How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 164: Miss Seo?

Chapter 164: Miss Seo?

In a quiet and elegantly furnished room, where simplicity met an air of grace, a young lady slowly awoke.

Her red eyes fluttered open, greeted by the gentle light of the morning sun filtering through the open window.

As she stirred, the soft straps of her one-piece dress slipped slightly from her shoulders, the white, comfortable blanket falling away as she sat up.

"He's still not here..." she murmured softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Her gaze drifted to the window, where the morning sky seemed to stretch endlessly.

She rubbed her eyes, still drowsy, and stifled a yawn with her hand, feeling a pang of disappointment.

Seo had been waiting in this room since the previous day, but there had been no sign of the person she longed to see.

Sighing, she noticed the large full-body mirror in the corner of the room and turned to look at her reflection.

Her once meticulously styled hair was now tousled, strands falling loosely in all directions. The dress she wore, which had been flawlessly smooth, was now slightly wrinkled.

Even the light makeup her maid carefully applied had begun to fade.

'I got too comfortable...'

Seo thought, a faint blush rising to her cheeks as she realized how disheveled she looked.

She had never imagined she would fall asleep in this room-Riley's room-without even noticing.

She hadn't even locked the windows.

The thought of how at ease she must have felt to drift off in his bed made her smile, but it was tinged with embarrassment.

Seo reflected on Lina's advice as she stood before the mirror.

"Remember, Lady Seo, if you really want your relationship with Riley to progress, then it's better to make the first move!"

"First move?" Seo had questioned, her brows furrowing in curiosity.

"Yes, right now you currently have the lowest-cough! I mean, the highest advantage of all the girls aiming for his heart, so it would be best to take advantage of your lead."

"Is that so...."

Remembering the conversation, Seo felt a twinge of regret.

Despite Lina's efforts to make her look presentable, Seo had let the opportunity slip through her fingers.

She sighed, her reflection showing the disappointment she felt.

'I should probably return soon...'

Her probation was already a precarious situation.

Lina was probably doing everything she could to keep the dorm master or any academy staff from finding out that Seo had left her room to visit Riley-a man-an act strictly forbidden by academy rules.

Her overstaying for the night wasn't part of their plans.

'Lina must be worried....'

Seo had already burned through a significant amount of her merit scores, and any further demerits could seriously impact her standing at the academy.

Despite her high status and excellent academic performance, Seo knew that her probation was lenient-a mere slap on the wrist compared to what other students might have received for a similar incident just a few days ago.

Seo came to Riley's room with a sense of purpose, though her intentions were clouded by confusion.

Her emotions were in turmoil, leaving her unsure of what she truly wanted.

Riley was special to her-not only was he her first friend, but he was also the only person she could talk to without feeling guarded.

His kindness, care, and concern for her actions had made her feel seen and valued.

Despite Riley's tendency to hold back his emotions in front of her, Seo could tell that he did so to make her more comfortable around him.

It was as if he instinctively knew how to ease her worries, which only deepened her affection for him.

Though she does realize that Riley takes advantage of her sometimes... she didn't care Afterall that was what being friends was all about right?

'Being relied upon is nice....'

Over time, the simple liking she had for her best friend had begun to transform into something more profound, something she couldn't quite put into words.

Seo found herself grappling with the concept of personal relationships, something that had always been challenging for her.

All she had ever wanted was a friend, someone to share her thoughts and feelings with.

But now, she was faced with the possibility of something more, something beyond friendship.

The lines between like and love blurred in her mind, and she struggled to understand what it meant to become more than friends.

The feelings she harbored for Riley were new and overwhelming, leaving her both excited and scared of what they could become.

'I shouldn't be having this thoughts....'

Seo came here with the intention to apologize... but it seems her hidden intention was getting the best of her.


The soft sound of the bathroom door opening caught Seo off guard.

Before she could fully process what was happening, she was met with the sight of a beautiful, black-haired maid stepping into the room.

The maid's eyes widened in slight surprise, but the expression lasted only a fleeting moment. With impeccable poise, she quickly composed herself, lifting the hems of her maid uniform as she gracefully bowed, one knee tucked behind her in a display of perfect etiquette. "Good morning, Lady Seo," the maid greeted, her voice smooth and refined. "It seems you've woken up before I realized it. My name is Yui, the personal maid assigned to young master Riley. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

Seo blinked, her mind still reeling from the unexpected encounter. "...Y-yes..." she managed to stammer out, feeling a bit flustered.

"Please do forgive my negligence," Yui continued, her tone apologetic yet warm. "You slept so comfortably that I couldn't bring myself to wake you earlier."

"It's fine...," Seo replied, though her voice was still tinged with nervousness.

Noticing Seo's apprehension, Yui offered her the calmest and most reassuring smile she could


Her demeanor exuded warmth and understanding, meant to put the young lady at ease.

"Please, be at ease, Lady Seo," Yui said gently. "I'm not going to report you or anything like that. Keeping secrets is one of my fortes, and Lina has already explained everything to me, so please, just act comfortably around me."

Seo's tense posture relaxed slightly at Yui's words.

The maid's calm and gentle demeanor made it easier for her to feel less on edge, though the situation was still somewhat awkward.

She nodded weakly, grateful for the understanding and discretion Yui was offering. Despite all the information Lina had provided her, Yui was still taken aback to suddenly find a beautiful girl like Seo sleeping so soundly and peacefully in her young master's bedroom.

As a professional maid, she knew better than to pry into such private matters between her


Yui couldn't help but wonder what Seo's intentions were in coming to a young man's room alone, especially under these circumstances.

While the intentions seemed clear, Yui understood that misconceptions and misunderstandings about love could easily arise between young people.

Still, she refrained from dwelling on these thoughts or letting them cloud her judgment.

Complicated matters like this often brought nothing but trouble, and Yui had no desire to involve herself in such issues.

Seo was known as Riley's friend, and some even whispered that she might be more than that, perhaps one of his lovers.

With that in mind, Yui felt a tinge of acceptance, acknowledging the unusual situation but choosing not to let it bother her.

For now, her focus remained on her duties, leaving the complexities of young love to those

directly involved.

"...I'm going to get back now," Seo quietly mumbled, fully intending to jump out the window and avoid any more complications.

Her probation at the academy was already a burden on her mind, and she didn't want to risk

getting caught.

But before she could make her escape, Yui gently but firmly grabbed hold of her hand.

"Please wait, Lady Seo. I've already prepared the bath, as you can see. Why don't you take one

first? I'll make some early morning breakfast for you in the meantime," Yui offered, her eyes soft with concern.

Seo's appearance, though still lovely, showed signs of the night she'd spent in Riley's room.

Yui's instincts as a maid told her that Seo needed some care before stepping out into the

world again. "There's no need—" Seo began, trying to decline, but Yui was already a step ahead. "Now, now, come on, don't be shy, Lady Seo," Yui insisted, quickly maneuvering behind Seo

and gently but firmly pushing her towards the bathroom. "I've even brought a new dress for

you to change into."

"But I'm going to be in trouble-" Seo protested weakly, her concern over the academy's rules still lingering.

"Don't worry," Yui reassured her with a confident smile. "Lina has got everything under



'Is this really alright....?'

As Seo settled into the warm, fragrant bath, her thoughts swirled with a mix of

embarrassment and satisfaction.

The bubbles rose around her, gently caressing her skin as she sank deeper into the water,

letting the warmth envelop her.

Her cheeks flushed a bright pink, not just from the heat of the bath but from the realization of

her situation.

Here she was, completely naked, bathing in a room that wasn't hers, in a house that wasn't hers, and yet, despite the initial discomfort, a strange sense of pride washed over her.

'I'm the first girl to use his bathroom, right?' she thought, a small, almost mischievous smile tugging at the corners of her lips.n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

The thought of it made her heart flutter with a mix of excitement and a little bit of triumph.

For a moment, she allowed herself to bask in the thought, feeling a sense of connection to Riley that no one else had.

It was a silly, almost childish notion, but it made her feel closer to him in a way that nothing

else had.

The warmth of the bath, combined with the soft scent of the aromatics, made her feel relaxed and content, if only for a short while.

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