High School: Way to Forever

Chapter 178: A loser!

Chapter 178: A loser!

Anna again tried the same trick but now it was known to Chris. He was a quick learner. He knows how to learn things like this just by seeing them once.

But Anna was also not less than anyone else. She will do anything even it costs her own life. Giving him a round kick on his face and then, at his balls!

Though this was not allowed in fighting all they asked her was to attack the person without a weapon. In reality, too, anyone can come near her and she will surely attack there!

Chris felt a lack of oxygen suddenly. This never happened with him ever while fighting. And he never thought Anna will use such tricks to win. Although she is no less than anyone in this empire, after all being a daughter of Liam walker and Sister of Seb walker made her special.

Her training started at a very young age. The only thing he never expected was her to be perfect in those because the much he remembered, the training she received was not that high.

But then he heard Anna's voice

"Chris, I will never agree with what you were saying before," she whispered this in his ear so that only both of them can hear, and then after looking into his eyes, Anna gave him her last punch to end this came here. It was finished but, from Anna's side only.

A straight punch on his face after he was distracted! Chris lost his balance and fell on the ground with a loud THUD! His head landed back on the floor, making him feel a sharp pain in his head.

He was in so much pain, clearly visible from his fark eyes!

And there was constant applause for her. But Anna's eyes were glued to the guy lying on the floor right now. Her hand was converted into a fist and she felt this was not enough. The only question, was this Anna or her inner self speaking? She did not know anything but all she wanted was to make him feel vulnerable.

Even if she won this but she wants more! A want to torture him more!

Till this time, she used her brain to win, and now her heart was wanting to do things as per its wish. It was time to vent out all anger she had held inside her once.

Sitting at him on top, she started punching his face and made him look stars in the afternoon. Chris was already struggling because of a lack of oxygen but now, Anna was also attacking him. Earlier, she attacked him at the right place by blocking his oxygen canal!

"You bastard!! Do you know what you are? A loser. A big loser! You do not know how to keep me so you always threaten me. If you are a man enough, why you never tried to go against me!??" Anna said angrily while holding his collar and throwing another punch on his brilliant face, which was now almost covered with blood.

On the other side, Marrie and Elder Madam walker, and Elder Master Walker were surprised by Anna's sudden outburst.

What was even happening right now? Anna is angry and that is obviously why. But she is hitting her fiance so shamelessly in front of so man people. Marrie knew Anna care a lot about her reputation. She might abuse him behind the doors but in front of everyone, she says nothing.

But only Liam was calm and cool when he saw the scene in front of him. Even he stopped others from going and holding Anna back.

This is what Chris deserves. He is a scumbag and there is no doubt in it. Even if Anna kills this idiot, this will not be enough.

But after a few, minutes, when Liam felt that Anna is going out of control and this is not Anna but someone else inside her, he ran towards her at fast speed and held her back.

Embracing her in his arms, he first let her calm down.

This was all happening because of him and this was breaking his heart.

Anna's eye color changed and he knew someone else is taking over her at this moment. "Anna, be strong," he said in a low voice but it reached in her ears.

But after a few seconds, she collapsed in his arms shocking both Liam and Marrie.

"ANNA?" They tried to wake her up but it was of no use.

"Liam! Carry her to the room. She needs rest." Liam nodded and carried her there and made her laid on the bed.

Her face was still in peace but it was seen she was in any nightmare as sweat was formed on her forehead.

"Anna? Anna wakes up. See we all are here." Marrie tried to wake her up and then, took a few drops of water and wrinkled them on her face.

And then, Anna suddenly opened her wide eyes. Her breathing was uneven and the look on her face was scared.

Both of her parents understood that she experienced any nightmare right now. It was not Anna who attacked Chris. It was someone else inside her who is full of anger and in wish of revenge.

"Do not worry. You are fine." Marrie said while caressing her face. The look on Anna's face really scared her. Anna just held her mother's hand and laid in her lap. She did not even speak a word.

But then, they all saw grandfather Walker and grandmother Walker walking inside the room. Concern was evident on their face.

"How is she?" Grandmother walker asked first when she saw Anna lying in Marrie's lap.

It looked like she was really scared this time. The look in her eyes shattered her heart.

Liam did not answer so Marrie spoke, "She is fine. Just needs rest of a few hours."

"Hmm. That is good because Anna passed all staged with a green sign. She is qualified to be a crowned person now!"

But no one paid attention to it. All their care was focused on Anna. Liam took this opportunity to ask grandfather out for a private talk and inside the room, only grandmother and mother were left.

"Anna, you need something?" Grandmother asked in a soft tone and Anna just shook her head. Grandmother just stared at Anna's face for dew more seconds and then left the room after saying she need to do other chores too.

"Our Anna is brave. She will be alright in just a few hours nap." Mother Marrie said with a smile and made her properly lay on the bed and covered her body with a blanket.

"Take asleep, Anna." Anna nodded and then she went to deep sleep.


Outside Liam and Grandfather Walker stood at the balcony with an expressionless face. There was a cigar in Elder Master's hand which showed authority but Liam does not lack anywhere.

His aura is enough to give chills to the people.

"What do you want to talk about?" the grandfather asked him straightforwardly. He knew that Liam will not speak to him without any good reason. He is least interested in casual talks, except when it comes to Marrie or Anna.

"Why did you chose to make Anna fight against Chris?" Yes, he felt the same thing as Anna. He knew that Chris might have done something but one thing that was eating his brain, why he agreed to let it happen?

He is well aware of each of their bounding. They do no get along with each other and Anna has some past trauma too because of Chris.

"Liam, Chris is a go-" he was interrupted by Liam's laugh.

A loud evil laugh that had to mock in it.

"Good? Are you cracking a joke here?" Grandfather did not reply and Liam just continued.

"Seven years back I also made the same mistake. I took Chris to be a good boy who will safeguard my daughter from all the wrong things in this world." this was his forever guilt.

If only he was able to think properly at that time. If he had listened to others, they would not have seen this day.

"And all he gave was the pain. She is in this condition because of me, because I gave her life in someone else's hand."

Liam wanted to join both the powerful parties and the family together. He felt Chris was a nice and fun loving guy with a sharp mind.

He thought his princess who speaks a lot and was of bubbly nature, will be a perfect match for him but he was utterly wrong!

"Liam." Grandfather did not know what to speak to his son. He had felt that this person is independent. He needs nothing.

But many things changed after the incident three years ago when their grandson, Seb died and Anna almost reached in a non-surviving condition.

Many of the doctors gave up but a mother is a mother. Marrie stayed with her and Anna is in this better state because of Marrie's trust in her

"Both of you are wrong!"

Liam and Grandfather heard a voice and turned around and saw Grandmother Walker coming on their way.

How can they forget who holds the real power in this place!? None other than Grandmother Walker. She is the real head of everything. The person behind Stan Walker's success is his wife.

"Both of you are so much wrong that I feel like giving divorce to you and disowning a son like you."

Liam and grandfather: ""




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