Hundred Times Income Multiplier System

Chapter 66 Venture City

66  Venture City

Jack wasn't sure about the reason behind this. But there was one thing that he was sure about on his mind, that was that his memory was better than before.

As he tried thinking, he suddenly found that he could clearly remember almost everything that had happened since the moment that he received the advance reward. Although it wasn't to the extend of having a photographic memory, he could still remember most of the important details.

Now, he couldn't hold his curiosity anymore and asked, 'Angel, do you know why I can suddenly remember almost everything that happened yesterday from the moment that I received the advance reward?'

[That's normal. Being a professional combatant, you need to have such a memory. In fact, this is developed as long as you improve. The more you improve, the better your senses, your physical quality and so is the enhancement of the internal body organs. The brain was improved due to this.]

Angel's reply made Jack somehow surprised. He then wondered if he could get photographic memory as long as he trained further and become far stronger than he was now.

[Forget about that. You don't even know how strong you're right now, how can you improve? What are you improving? You don't know what weakness is there on your body but you're already dreaming about becoming even stronger? How's that possible?]

The system's guardian never minced its words at all and gave Jack a jab to the jaw. As a result, Jack held his chin as he fell into deep thoughts. He was just thinking of how to know his current maximum strength when he suddenly remembered something.

He was supposed to pay attention to how Gabriel was flying the eurocopter. He might as well know a thing or two so that he could fly it in times of emergencies. After all, he wasn't expecting that Gabriel would always be present the moment that he wanted to go somewhere.

As he observed how he was operating, Jack could clearly remember everything that Gabriel was doing. But at the end of the day, he didn't understand why such a button was pressed or why a certain switch was flicked.

So, at the end of it all, he decided to give up on it as he rested while enjoying the scenery on the way. He had never toured his own country in the nineteen years of his life. In fact, they were all spent in Crystal city and inchoate city.

This would be the first time that he could observe the landscape of the country. Inchoate city as well as Crystal city were located in the western province.

In Azima country, there were five provinces. The four cardinal points as well as the central province. Jack was in the western province. The capital of Azima country was found in the central province.

When it came to the difference in terms of development, Central province was like a giant city while the western province was like a small town. All of this was something that Jack had learnt during the days that he was still in school.

As he looked at the lush trees, hills and streams as the eurocopter flew forward, Jack suddenly remembered that there was something that he hadn't done yet. That was booking a place that he would be staying for the night.

After all, Venture city was located at the far end of the western province, closer to the central province. So, the distance was long and even when flying, he would take at least four hours to reach it.

They had left at around eleven. They would arrive at around 3pm in the very least. As Jack thought of this, he suddenly had an idea. Why not simply stay in the hotel that he would be meeting with Edwin?

With that thought, he decided to send him a message through TM, or in full, Text Me. This was the most famous chatting platform in Azima country and several other neighboring countries.

'Hello Mr Edwin. Where are we meeting?'

Not long after he sent the text, there was a reply from Edwin.

{Let's meet at the Cloudy Restaurant. I wonder at what time you're arriving?}

Jack read the text and replied. 'I'll be there by 3.45pm if there are no accidents.'

{I'll be waiting.}

And with that, the chatting ended. Jack relaxed as he thought to himself how long he was going to spend at Venture city. According to his thought process, it wouldn't be bad to spread his wings in Venture city as well.

Currently, it can be said that in Inchoate city, things have been stabilized. Now, what remained would be to ensure that the grocery department was well known there in Inchoate city by creating a good reputation for it.

If there was a competition, he had his own means of defeating then. If the normal means failed, he would just lower the price and sell them at the exact price that he'd bought.

He was sure that none of those that wanted to compete with him would be able to reduce the price. After all, the moment that they did that, their income won't be able to make up for their losses.

Of course, such means could only be applied to those that tried provoking him. If not, he would just follow the normal means by competing in terms of quality of the products as well as service.

Just at this moment, he thought of another thing. That's right, blue city was just along the way to Venture city. So, by the time that he would be coming back, he would just 12:11

pass by and collect all the shares that were in Ben's hands.

Of course, he knew that by the time that he came back, he would be late by a few days, but that wouldn't stop him from collecting the debt that others owed him.

Furthermore, he was quite curious about how the system was going to multiply the shares considering the fact that the shares were also part of the income that he'd earned from betting with Ben.

As Jack's thoughts drifted, hours flashed by. It was only when they were closing in on venture city that Jack suddenly remembered that he hadn't eaten yet.

It seemed that he wasn't the only one that had forgotten about the food. After all, Gabriel left inchoate city a few minutes after arriving.

At that time, he was quite curious about the eurocopter and was impatient in that he wanted to fly it right away. On the other hand, Jack was quite looking forward on the new company that he was going to take over.

As such, the two excited men flew out of the city forgetting that the journey that they were going on was going to be long. Furthermore, other than the water that was in the helicopter, none of them carried food with them.

Jack could only sigh at how careless he was. He had forgotten even the basic thing that a human body needed. Furthermore, now that his physique had been enhanced, his appetite had greatly been increased.

He decide that he would just make sure that he ate all that could be eaten the moment that he arrived in the restaurant till he satiated his hunger.

Not long after, he saw high rise buildings appearing in the horizon. He could already tell that they were approaching Venture city.

"You can just land wherever we are allowed to land. After that, we can simply take a cab to the location, the Cloudy Restaurant." Jack spoke as he saw the tall buildings getting bigger the closer they got.

"Got it." Gabriel replied. He had been here several times when he was flying some clients of SkyFlight Charters. So, he was quite familiar with this city.

Not long after they arrived at the city, Jack could clearly see that the buildings here were by far bigger and longer than those that were found in Crystal city, not to mention inchoate city.

The skyscrapers had at least a hundred floors. So, compared to these buildings here, Jack's Business Overlord Building was just like a normal cabin as compared to a mansion or a villa.

Jack was immediately fascinated by the buildings here and decided that he would move here and make it his base. After all, not only was the population here bigger than in Inchoate city, the businesses that he could buy here were many.

Gabriel flew the plane and landed it inside an airstrip. In this city, there was an airport and two airstrips. Of course, these airstrips were mainly for those with private aircrafts just like Jack's eurocopter.

As long as one had money, they could land their plane here. On the other hand, inchoate city had no airstrip, let alone an airport. Jack shook his head as he thought of how far behind inchoate city was.

After they landed, Jack got out of the plane as he asked Gabriel, "Are you coming with me for a meal?"

"There's no need to disturb you since you're here for business. I'll be okay. When you're done, you can just find me here." Gabriel shook his head as he replied.

Jack nodded and didn't force him. After all, it seemed that Gabriel had fallen in love with the Eurocopter and wanted to continue 'playing' with it.

Since Gabriel was familiar with the people here, they arranged Jack's means of transportation and Jack hurried towards Cloudy hotel. Of course, since this was his first time, he didn't know where it was located unless he looked at the map.

As the driver of the Lamborghini Urus pointed as he talked about the streets that they were passing. Jack listened carefully and not long after that, he decided that he would make himself familiar with this city.

Not long after, the car arrived in front of a magnificent building. The name 'Cloudy Restaurant' was very eye-catching.


Author's Note;

Hello guys, thanks for the support. Just to let you know, this is the chapter that was supposed to be published yesterday. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it. The following chapter was also supposed to be published yesterday.

If you like it, add it to your library and support through power stones.


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