How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 162 Gods and Dragons

162  Gods and Dragons

"CURSED HUMAN CUB, WHY HAVE YOU COME TO MY DOMAIN?" Sumaru's voice thundered through the still night, his ancient wrath reverberating across the snowy landscape.

Hours had passed since Sumaru first laid eyes on the young man, and yet the ominous feeling gnawing at him refused to subside.

The human before him exuded an unsettling aura, one that disturbed the natural balance of his domain.

Sumaru had watched the human intently during those hours, hoping to discern whether the darkness that marked him was a mere anomaly or something far more dangerous.

He had allowed the young man to wander, observing his every action.

Sumaru even waited for the Dungeon of the Stars to manifest, its celestial light known to illuminate and purify those touched by darkness.

As the dungeon's ethereal glow bathed the landscape, Sumaru watched closely, searching for any sign that the light might cleanse the human of the darkness clinging to him.

But no such transformation occurred.

The darkness remained, unmoved by the dungeon's holy presence.

To Sumaru, this was no trivial matter.

The young man was not just marked by darkness—he seemed to be favored by it.

The very shadows clung to him as if he were their chosen vessel.

It was as if fate itself had decreed that this human was bound to be claimed by the darkness, his destiny already sealed.

'He's bound to die…' Sumaru thought with grim certainty.

The human was no significant threat to him, not with such a fate hanging over his head.

But Sumaru's concern wasn't just for the young man's life.

The darkness that marked him could bring ruin to Sumaru's own domain, spreading its corruptive influence like a poison.

Sumaru had seen what such darkness could do, how it could taint even the purest of places. He would not allow that to happen to his realm.

His eyes, glowing with an inner fire, bore down on the human with a mixture of disdain and resolve.

Sumaru knew what had to be done.

He would not allow the darkness to take root in his domain.


As expected, his voice boomed like a thunderstorm, reverberating through the very air.

The fact that it was transferred directly into my mind via telepathy only made it worse, amplifying the impact.

If my endurance, power, and strength stats were any lower than they are now, I would've fainted on the spot, overwhelmed by the sheer oppressiveness of his voice, I almost lost my balance for a bit.

It wasn't just loud; it was like thunderclaps hammering directly into my brain, each word a bolt of lightning searing into my consciousness.

It felt uncomfortable, a relentless pressure bearing down on me, yet there was something slightly restrained about it.

I could tell he wasn't trying to kill me—at least, not yet.

The raw power behind his voice could have easily shattered my mind if he truly intended harm.

The fact that I was still standing, albeit barely, suggested that Sumaru's intentions weren't entirely hostile, at least for the moment.

But to call me a "cursed human cub"… What exactly does he see in me? Sumaru, a being of immense power, likely perceives things far beyond what ordinary beings can.

Does he see something within me that I'm unaware of?

Could he be witnessing the fate tied to my existence?

Whatever the case, I needed to calm him down.

The divine aura he was using to suppress me was unbearable, pressing down on me like a mountain of thunderclouds. Each second under its weight felt like an eternity.

Steeling myself, I looked directly into Sumaru's piercing blue eyes.

The depth of his gaze was like staring into the heart of a storm, where lightning and fury swirled in endless conflict.

But I couldn't show fear—not now. Slowly, I bent my knee, lowering myself to the ground in a gesture of submission and respect. I knelt before him; head bowed.

"I greet the great lightning god, Sumaru," I said, my voice as steady as I could manage under the circumstances. "It is an honor to be graced by your presence."


Sparks of lightning crackled in the air the moment I mentioned his name, a tangible response to the power I had invoked.

The atmosphere around me seemed to vibrate with energy, charged with the electricity of his presence.

"You know my name, cursed cub?" Sumaru's voice was a low rumble, like distant thunder, carrying with it a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

"A white tiger brimming with the energy of the divine, blue eyes reminiscent of the skies themselves, and an undisputable aura of storms… If not the lightning god Sumaru, then I don't know what else to call such a divine being," I replied, my voice measured and respectful.

Sumaru's gaze remained fixed on me, his intense blue eyes narrowing slightly as if weighing my words.

For a moment, his stern expression softened, and there was a hint of amusement in his eyes.

The oppressive aura that had been pressing down on me began to settle, the heavy weight lifting just enough for me to breathe more easily.

It looks like he's calmed down a bit…

"Now answer my question, cursed cub. Why are you here?" Sumaru's voice was still firm, but the edge of danger had lessened.

He should already know the answer by now... I thought, a bit puzzled by his inquiry. Is he testing me?

If that was the case, honesty seemed like the best approach. I had no intention of deceiving a being as powerful as Sumaru.

"I came here to help and guide a friend of mine towards the Dungeon of the Stars," I replied, keeping my tone straightforward.

Sumaru's eyes narrowed further, a contemplative look crossing his features. "The Star Rippling Dungeon, huh... Most humans came to the towering peaks of this mountain for that exact reason as well. But… that was more than 400 years ago. Information about the location of the dungeon should have been scarce, if not entirely lost by now. How does a cursed cub like you know of it? Did someone guide you?"

His question was sharp, probing for answers that went beyond the surface.

The mention of the dungeon's ancient history revealed the depth of his knowledge and the rarity of the information I possessed.

It was clear that Sumaru wasn't just curious—he was trying to understand the true nature of my presence here.

'How much should I reveal?'

In the game, there wasn't much depth to this encounter.

Sumaru would simply approach Lucas or Kagami, ask a few questions to gauge their worthiness, and then allow or deny entry to the dungeon.

It was a straightforward interaction, lacking any real sense of curiosity or personal engagement.

But here, in this world, it felt entirely different.

There was an intensity in his gaze, a probing interest that seemed directed at me personally, as if he were trying to uncover something hidden beneath the surface.

"I've heard it from some reliable information brokers at the academy," I began cautiously, choosing my words with care. "Though most of the information I got were just a few folktales from the town nearby and some children's books depicting the nature of the dungeon itself…."

Sumaru's eyes narrowed slightly as he considered my words. "So, you came here despite your unreliable information?"

"Yes," I replied, trying to maintain a steady tone.

Sumaru's gaze remained fixed on me, unblinking. "That is both a foolish and brave mindset, cursed cub."

His words struck a chord, their truth undeniable.

Venturing here with nothing more than hearsay and scraps of old stories could easily have been a colossal waste of time—both mine and Kagami's.

If my information had been wrong, we might have wandered these mountains aimlessly, never finding the dungeon and missing our chance entirely.

The stakes had been incredibly high, and I had gambled on what many would consider unreliable sources.

But I had an advantage Sumaru couldn't possibly know about.

I wasn't just relying on rumors and old tales—I had the knowledge from the game, a knowledge that had proven accurate so far.

And yet, as I stood before Sumaru, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of anxiety. Nôv(el)B\\jnn

He was a being far beyond anything I'd encountered before, capable of seeing through lies and half-truths with ease. If he realized that my "reliable information" was actually gleaned from a video game in another world, he might see it as a deception—and who knows how he'd react then?

If he had detected any falsehood in my words, he might have snapped my neck without a second thought.

To my relief, Sumaru seemed to accept my explanation, even if it was technically a lie.

Perhaps the depth of my immersion in the game had somehow made it resonate as truth in his eyes.

I had lived through countless runs, seen this dungeon and Sumaru's role in it over and over again.

Maybe that was enough to convince him, or perhaps he simply saw no reason to doubt me further.

Sumaru's curiosity, however, didn't seem fully satisfied.

He continued to watch me, as if weighing something in his mind.

"I can tell you are telling the truth, but not the whole truth, cursed cub…." Sumaru's voice rumbled like distant thunder, the weight of his words heavy in the air.

I stiffened, caught in the silence that followed. My mind raced, trying to anticipate his next move.

"But I won't reprimand you for it… telling subtle lies directly to my face takes courage in and of itself…."

'So, he did see right through it, huh?'

The realization sent a jolt of anxiety through me.

I'd gambled by withholding the full truth, and I'd been certain he'd seen through it, but hearing it confirmed from his mouth still made my heart skip a beat.

Fuck, I'm glad he didn't take it as an offense.

Suddenly, the skies rumbled ominously as Sumaru approached me, his massive form closing the distance with a predatory grace.

Although the oppressive aura from before had dissipated, his sheer presence was still nerve-wracking.

The size of him, the power that radiated from every step—it was like standing in the path of a storm, knowing it could destroy you in an instant.

His steps echoed with the wind, each footfall sending a ripple through the atmosphere that made the cool air buzz with electricity.

It felt like the very air around us was prickling with energy, as if countless acupuncture needles were being laced into the sky, ready to strike at a moment's notice.

I could sense it, even though it was subtle—he had no intention of letting me leave just yet. The tension was thick, and I knew that one wrong move could be my last.

"The young man… your friend… is someone worthy to be in the presence of the Dungeon of the Stars," Sumaru continued, his voice a low growl. "Someone who was worthy of climbing the peaks of this mountain. You, however, are another matter entirely, cursed cub."

His words cut through the air like a blade, and I felt a chill run down my spine. "What do you mean?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

"You've trespassed into my territory," Sumaru said, his voice growing darker, more menacing. "Harboring within you the interest of a being that is too foul for this world to let be…."

As he spoke, his claws slowly emerged from his massive paws, sharp and deadly, gleaming in the dim light.

His lips curled back, revealing razor-sharp teeth that looked like they could snap me in half with a single bite.

The sheer threat in his posture was unmistakable.

"Tell me, cursed cub… did you meet the god clinging onto you?"

'…. God?'

Does he mean this thing?

[Note: An Evil God wants you to please!!! accept her blessing!!!!!!]

[Note: An Evil God wants you to please stop ignoring her presence!!!!]

[Note: An Evil God wants you to please notice her!!!!!]


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