Hell's Consort

Chapter 97 - Goddess Wisdom*

Chapter 97 - Goddess' Wisdom*


The High Priestess




Luna had to surrender this power to Hecate.

It was time to give her powers back to where it truly belonged now that she had chosen to give her virginity to the Vampire King.

Maybe, in the long run, she wouldn't need it that much when she had the Vampire King to protect her from danger if he was indeed loyal to her like he had promised.

'Or was it just the sex talk?' Luna grimaced at the sudden thought.

Well, every decision made had a price to pay.

The blackness surrounding her wriggled and wrapped around her phantom body in a state of unrest as if it was a separate entity sensing another powerful being coming.

Luna had become like a spectre as she exploded into tiny fragments floating into the void as the atmosphere danced to dark red, green and blue hues before she became intact once again.

For Luna, it was a message, signalling that the Goddess of the Underworld was near.

The thick grey fog pulled at her as the different colours cast dark shadows on her pure white aura.

Her mind spun--she was everywhere and nowhere at the same time--as Luna landed into a heavy thud.

Luna lifted her head from the cold, marble floors and saw the Goddess of the Underworld sitting on her golden egg-shaped throne.

She had weird-looking servants behind her--a huge grey blob with shiny flippers, small, beady eyes and sharp little fangs on their beaks.

If a dolphin, a seal, a penguin and a manatee crossbreed, they would look exactly like these creatures.

The monsters stood tall and proud with their bowed heads, settling their flippers in front of their stomach as they waited for their master's orders.

Hecate wore a purple long-slitted gown that almost reached her waist as she crossed her legs in front of her.

The Goddess of the Underworld looked gorgeous as always, her dark wavy hair flowing like silk on behind her shoulders as it framed her heart-shaped face.

Hecate had that knowing smirk on her face as she continued to stare at each other.

She didn't speak, not even acknowledging her existence in her throne room filled with orange and red tones like a rising phoenix.

Luna's brows rose in surprise when their eyes met.

She immediately placed both palms on the floor and bowed her head as an act of worship. "My goddess Hecate, I am honoured to be in your presence."

Was it time for the Goddess to take back her powers?

"Luna, my child. That's enough. You can stand up now.'" When Hecate called out again, Luna raised her head as she watched the Goddess stroke her small dog with its mangy orange fur, large green eyes, massive canines and a large head that wasn't proportionate to its body.

Luna didn't want to say it out loud, but the dog was ugly.

"Watching you with the Vampire King frustrates me sometimes." Hecate glanced down and cooed at her dog as if momentarily forgetting his existence.

But then, Luna had sunk in her brain that it was her that the Goddess was talking to and not the dog.

Luna guessed her box of chaos and surprises for the day hadn't entirely run out, then.

"You were watching us?" It was awkward standing in front of the goddess while she sat on her throne.

The space was too large that it felt like the walls were closing in on her instead of the opposite.

She felt so alone in this vast ass-space without her husband. "You mean, you were watching us while we—"

The Goddess of Magic cleared her throat as if to halt the flow of this conversation.

There was no need to figure out the answer when the subtle blush of Hecate's caramel cheeks already answered her queries.

As Hecate uncrossed her legs, she stood up from her fancy seat, placed the dog on the chair's cushions and descended the stairs carefully, her heels clicking on the marble floor.

Luna almost stepped backwards by the sheer power of Hecate when she neared, but Luna had stood her ground as she sashayed towards her.

There was nothing to be afraid of from the Goddess she had sworn to serve.

"What I was saying was, Luna, you have to release guilt and shame you felt around the Vampire King as these emotions can attract a punishment attack. Like how you were flying in these galaxies with me, you must arise and see a higher point of view. Heal your heart, child, and free yourself from this toxic mindset. It would help if you did things that would strengthen the blood bond instead of subconsciously destroying it because of fear that the Vampire King would hurt you first. You are constantly putting your mind through Hell from these perceived fears."

Hecate's expression softened, and she had that serene look on her face when she tucked the wayward strands of Luna's silver hair in a maternal gesture.

"Love is something so fragile and precious in the early stages, and there is a need to understand each other better as a couple. When it finally breaks after you keep on trying to push it away, you have nothing to blame but yourself."

The Goddess of the Underworld sounded concerned, like what a mother would say around her daughter when she was giving her some advice.

"I don't want to offend you, my goddess," Luna whispered when Hecate pulled back.

"But," Glancing up at her dark soulful eyes full of wisdom, she asked. "Are you saying that it was my fault?"

"It wasn't entirely your fault, but you have played a part of it, Luna. The situation will be handled fairly if all parties involved, surrender their agendas as they considered the other person. This had required a great deal of trust in each side. When it came to disagreements, the attacks were mostly based on fears--that you might not receive what you gave out." Hecate replied gently as she wrapped her arms around her.

Luna almost cried at the sensation of feeling safe and protected by a distant memory of her mother long, long gone when she used to be a human before she served the Goddess of the Hunt, Artemis.

Her hands twitched as she didn't know where to put them as they settled awkwardly to her sides.

"This was where your insecurities stemmed from. These insecurities gained from these attacks amplified the hurt and the pain which caused the dispute between you and your husband in the first place." Hecate continued to tell her so that she would learn about the truth of her and her husband's connection.

"Why not surrender your attachment to the outcome you badly desired and instead, direct your will towards the resolution of the argument?" Hecate suggested warmly as she rubbed her palm on her back as if she was reassuring her that everything will be alright. "You must hold a strong vision of a peaceful outcome, and let the pieces harmoniously fall into place."

Luna surrendered to the lethargic feeling, closed her eyes and decided to hug Hecate back, returning the same warmth.

She felt comforted by her warm affections, melting the frozen icicles of her heart as she breathed in Hecate's scent.

It was as if the Goddess of the Underworld had pushed her fears and implications of the blood bond at bay for the meantime.

"I hope you will reflect on your actions. You have already chosen to become the Queen, the Empress of the Vampire Realm and I respect your decision. You have stated your sovereignty, and I declare your freedom. You have passed my tests, and I will be taking the grimoire from your mind now." Hecate declared, her defiant voice booming throughout the room.

When they heard that raw power, her servants straightened their spine as they stood in attention.

"I appreciate your wisdom, goddess," Luna replied as she stared at the ground, ready for whatever Hecate was about to do.

"I admire your bravery, Empress, to transcend all the obstacles and successfully sending the Archdemons back to Hell. You have great talent in casting complex spells only a few priestesses from other Realms could dream of pulling it off successfully. You have learned from your experiences and expanded as a soul. You will now undergo a new phase, preparing for your true union with your divine counterpart."

Hecate raised both of her palms above Luna's head as it emitted a bright red light until it slowly took over everything like an exploding supernova.

Luna's vision was gone.

"Wife." Luna heard the Vampire King's voice in her ear. "Your afterglow is taking a lot of time, and I'm running out of patience. Are you still alive?"

In the ensuing silence, Luna's soul returned to her body, finally regaining her senses.

Luna opened her eyes.

She glared up at the ceiling to adjust her vision but instead, she had found the angelic face of her husband, who currently wore a devilish smirk hovering above her.

Ah, she almost forgot.

"I'm sorry. My mind was away for a while." Luna gasped, breathing hard, and then it took her a minute to compose herself. "What are you planning this time, Apollyon?"

Their sexual congress wasn't done yet.

He growled low in his throat, pulling away from her as his tongue began its slow voyage down to her stomach.

"My wife. You will enjoy this very much." The Vampire King dropped back to his knees and pressed that beautiful mouth of his to the gossamer curls between her thighs. "Because I will eat you now."

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