How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 49: Heart of Snow 3

Chapter 49: Heart of Snow 3

Settling down the squirming princess who gave up midway in my arms.

I carried her towards an empty grassy field underneath the shade of a large tree, as she needed to rest and regain her strength.

Gently I laid her down on a bed of soft leaves and moss, ensuring she was comfortable.

"Thank you...." she mumbled softly, seemingly still embarrassed, making me smile a little at her cute reaction.

I then proceeded to set up the camp before monsters made their way into our area.

The skies above had transitioned from the soft glow of sunset to the bluish colors of twilight, indicating that night was fast approaching.

Reaching into my small pouch, I took out three magic crystals that glowed with a soft blue hue.

These were the [Protection Stones], crucial for our safety through the night.

[Protection Stones: x4]

[Effects: Projects a low-level defensive barrier once set up on the ground.]


[Low-level magic threshold: 70%]

[Low-level physical threshold: 60%]

These glowing stones were a pretty handy tool given to us at the start of the exams by the professors. Each student received two pairs of these stones, so in total, each duo had around eight.

"Here," Princess Snow said, handing me her share of the protection stones.

Before I could even ask, she had already extended them toward me. However, there was really no need for it.

Two protection stones were sufficient to keep us protected and alert during the night. In case of emergencies, once the barriers broke, the stones couldn't be used anymore.

Using all the stones here would just be a waste.

I gently pushed her hand back, giving the stones back to her. She looked surprised and tilted her head, her confusion evident.

"Are you not going to set up camp?" she asked.

"I will, but keep your stones for yourself," I replied.


At first, she seemed puzzled by my suggestion, but she quickly understood as I began placing the stones near our newly established campsite. I positioned the two stones parallel to each other.

The runic inscriptions on the stones glowed intensely, then blue lines spread from each stone, connecting in a straight line before forming a circle.

Blue transparent hues emerged from the ground, connecting to form an invisible dome around us.

"That should set things up," I said, stepping back to admire the protective barrier. Fwooshh!

No matter how many times I see this magical transformation it still felt new and surreal, even back in my hometown anything that involves magic always amazes me.

Maybe it was because I was just really fascinated and interested in magic, or perhaps it was because my previous world didn't have magic in it.

Whatever the reason, seeing magic was always a captivating sight for me.

As I watched the sparkling light from the protection stones slowly dissipate and turn

invisible, my attention shifted to finding suitable branches to start a fire.

Right now, Princess Snow and I were basically in survival mode.

We needed to gather our own food and start our own fire.

Fortunately, I had been collecting small meat chunks from the monsters I had faced, along with some fruits and vegetables I found along the way.

And of course, all of it were edible.

Although finding them was much more difficult now as there was no shiny and notification indicators like in the game.

It was still fun preparing everything beforehand.

Looking back at the sick princess, I realized she wouldn't be able to help in any way at the moment.

With everything said and done, I started the basics of survival. First, I gathered some dry branches and leaves to start a fire.

Using a flint and steel I kept in my pouch; I struck a spark onto the dry tinder.

It took a few tries, but soon enough, a small flame flickered to life.

I carefully fed the fire with larger sticks and logs, nurturing it until it became a stable, warm blaze.

Next, I prepared the food. I skewered the meat chunks on sharpened sticks and placed them near the fire to cook.

The fruits and vegetables were arranged on a clean piece of cloth, ready to be eaten once the meat was done.

As the aroma of roasting meat filled the air, my stomach growled in anticipation.

Periodically, I glanced over at Snow, who lay quietly resting.

Her cheeks were still flushed with a feverish tint, and her breathing was shallow but steady.

I hoped the rest would do her good.

As the meat cooked, I sat by the fire, adding more wood as needed to keep the flames strong.

The stars began to twinkle in the night sky, casting a serene glow over our campsite.

The tranquility of the night was a stark contrast to the challenges we had faced earlier in the


Snow stirred slightly, her eyes fluttering open.

She looked over at me, a faint smile playing on her lips.

"You're good at this," she murmured, her voice weak but appreciative.

"I've had some practice..." I replied with a smile, even back in my military days, I was always the one to start the fire and sometimes even cook for those muscle headed drunkards....

Now that I think about it maybe I should've appreciated those awkward and memorable times.... "Just rest. I'll take care of everything."

She nodded slightly and closed her eyes again, letting herself drift back into a light sleep.

When the food was finally done cooking, I gently touched her shoulder to wake her. She squirmed for a bit before slowly waking up.

With a sleepy voice, she stretched her arms up, giving subtle glances at me.

Ignoring her actions, I helped her up, letting her grab hold of my hand until she found her

place near the bonfire I had made.

Fetching a small bowl, I filled it with a portion of the stew I had cooked and handed it over to


"Thank you," she said genuinely, her face lighting up at the aroma of the meat stew.

I had been worried that her royal palate might reject monster meat due to its strange color

and appearance, but it seemed my fears were unfounded.

She immediately took a bite with a look of pure bliss on her face.

I guess hunger makes everything delicious, huh?

As she savored the stew, I couldn't help but smile at her reaction.

We ate in silence, enjoying the warmth of the fire and the satisfying meal.

Snow's exhaustion was evident in her drooping eyelids and occasional yawns, but she seemed

more content and relaxed now.

As we sat together by the fire, enjoying the warmth and the quiet of the night, a thought nagged at the back of my mind.

Here I was, sharing a meal with not just any companion, but with Princess Snow herself, the heir to the Germonia Empire, the very nation to which I belonged.

Had my actions towards her been considered rude? I couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty.

While I hoped she wouldn't hold a grudge against me, given her character, she might not be

so forgiving.

Princess Snow was known for her intelligence and strategic mind.

She was one of the most calculating characters in the game, always plotting her next move.

I couldn't help but wonder if she might use her authority against me, should she feel inclined

to do so.

Even though her royal powers couldn't be wielded within the academy, her influence outside

its walls was undeniable.

A single letter from her could threaten my entire family.

Perhaps I had been too brazen in trying to make use of her.

Maybe I should have treated her with more respect and consideration from the start.

"Is something wrong?" Snow's voice broke through my thoughts, pulling me back to the


I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. "No... it's nothing," I finally replied, offering her a reassuring smile.

She studied me for a moment, her gaze searching before letting things go. "Is that so..."

As we continued to eat, I couldn't help but steal glances at Snow.


If words could describe what I was seeing right now that was the only word I could think of.

The dim light of the evening, coupled with the glowing sky and the flickering flames, seemed

to cast her in an ethereal glow.

Against this backdrop, her features stood out even more prominently, enhancing her natural


Snow truly embodied the archetype of the most beautiful heroine.

Her soft, white hair danced in the gentle breeze, framing her face like a delicate halo.

Her piercing blue eyes, sharp and observant, seemed to hold a depth of wisdom beyond her


Even in repose, she exuded a magnetic charisma that drew the eye.

Despite her alluring presence, I knew better than to let myself be drawn in too close. I was

aware of her true nature and the trajectory of her story, so I knew for a fact that it would be best to avoid getting too close to her.

Like Rose and the other main heroines, getting too involved with Snow could alter the course of the main scenarios-a risk I wasn't willing to take.

So, for now, it was best to maintain a respectful distance and focus on our immediate survival.

As much as I admired her from afar, I couldn't afford to let my guard down, not when my future— no when our lives were still at stake in this unpredictable world.

Until I managed to handle Liyana or devise a plan to confront her properly, and until I became

strong enough to face her in the future, any notion of romance or getting even slightly closer

to any of the heroines was off the table.

Liyana was more than just a character in a game; she was a formidable boss, a cunning

villainess, and a force to be reckoned with.

I needed to be wary of her at all times.

Any misstep on my part could potentially trigger a catastrophic chain of events, leading to

dire consequences for everyone involved.

I couldn't afford to let my guard down, not even for a moment.

I was convinced that Liyana was watching me, from time to time as well, which would explain

the subtle creepiness I sometimes feel, although my Liyana meter hasn't gone up since I

entered the academy... who knows what that dragon was up to now.

Every move I made had to be calculated and deliberate in reference to Lucas's main scenarios, lest I inadvertently set the world on a path towards destruction.

Lost in my thoughts, I was suddenly brought back to reality by Snow's voice calling out to me.

"Riley" she said, her tone cutting through my reverie.

"Yes, Your Highness?" I responded automatically, reverting to the formal address I had used

the first time we met.

She seemed slightly surprised by my formality, but then she simply smiled and gestured for

me to join her, patting the space beside her on the log where she was seated. 'Does she need me to help her with something?' I wondered, considering that she still looked unwell. It wouldn't be unnatural for her to ask something of me.

I moved closer, sitting on a rock right next to her log. The proximity was close enough to show

attentiveness but not too close to make either of us uncomfortable.

"You're a very brazen individual, do you know that, Riley?" she said with a slight scoff,

annoyed that I didn't sit right beside her as she had indicated.

Even if she ordered me to, I probably wouldn't sit that close. Snow was the type to seize any opportunity to assert control. If I let her do whatever she

wanted now, I had a feeling I might regret it later.

She sighed, clearly tired of my emotionless reaction.

Taking a sip of her stew, she glanced at the night sky.

Her eyes shimmered in the moonlight, and for a moment, she seemed lost in thought,

reminiscing about something as she closed her eyes.

"Riley, can I ask you something?"

I nodded, curious about what was on her mind. "Of course, Your Highness. What is it?"

"If you were to choose between your own happiness and someone else's, which would you



"What exactly do you mean by that, Your Highness?" I asked, puzzled by the sudden broad

question. "Well, if there was ever a scenario in your life where you are forced to choose between doing something that would guarantee your own happiness, or one that guarantees another person's happiness, which would you choose?"


The moment I saw the sad look on her face, I immediately understood why she asked such a


That question probably wasn't meant for me but rather for herself.

As someone who held great responsibilities and obligations, someone born with authority above all others, with prestige and honor that overshadowed everything that could be considered normal, her constant struggle against her true self was something that always bothered her.

Her royal duties or her happiness.

Was she Snow because she was a Princess of the empire? Or was she a Princess because she was

Snow? She didn't know... A royal who wasn't sure what her actual duties were that was the essence of Snow's entire storyline.

But why was she suddenly opening up about this now?

In the game, I was pretty sure she only ever brought up this topic once you'd gotten close

enough with her, either at the end of

[Act 2, Chapter 1] or [Act 1, Chapter 5]

Our relationship thus far wasn't something exactly one would consider close.

Was she planning something?

Haah.... I don't know....

But looking at her sad eyes that kept staring into the night sky, as if waiting for my answer, I

decided to respond as honestly as I could.

"I'll choose my own happiness, Your Highness."

Although it might be a bit selfish and quite contradictory to her mindset right now, it was the

best advice I could've given her.

Her eyes widened slightly at my response, and she turned to face me fully. "Your own


"Yes... If not for myself, then what is the point of living in this world, right?"

"But isn't that selfish? To prioritize oneself over others?" "Hmm? Is it really, though? I think you're just assuming that prioritizing yourself hurts

others, Your Highness."

"What do you mean?"

"I believe it's basic instinct to prioritize yourself over others. To begin with, if I'm not true to

myself, then how can I genuinely make others happy? Being true to one's own happiness and well-being is crucial."

"But will that justify the means towards your end though?"

"Does happiness really require justification? I won't say that it's alright to do all the things you want while being a constant bother to others..." 'There's a reason why consequences exist in the first place.'

"Moral or not, at the end of the day, there's nothing wrong with wanting your own happy end,

right? And if you're punished by the end of it, you just have to live up to it."

|| ||

Snow looked thoughtful, her gaze shifting back to the night sky.

The stars reflected in her eyes, making her look even more ethereal. "I see..." she said with a

subtle smile. "Thank you, Riley...."

Thump...! Fuck....

My heart skipped a beat the moment she locked eyes with me.

Her face was already beautiful enough, but combined with that genuine happy smile of hers,

that soft voice, and the ever-growing atmosphere... it made her look unnaturally angelic.

It made her look too beautiful.



[Fate: A Dragon's Sacrifice is shaking!]


[Failure to fulfill the main scenario could lead to ???]

Tsk... What was this system going on about? I knew my heart skipped a beat, but that didn't

mean I'd fallen for her already. [Note: Cheating might lead to ???]

[Note: Chances of marrying the princess 0%]

[Note: Please heed advice!]

Okay, this thing was just clearly messing with me.

Calming myself with deep breaths, I proceeded to continue eating my meal to distract myself.

Although I don't exactly know what she learned from that, seeing her all satisfied was enough

to keep me relaxed as well.

Each and every one of us has our own problems to handle; I hoped that at least I helped her

out for a bit.

After that, the night proceeded to be both quiet and relaxing.

No monsters came our way, and Snow kept coming up with questions to start small

conversations with me.

Of course, I answered all of them as honestly and subtly as I could to maintain a certain

boundary with her.

By the time we finished our meals, she should have realized what I was doing.

Getting up slowly from the small slab of flat rock I was sitting on, I stretched my arms slightly

as I prepared to clean up the area and add more wood to the fire.

But suddenly, Snow called out for me once again.



"I can't get up. Will you help me?"

She indicated at the small igloo she made a few meters away.

There was a mischievous glint in her eyes, and her cheeks were puffed with a reddish-pink


She smiled and raised her right hand at me, as if waiting for me to guide her there.

Haha... I wasn't blind, and I could clearly tell what she was getting at here. Was she being

serious right now?

"Your highness I don't think it would be appro-"

"So... are you just going to leave me here?" she said as she acted all tired and hurt... what was

going on with her all of a sudden?

"....." I sighed inwardly but kept my expression neutral. Approaching her, I took her extended

hand, feeling the warmth of her skin against mine. "Alright, Your Highness," I said, helping her to her feet. 'Let's get you to your igloo.' As I guided her to the igloo, she leaned into me slightly, her steps unsteady. It was a subtle yet

intimate gesture, one that made my heart race despite my best efforts to remain composed.

"Thank you, Riley-" she murmured, her voice soft and close. We reached the igloo, and I helped her settle inside. The interior was surprisingly cozy, the ice walls shimmering faintly in the moonlight.

She looked up at me, her blue eyes reflecting the glow.

"Well then, I'm going to go now," I said, turning around to step out of the igloo. But before I

could take a step, I felt a gentle tug on my sleeve. Snow's soft hand had grabbed onto me, making me stop in my tracks.

The faint sound of ice cracking under the igloo's entrance and the subtle shift in the

atmosphere gave an eerie feeling of a threat looming in the air.

"Your Highness?" I asked, turning back to her with a mix of concern and curiosity.

"Riley... do you want to sleep with me?"


Excuse me? Of course, 'YES!' I mean 'No....'

'What in the actual fuck was this woman asking me right now?'

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