Hundred Times Income Multiplier System

Chapter 53 Safety Enforcers

"Just a small thing brought me here." Jack replied with a smile.

"I will tell Mr Haman immediately." Ivy said as she went towards the door that led to Haman's office.

"Thanks in advance." Jack said as he went to seat alongside the two that were waiting for their turn.

Currently, these people's expressions were not looking good. After all, they had come here and were told to wait. They didn't know what was going on, but the moment that Jack arrived, they saw that the attitude of the secretary was better when she spoke to Jack as compared to them.

They were veterans in business and they knew very well that all those that came here were big shots. And although Jack looked young, his temperament didn't look like the wastrel young masters.

From the way that he carried himself around and the way that he spoke, it was obvious that he was from a good background. But, how could a young master compare to them, big wigs in the real estate industry.

Now, they were seeing how a junior that had just arrived after them was being given a priority. This obviously displeased them.

"Hey kid, what's the deal with that secretary?" The big eyed man asked Jack with a displeased tone.

"Hmm? What are you talking about?" Jack was confused by what this man was trying to imply.

"Kid, what do you want to do in there that they can give you a priority?" A thin man asked.

"I don't think that's something that I'm supposed to tell you, right?" Jack frowned as he replied.

"Don't be too uptight here. We're all here to do the same thing. Aren't you here to upgrade your card? Or get one?" The big eyed man asked.

Although the main reason as to why he was here was to ask for a company that he could buy, Jack would also take this opportunity to upgrade his card as well.

"Yeah, I guess so." Jack nodded.

"Then why are you being given much priority when compared to us? We came here over half an hour ago but we still haven't been allowed to enter. Now that you're here, the secretary has decided to let you in." The thin man asked.

"I don't know. All I know is the fact that I'm here for the upgrade. As for the reason as to why I'm being given priority, that's a question that you can ask the secretary." Jack replied as he decided to ignore them.

The thin man and the big eyed man frowned as their expressions darkened. Jack was obviously younger than them and for one thing that they knew was the fact that they were big shots.

They were rich and there was nobody in the younger generation that had ever dared to talk to them in such a manner. This was obviously the first time that this had happened. How could they tolerate this?

So, the big eyed man immediately retorted, "Kid, I don't care who you are but let me tell you something. If you dare mess with me, I'll make sure that your life becomes a loving hell in this city."

Jack completely ignored him as he wondered, 'Why is it that almost everyone that is from this city, as long as he is giving out a threat, he will say that my life won't be good here. Is there something with my life here or is this the word that is often used to scare off children?'

Jack though that this guy wasn't serious. If it was the Alfonso family that was making trouble for him, he would surely have to go through some trouble before he could firmly establish himself.

But, the small families like Dante family as well as this guy that he didn't know, he had no worries at all. They only had their connections in this city. But, outside this city, their connections were poor.

This was what differentiated them from Alfonso family that had its influence running deep in more than three cities with Crystal city as the main ground.

Seeing that Jack didn't take his threat seriously, the man was about to start cursing him when the door that led to Haman's office opened as Haman rushed out with an excited expression.

He looked around before his eyes locked onto Jack. The moment that he saw him, he rushed forward before extending his hand in greeting. "Mr Jack, you're here. I was kind of expecting you to come back but I never thought that it would be this soon."

Jack stood up as he received Haman's hand. Although Haman was enthusiastic, Jack had a calm composure. He replied, "Mr Haman, I already told you that you had to prepare yourself to carry out upgrades a few more times." Jack replied politely.

Although he had over ten billion dollars in his account, he didn't become arrogant. He knew that he would need other people's help in the future, a good example being on this day where he wanted Haman to recommend to him a good company to purchase.

Although he could have asked Celine about it as she seemed to have a good background, he didn't want to depend on a woman to increase his influence if not necessary. What's more, they had only gotten acquainted to each other the previous night.

He had already asked for a manager. If he asked for other things again, he was sure that things would get somehow complicated.

On the other hand, Haman was someone that had a cooperation with him in the area of business. He was using his bank and there was no problem asking for a little favor to repay in the future, right?

"Hahaha, you're right. You were only here on Saturday. I thought that you would be coming here after half a year in the least. Who knew that you would be here in two days?" Haman chuckled as he released Jack's hand.

The more that Jack saved, the better his working report would be. Furthermore, Jack was using his branch to upgrade  his account. This will all be seen by the higher ups and at the end of it all, they would see that he had retained a good customer. So, his salary would be increased or he might even be promoted.

The two people that were waiting were surprised upon seeing Haman charging out of his office. They were even more shocked the moment that they saw how enthusiastic he was towards Jack.

At this moment, their backs were getting drenched in sweat thinking of how they were treating Jack not long ago.

For Jack to be treated in such a manner by the manager of Flyers bank, although it was just a branch, showed that he was someone that they could not afford to offend. After all, Haman had never treated them in such a manner, it was the other way round. They had to fawn upon Haman.

But, they couldn't accept the fact that Haman gave them a different treatment as compared to Jack. After all, they were here first and Haman had been cooped up in his office for over half an hour without responding to them.

But the moment that he heard that Jack was here, he rushed out enthusiastically. They could even feel that he had some respect for Jack, which p*ssed them off.

"Hello Mr Haman. Can you help is first? After all, we came here first." Failing to hold back, with a low voice, the big eyed man spoke.

Haman was just about to invite Jack into the office when he was interrupted. Obviously, he didn't like it when he was interrupted while doing something important.

He looked at the big eyed man and the thin one beside him and said with a frown, "The two of you have been disturbing me for the past few days already. You all know the rules of the bank. There's no way that I can upgrade your card without your accounts having enough deposit."

"Furthermore, you only want the upgrade so that you can borrow a loan. That won't work." Haman said before turning towards Jack and said, "Mr Jack, let's talk inside the office."

"Mr Haman, aren't we just going to have an agreement? You know about the real estate industry. It's doing well recently as the prices of the houses have began rising. Once we get the money, we will obviously be able to pay off the loan with the highest interest." The thin man spoke hurriedly when he saw that Haman was leaving.

These guys wanted Haman to help them acquire a higher level of card here, a black card. After getting it, they would immediately borrow a loan from the bank.

Since all of this would be under Haman's approval, it would surely bring him trouble in the future if the higher ups found out about this and the duo failed to repay the loan on time, he would have to suffer the consequences.

Now that there was Jack, why would he have to care about some of the things that would risk his career?

"Miss Ivy, please send the guests away." Haman said to ivy who had just returned to her desk.

"Yes Mr Haman." Ivy replied.

After getting into the office, Jack was invited to take a seat. After that, Haman thanked him for depositing the ten billion the night before. After that, he asked immediately handed the prepared upgrade card as Jack returned the black card.

There was also an update on the privileges that he would be receiving. They were better than the previous ones. The maximum amount of the overdrawn was set at $10B.

"By the way, Mr Haman, I wanted to enter the security industry. Today, the main reason for coming here was to see if you can recommend one to me. I want to fully buy it." Jack stated after the matter of the card was put aside.

Haman was startled by Jack's request. He hadn't thought that Jack thought so highly of him. But, now that he was given the opportunity, he would grab it with both arms to make sure that the relationship between them would be better in the future.

"Hahaha, I see. That's is not a problem at all. I happen to have a friend of mine that owns a security company. Coincidentally, he wants to sell it off. The performance is good. It's just that he wants to change the industry and lacks capital. Otherwise, he wouldn't have sold it." Haman replied with a wide smile.

When Jack heard these words, he was both relieved and excited. This was perfect. Good performance and at the same time, the owner was going to sell it. So, he smiled sincerely as he said, "Thank you in advance Mr Haman. May I know what company it is?"

"It is called Safety Enforcers." Haman replied with a smile.


Author's Note;

That's it for the day. Let's meet tomorrow for the next update. If the power stones reach two hundred, I'll be sure to give the extra chapter during tomorrow's update.

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