Hell's Consort

Chapter 79 - Aphrodisiac*

Chapter 79 - Aphrodisiac*

The High Priest asked to be excused for a while, returning to his shack nearby to get something.

The Vampire King nodded and allowed the High Priest to go as he continued conversing with Cederic regarding the damaged structures at the Castle.

Jon had stayed at the Vampire King's castle to deal with the aftermath.

Cederic had discussed with the Vampire King, waiting for Apollyon's instructions so that, in turn, the military general could delegate tasks to his soldiers to restore the Castle into its initial condition.

Cederic also needed to speak to the families of individuals affected during the accident--whose kin had been killed when the Vampire King had turned into a dragon.

The Vampire King had to compensate for the precious lives lost.

Even in warring realms, casualties couldn't be helped.

What an irony!

Apollyon had taken lives without remorse when he used to be plagued by the curse.

If he carried on his merciless acts to his subjects, he would have no excuse this time as the Vampire King.

He would be a villain in this Realm with no redeeming qualities.

He would be justified as pure evil--like the Archdemon of Gluttony.

Apollyon didn't desire to be identified as that of a demonic creature.

Never again.


Fei came back and stood in front of their wedding altar, holding out a tray of two crystal goblets filled with a glowing blue liquid.

"You're Highness." The High Priest knelt in front of them with his head bowed as he raised his hands to offer another one of his homemade concoctions.

"What is this, Fei?" Luna held the thin stem of the crystal goblet, scrutinized them, swirled the contents, and inhaled its aroma to create a mental checklist of its possible ingredients.

She wrinkled her nose as a mix of floral smells, and bitter herbs assailed her sinuses.

"I just got out from the curse of the Blood Beast after millennia, Fei." The Vampire King told the High Priest, "That drink does not contain any poison for me and my wife, right?"

"That is treason, Your Highness." The High Priest stared at him with a horrified expression, tray trembling in his hand. "Why would I ever do that?"

"I suppose you're right," The Vampire King said as he waved a dismissive hand.

He took his glass and shook the liquid, watching the microscopic soluble sink to the bottom as it settled down at the center.

Luna tilted her head and raised an eyebrow as she observed his antics.

The Vampire King didn't miss her intense scrutiny.

When their eyes met, Apollyon just shrugged nonchalantly, his red lips curled into a bemused smile. "Cheers?"

"It was my own recipe of mixtures reserved for vampire couples who were blood bonded to each other beforehand. As to its nature, well…" The High Priest explained. "I couldn't say that it didn't have any effects, but it certainly won't kill you. At least it shouldn't – we had never let a turned vampire drink any before."

Luna narrowed her eyes and squinted at the Vampire King. "Are you sure that we should drink this?"

"I trust the High Priest had our best interests at heart. He had saved my life countless times even the times when I didn't deserve it." The Vampire King said, and she felt a cool brush of relief.

Then, Apollyon whispered grudgingly, "He saved me when I had to go through my hunger pangs when you escaped from my grasp. The High Priest had stopped me from killing more innocent people just to get to you."

Luna's stomach curdled when her mind flashed to the image of that dragon that had eaten other vampires and humans in its vicinity—torn limbs and detached heads flying in all directions.

The brutality that she had seen in her nightmares when she slept at the High Priest's underground shelter had made her scream through the silence of that night in the Arctic Tundra.

It was Luna's fault then.

Luna pursed her lips and asked to change the subject. "Can you tell me what herbs you used, Fei?"

Maybe, Luna can figure out the effects of this liquid if Fei would tell her what it was made of.

She could check the grimoire in her memories and search for this specific potion—that way, they could decline the High Priest's offer if it were dangerous.

"Everything I do is for the Vampire Realm's own good." The High Priest avoided her question. "I am an old warlock who had high morals. I had no evil intentions whatsoever. As a healer, that will not benefit me in the long run."

She did not like the sound of that one bit.

Luna waited for the High Priest to explain further, but it was clear he had no intention of elaborating.

"I desired to rest, my wife. I am excited to sleep without the Blood Beast fucking up my sleeping patterns and constantly showing me his desires and nightmares." The Vampire King held the glass up to examine it more closely.

"We should drink this to get it over with." The Vampire King added, and his instruction sounded so absolute that she knew he expected total obedience.

"And if I refuse?" Luna whispered, staring at him.

She had noticed his cheekbones had stood out against the pale smoothness of his flawless skin.

Apollyon didn't respond to that and just cocked an eyebrow at her.

His blue eyes were mild, but his smile spoke of things better not said aloud.

"I suppose you'll just force me to drink them," Luna muttered.

"Certainly not," The Vampire King said, lowering the glass. "But the High Priest would not let us leave if we don't drink them. He had probably activated magic traps once we step out of this place without completing his ceremony. Fei was the one who called the shots in this area."

"That's right, Your Highness." The old man smiled innocently.

She scowled at his suspicious words, but all her dark looks garnered was a grin from the Vampire King.

"I have to drink it too so we are even." Apollyon's tone was final.

Luna narrowed her eyes at the High Priest then back to the Vampire King.

"I wondered how this tastes like," Luna said to no one in particular.

"Having never been bonded with a turned vampire before, I expected this will be quite revolting by the scent alone. Anything that isn't your blood tasted vile to me unless it was one of Fei's concoctions just necessary enough for me to survive without your blood." The Vampire King responded and clinked his glass against hers.

"Bottoms up!" He drowned the liquid in one mouthful.

Resigned, Luna sipped hers despite the reluctance.

It tasted as sweet as honey.

Slow warmth swept down her throat and into her stomach, spreading out from there.

She took another small sip and then another until the glass was drained.

"Hmm, it wasn't unpleasant." Apollyon murmured. "The drink is quite lovely, really."

Luna had swayed slowly from foot to foot as though caught in some unheard rhythm.

The night suddenly seemed brighter--like it had turned today.

All her worries and anxieties fell away, and she felt languid and blissful.

"Are you certain there was no drug or liquor in this drink?"

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