for that was because it was mainly based in the capital city. The resources and other things that the company possessed were mainly focused in the capital and Central province.

As for the other provinces like the western province, the ones that operated there were the smaller branches that were almost ignored by the headquarters.

Jack took a deep breath as he looked at the information about the company. From what he could tell, Amber Securities was worth $3.1B or slightly more. If the value was multiplied by a hundred times, it brought the value to almost $300B.

This was now what was called the increase in quality. Unlike where he would be given a hundred Amber Securities, he was given one that had a higher value.

Serenity Residential area was an residential area that had several luxurious villas. It was located in the capital city just like the headquarters of Good Vision Security Limited. There were a total of thirty villas and the cheapest amongst them was worth $200M.

The total estimated value of the residential area was at $38B. Jack himself was wondering just how luxurious the villas in this residential area were for them to be this expensive.

Then, there was the 7% shares of Ambition Research Institute. This research institute was a small research center that dealt with researching on pharmaceuticals. It was located in Venture city.

On the other hand, the Brightway Medical Research Centre that he'd just become the biggest shareholder was a middle sized medical field research centre in the Central province.

Although it wasn't the biggest in the country, its achievements in the medical field were not to be underestimated at all. His 51% was worth at least $42B. In other words, the whole institution was worth at least $106B.

As for the reward where he was almost rewarded with Austin's pairs of underwear, Jack was grateful that the system had decided to check the value of these items in terms of cash.

Now, he turned his gaze to something that told him that the system was indeed so powerful. The last thing that he'd earned from his bet with Austin.

[You've received one slave, Ayush. Multiplier applied. You receive a servant, nameless (You can assign the name.)]

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