How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 259

Chapter 259

A demon with a disgruntled expression and a cat wrapped in flames suddenly appeared.

The two grumbled, stopping the rampaging Yakums.

"Boss! Karshi!"

Kaneff glanced at me and asked indifferently.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm.., I'm fine."

"Tsk If you're attacked by Yakums, it means that things are really not good, right?"

"Yes. All the Yakums became like this because of the Dragon demon named Gastra. On top of that, Lia is fighting with that Demon right now."

"GastraIs it that guy again?"

Kaneff responded to the name Gastra as if he knew him already.


Both of you, stop fooling around and help! Theyre going to run wild again nyaa!

The Yakums who collapsed rose again with flames and chains wrapped around them. Kaneff, who watched the scene, looked grim.

"I can't believe I have to fight with these boring guys again"

As he waved his hand, numerous chains arose and began to target the Yakums.

"What shall I do with them? Maybe I should knock them so that they can never wake up?

"Boss, no!"

-Pow wooooo!

At Kaneff's brutal remarks, little Yakum shouted in surprise.

"Then what should I do? You're not telling me to deal with them until they collapse from exhaustion, right?"

"If we have a little time, they can go back to normal. I also restored this little guy to his original state. Maybe I can stop them if Boss helps me."

"Look at them. Do you know how hard it is to stop those monstrous fellows for a while?"

"Please, Boss."

-Pow wo woooo

"Ah, Dammit!"

I and little Yakum asked with mournful eyes, and Kaneff scratched his head with a face full of irritation.

"SIHYEON, Mr. Kaneff!"

"Lord Cardis, are you okay?"

Ryan and Diur, who were swept away by Gastra's attack, rushed here.

As soon as Kaneff saw the two, he quickly gave instructions.

"Hey, Dragon demon. Don't mind here and just go help your warriors. It looks more urgent over there. Ryan, you lead the soldiers and support them."

"Um Yes."

"Then, Sihyeon, please be careful."

Kaneff then talked to the cheese cat.

"Hey, stray cat.

"Nyaa! I'm not a stray cat nyaa!"

"While I and Sihyeon return Yakums to their original state, you help us. You can do that right, after all, youre those Dragon demons guardian deity, right?"

I never asked for it nyaaa.


Suddenly, a red flame broke out and it began to wrap around the cheese cat. The flame shone so intensely that it was hard to open my eyes properly.



After a while, the intense flames gradually died down.

"Wha What happened?"

In the place where the flame disappeared, a huge beast wielding the flame appeared, not a cute cheese cat.

It was a brave figure that really resembled a tiger.

I took out all my strength after a long time nyaaa, and its not easy to stop these furry guys alone. You'll have to hurry nyaaa.

"Don't worry. All I want to do is get rid of the troublesome work and go to the hot spring."

Then, take care of it quickly nyaa.

"Yes Okay, Karshi."

The giant beast flew to help the Dragon demons warriors, who were stopping the Yakums, leaving a word of request.

"Shall we get started?

"Yes, Boss."

"Maybe I should get a bottle of alcohol from the Dragon demons for each Yakum I took care of today. I'll get a lot and drink it all night in the hot spring."

Kaneff began summoning the chain, revealing his desire.

Normally, I would have scolded him not to say nonsense, but now I thought it wouldn't be bad.



When Kaneff chained Yakums, I approached them and removed the red chain that had dug into them. Fortunately, as soon as I removed the red chain, the Yakums stopped acting violently.

While we helped the Yakums get back to normal, the Dragon demon warriors still struggled to stop the rampaging. And



"Get back. I'll take care of them!

Thanks to the performance of the cheese cat, which changed to a dashing appearance, the Yakums couldn't attack easily and their movement slowed.

"The guardian deity is with us! Everyone, cheer up!"

"Hold on a little longer!"

At first, they were helplessly pushed by the Yakums, but as more Yakums returned to normal, it began to get even.


"What? What's wrong with you?"

Kaneff asked with a flustered expression when he saw me staggering and falling on my knees.

"Im all right. I was a little tired because I kept using my ability for a long time."

"Are you sure you're okay? Your face is already pale.

I pretended to be okay and said everything was fine, but in truth, I wasn't feeling well.

Every time I absorbed the red chain that pushed the Yakums into madness, I had a violent rejection all over my body. A pain was splitting my head in addition to the pain that surged all over my body.

But I couldn't stop here.

There were still many rampaging Yakums left, and the Dragon demon warriors were sacrificing their lives to stop them.

"I'm fine. Lets hurry up and go. We have to get the rest of the Yakums back to normal."

"Phew! I wish you were a pushover in times like this Okay, lets go."

I rose again, supported by Kaneff.

Just as I was about to move toward the next Yakum.



From somewhere, tremendous energy exploded and spread like waves. It was similar to when cracks appeared in the air earlier.

The aftermath of the explosion felt so great that even the raging Yakums stopped moving for a moment. Kaneff also sensed something and stopped moving.

"This energy is.

"It must be Gastra."

I belatedly realized that the direction from where the energy came was the direction in which Sis disappeared earlier. Feeling ominous, I said to Kaneff.

"Boss! Lia alone is blocking that Dragon demon. It may be a dangerous situation right now.


Kaneff paused for a moment and looked troubled.

We were barely able to stop the rampaging Yakums. If we move to save Lia here, everyone will be completely pushed out by the Yakums.

That would of course put a lot of people here in danger. Furthermore, it will also pose a threat to the residents of the Red Scales village.

When I was struggling to make a decision.

Bow Woo Wooooo!

Bow Woo Wooooo!

The Yakums who returned to normal began to move with a loud cry.

They rushed to the rampaging Yakums to stop them.

When I was surprised by their sudden behavior, the little Yakum came up to me and cried.


"Did you do this, little guy?

Poo Wow  Woo!

The little Yakum nodded with glistening eyes. It seemed like he told the Yakums who returned to normal what had happened so far.

"Thank you, brave little guy!"


Thanks to the little Yakum, the situation quickly turned upside down.

With the addition of the Yakum force, the Dragon demon warriors became much more relaxed, allowing them to take care of the injured and keep the line.

"Sihyeon, Mr. Kaneff!"

Ryan, who was commanding the soldiers, shouted to us from afar.

"It's okay here for a while, so please go and help Miss Lia!"

The beast-like cheese cat and Diur also continued.

It's all right here now. Help your friend nyaa.

"Please make sure to pay back Gastra for what he did on our behalf."

Kaneff nodded at their voices.

"All right. Today, I'm going to fu*king kill that Gastra bastard. Hes going to pay for making me work."

"Please win and save Lia, boss!"

Kaneff stared at me for a moment, and immediately he grabbed me and put me on his shoulder as if he was lifting a load.

"What? What's wrong with you, Boss?"

"I'm sorry, but you have to come with me.

"What? Me? I think I'll just be in the way.

"While I'm dealing with Gastra, you have to deal with Lia."


"Hold it tight. Ill move a little faster."

"Wait a minute. What's that Ugh!!"

At that moment, the landscape around me got distorted, and my scream scattered along with the blowing wind.



Every time the two Dragon demons collided, a huge shock wave erupted along with a sound that tore apart the atmosphere.

The surrounding field was already destroyed to the point where there was no trace of its former appearance.

After a long power struggle, the two used repulsive force to widen the distance from each other.

After a fierce battle, a lull came for a while.

Huh Ha .


Unlike Lia, who breathed heavily, Gastra looked very calm. He said with a thick smile around his lips.

"Just as I expected! You don't disappoint me, my dear daughter!"

"Huh HaHow many times do Ive to tell you? You are not my father!"

"I've been looking forward to this moment for a long time. The moment you take over the blood of the Red Dragon and be reborn as your true self!"

Lia's eyes grew wider.

Little by little her strength increased as she suppressed her seething emotions. She prepared her last blow in a situation where she was almost at her limit.

"Come to think of it, there was a strange guy with you earlier."


"Did you say his name is Sihyeon? He handled the chaos chains, though a bit immature. Im planning on taking that guy and using him as a toyWhat do you think, my dear daughter? Maybe thats why his destiny brought him here.



"SIHYEON is not your toy!"

Gastra's body shook greatly at Lia's blow with great anger. However, he quickly recovered his posture and fired back.

"Oh, my"

Lia allowed a counterattack and was overpowered by Gastra.

"The last blow wasn't bad. But I think I'll have to stop playing. I think a disturbance will come here soon."

"Ugh! Stop.

Now you will be reborn into your true self.



A red chain appeared and wrapped around Lia's whole body. Her consciousness got increasingly blurred by the madness that engulfed her.

She tried to resist somehow, but she had no more strength left.


In the distance, a voice calling for her was heard among the madness that was rushing in. She muttered with all her might just before she lost consciousness.

"Don't come Please"

(To be Continued)

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