How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 255

Chapter 255


The big Yakum gave a low cry.

These cries sometimes represent the meaning of warnings, but now they were more of a cautious greeting, not a warning.

To a sudden guest, with a little caution and curiosity, it feels like hes asking, [Why are you here?]

Compared to the first time I faced Bighorn, it was a very friendly attitude. I was able to relax a little bit in the attitude which was much more favorable than I thought.

"Hi. My name is Lim Sihyeon. I came from far away to meet you guys. Nice to meet you."

-Boo! -Boo!

"I have a lot of friends like you on the farm where I live. Would you like to hear some stories about them?"

I told him the story of the Yakums I was taking care of. I didn't know whether he understood or not, but he listened to me quietly.

While telling the story, the communication ability also got activated naturally.

Strangely, the vigilance felt from the Yakums kept decreasing and at one point it was almost gone.

After a pretty long farm story, I felt that the atmosphere around me was much softer. I didn't stop there, I boldly approached the leader Yakum, and I gently swept his fur as I used to do to the Yakums on the farm.

When he first felt my touch, he showed an awkward and unnatural reaction, but he quickly got used to it and made a comfortable cry.


"You feel good, right? The guys on the farm also ask me to pet them every day. Ill put some more effort into it since this is to celebrate our first meeting.

Boo Woo Woooooo.

He pushed himself into me and rubbed his face. It was Yakum's unique cuteness that they showed when they felt better.

I thought he would remain wary like Big horn because he was the leader of the pack, but he was different. He was much milder and more sociable than I expected.

"Haha! Look at you So cute!"

I burst into laughter and accepted Yakum's cuteness to my heart's content. When he completely cleared his guard against me, the other Yakums also showed interest in me one by one.

They sneaked up, smelled me, and touched my body. In an instant, I was surrounded by all the Yakums.

By the time I got used to almost everyone, a small-sized Yakum peeked out from the inside of the crowd.

Poo woo?

He looked a little younger than the three siblings on the farm. The little Yakum hid behind the adults and looked at me with his round eyes.

The cute appearance reminded me of three siblings, and a happy smile bloomed on my face.

I lowered my posture and beckoned to the little Yakum.

"Hey, little friend. Come here. Wont you say hello to me?


The little Yakum hid behind the adults, surprised by my call.

Extending my hands in the air, I felt awkward.


Once again, the little Yakum sneaked out his head.

He seemed to be scared of me, but couldn't resist curiosity. I waited leisurely in a comfortable position so that the little Yakum could gather courage.

As the little Yakum and I played peekaboo, the Dragon demons watching the situation seemed shocked and confused.

This was because from afar, it might look like the group of Yakums flocked around me to attack me.

"Mr. Valerian! Lord Cardis is completely besieged by the Yakums. We have to go help him right now."

Diur, who thought it was an emergency, shouted in an urgent voice, and Ryan calmed him down.

"Calm down. It's probably not a dangerous situation.


"If we move hastily, we might provoke the Yakums. That could make things more dangerous for Sihyeon."


"Let's believe in Sihyeon. When it comes to Yakums, he's the one with the most special ability in the Demon world."

"Ugh I see."

Diur nodded as if he couldn't help it.

Instead of waiting, as Ryan said, Diur kept the warriors on standby to move at any time.

Although he stopped the excited Diur, Ryan also seemed nervous. He stared at me from a distance with worried eyes.

-Pow wow woooo.

The little Yakum cried pleasantly in my arms. The hiding and peeking from earlier disappeared completely, and he stuck to me like gum.

"If youre going to like it so much, why did you play hard to get earlier?"

Poooooooo Woooooooooo!

He rubbed his whole body like a baby and acted cute. Other Yakum watched the scene without any vigil.

Considering Yakum's habit of absolutely protecting the herd's young, I could see that I was recognized by the herd to some extent. It was a tremendous achievement in a very short time.

I stroked the little Yakum with my hand and turned my eyes to the leader.

"You're the leader of the Yakums here, right?"

-Boooo Wo wooo.

"Do you know the Dragon demons who are far away there?"

I pointed my hand at the Dragon demons watching from afar.

The leader Yakum turned his eyes along my finger.

As soon as he confirmed the appearance of the Dragon demons, the leader Yakum started getting agitated, and he kept blowing air heavily from his nose.

Boo Woooo Wooooooo!

The leader's reaction also caused other Yakum to move their bodies. The violent reaction baffled me and I calmed the Yakums.

"Hey, What's wrong with you all of a sudden? Calm down. Look, since you guys are so excited, the baby here is scared.

-Poooo Woooo.

I hugged the trembling little Yakum first and calmed the other Yakum one after another. Fortunately, they listened to me and calmed down their excitement.

Why are they reacting like this looking at the Dragon demons?

From the nature of Yakums I know, there was no way they would react so violently just because they approached near. The present appearance was a reaction when a fully recognized enemy appeared.

Now, these guys recognize the Dragon demons as complete enemies

Why on earth did this happen?

I heard from the Dragon demons that the Yakums attacked them for no reason. But right now something doesn't add up.

It was not that I don't believe what the Dragon demon said, but I don't think Yakums would react like this without any reason.

After thinking for a while, I got up from my seat and approached the leader Yakum.

"I don't know why youre so angry, but I might be able to solve the problem. Can you help me for a second?


Instead of answering, the leader Yakum slowly closed his large eyes and opened them. It was kind of an act of expressing his permission.

I smiled with gratitude and took my hands to his head. I concentrated my consciousness, feeling the warmth under the thick fur.

I used my skills after a long time.

The emotions and memories of the leader Yakum flooded in like a huge wave. I focused on the strong flow and matched the broken memories and fragments one by one.

After a while

At the same time as I stopped my communication ability, a lingering feeling of terrible emotion came.


It was so terrible that I couldn't breathe properly. After taking a few big breaths, the frustration that was squeezing my chest eased a little.

The harsh breathing sound finally calmed down, but the shock I received while peeking at the leader Yakums emotions and memories remained intact.

I muttered with a look of disbelief.

"This is why on earth.

What I saw from the leader Yakum's memory was the appearance of a Dragon demon who attacked the Yakum group mercilessly.


"No way! Where did you hear that crap?!

Hargan expressed his anger by punching the table in front of him. Even though it was a very rude behavior, not a single Dragon demon stopped him.

Rather, all the Dragon demons stared at me sympathizing with his anger.

"They're angry because we attacked them first? Do you want to frame us now? Is this the plan of the Demon Lord?"

"Hargan, calm down. It's not decided yet."

"Then, Diur, do you believe what he just said?


When asked by Hargan, Diur remained silent.

Chief Bardan stepped up in a cluttered atmosphere.

"Lord Cardis, is what you just said really true?

" Yes."

I told the Dragon demons everything I saw through the leader Yakum. Naturally, the response of the Dragon demons was not good.

"We did not attack the Yakums first. Isn't there some kind of mistake?"

"I can't help it if you doubt my ability, but I really saw it that way."


Chief Badan sighed as if he was frustrated. Even Ryan sitting next to me had a troubled expression.

As I said to them, the reason for the problem lies with the Dragon demons, which was completely contrary to what the Dragon demons have claimed so far.

"We dont have to listen to this crap anymore!"


"It may be true that he might have a little ability but all this, I think its just a trap to put all the blame on us."

Many Dragon demons sympathized with Hargan's words.

"It seems like they want to destroy us and our village. Enough of this bullsh*t. From now on, we'll deal with it in our way.

Hargan quickly left with the Dragon demons who followed him. Chief Badan couldn't stop them from leaving and only sighed. The faces of the remaining Dragon demons were also grim.

"Lord Cardis, I don't want to doubt your ability. But as the chief who leads the tribe, I can't easily accept your story."

Chief Bardan euphemistically denied what I said. It was a reaction that I expected to some extent, so I nodded bitterly.

"What are you going to do now? If you want to go back, I'll prepare a carriage and attendants right away."

"Chief, just a little more Can you give me a little more time?"


"I don't think the demons of Red Scales lied either. There must be something I haven't figured out yet."

The chief couldn't easily open his mouth because it was hard to make a decision. Ryan, who was next to him, urgently added words.

"Please, Chief. Sihyeon is the only one who can solve this problem. Give him a little more time."

The chief who couldn't make a decision turned his head toward Diur. Diur pondered for a moment and nodded with a determined look.

"All right, I'll give you a little more time."

"Thank you, Chief."

"Thank you."

(To be Continued on Jan 09 {MON})

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