Hell's Consort

Chapter 112 - Husbands Plaything*

Chapter 112 - Husband's Plaything*


The Vampire King


"So, how did it feel to see your wife being treated like that?"

It was better not to answer her wife's ridiculous questions or else he might murder someone—someone not her preferably.

Seeing his wife treated like that damaged his ego, his masculinity, not in the way that his wife was damaged goods because other King had already touched what was his.

It was because he couldn't protect her when she needed his help.

His Empress hadn't called for him when she was in danger the moment she felt disrespected by one of the guests because nobody had known she was there in the first place.

"If the Kings would have known that you were there…" Apollyon trailed off.

He didn't mean to say his thoughts out loud, but it was too late.

Luna reasoned out."How would your visitors know I was there if you wouldn't even let me come with you?"

Apollyon had already lost the argument.

"Why are you stubborn?" He asked furiously. "I already told you that the Kings would meet you on your Coronation Night."

"Tell me the truth, Apollyon. What was the reason why you wouldn't want me there on the Marriage Auction?"

"I had every right to do that as the—"

"No." Luna's voice was loud when she interrupted him. "What was the reason?"

"I had a reason," Apollyon said.

Luna screeched, enraged, "WHAT WAS THE REASON?"

"The ladies in the Consortium are treated like whores because they are whores, and that's a fact," Apollyon responded calmly despite his wife's protestations. "If the Faerie Prince asked for pleasure viewing from the Consortium which they all obliged and took off their clothes, it does not concern me because they are unimportant."

"We didn't oblige, Apollyon, all the ladies in there, were compelled to do it," Luna replied as she attempted to kick one leg, but she couldn't because he had that chained, also.

"You are a pureblood vampire and a powerful magician as well." She fumed at her, powerlessness, "You of all people should know that magic was involved."

Apollyon paused, desiring to see Luna's expression if she had truly repented from her disobedience.

A part of him has felt discomfort for bullying his wife due to his jealousy, but her rebuke didn't matter anymore every time he remembered the crisp of her betrayal.

The Empress had gone out of their bedroom chamber by herself, joined the Harem Auction with her mask on without any chaperone.

What if he didn't see Luna's silver hair in the platform and one of the Kings—not one but two Kings had taken a liking to her and kidnapped her to their Realm never to be seen again?

Did she ever think of that?

Crawling on top of her form as he settled one arm at the side of her head, he pulled the plain mask made of white lace she had worn, eager to look at her tear-stained face.

He threw it sideways, and it hit the wall that it cracked into an uneven two before it dropped to the ground.

"I don't care about them, but you, my Empress, is another story. You are mine. " He snarled as he tightened his grip on her hips. "You are the High Priestess. You should have been impervious to any type of magic, including the Faes."

"That's where you are wrong, Apollyon." Luna laughed with a sneer. "I have given up my virginity for you; therefore, Hecate had already taken her grimoire and revoked my right to serve her as the High Priestess of the Vampire Realm. I gave up my magic abilities for you and ruined my chance to be a powerful being in this Entire Realm and be your wife, Your Highness, only to be treated like this."

"I didn't want you there on the Harem Auction so that you wouldn't be angry and pick fights with the other Kings if you see just single mistreatment to the females," Apollyon replied, convincing her that what he had done was for her own safety. "Knowing you, you would not hesitate to curse them out and say what's on your mind without a filter. I can tolerate that, wife because I know you, but the Kings don't, and they are powerful in their own right. I don't want them to hurt you."

The Empress enunciated in a commanding tone. "The truth of the matter, Apollyon, is you just don't want me there because you couldn't control me."

"Just tell me the truth." Although she was chained to the bed, Luna had exuded strength and power. "As the King of the Vampire Realm, you didn't desire to appear weak in front of your fellow Kings—your peers because it was a threat to your ego, am I right?"

Apollyon would have answered 'yes' and agreed if he was frank with himself, but his pride had refused to admit that she was right.

Not making it obvious that he felt guilty, he clenched and unclenched his fists, avoiding eye contact with the Empress.

This was the first time Apollyon had a deeply ingrained fear of an old wound resurfacing, a scar which he thought had already healed.

When he had drunk the concoction the High Priest had given them during their marriage, Apollyon had started to feel Luna's emotions so strongly, especially when the Blue Moon Eclipse had shown itself.

Apollyon had shrugged and thanked the gods instead of giving them the ability to feel each other's feelings.

He didn't care that much about Luna reading his emotions perfectly.

He didn't care much about communicating telepathically with his wife, catching each other's thoughts regarding lust and desire, which he fancied the most.

What feared him the most was Luna had started to figure out the inner and outer workings of his mind, and Apollyon didn't like it out loud.

It was as if she had known his psyche in just a short time they were together, the way he thinks about things without him saying it.

Predictability to any other person outside himself was considered a threat.

'I guess my reaction was too late for this,' Apollyon thought when he realized that another person completely owned him, and even if it was his wife, he wasn't elated about it.

"So, you are doing this to show that your husband couldn't control you, and in turn, you have this strong desire to control me through this disobedience?" Apollyon shot back, hoping that it would silence his wife and just give up this whole damned argument that was going nowhere. "Who are you seeking approval for? Do you always need to constantly validate yourself and the other people around you that you are strong?"

"I don't trust you," Luna whispered.

"I don't trust you either."

"You broke your promise." They said in unison.

It had no point.

No one was going to win.

Nobody wanted to swallow their pride and admit who was the one in the wrong.

It felt to him like he was in a constant time loop.

Well, Apollyon would surely apologize and admit he was wrong if his Empress would apologize to him first.

Apollyon felt Luna's muscles quiver as she tried to stop herself from pulling at the chains on her wrists.

Luna was no better than his mother, his grandmother, and all the beautiful women from their lineage that had brought ruin to his family and name by being detached and cold wives to his father and his grandfather and his grandfather's father.

They offered no real and heart-felt love to their beloved husbands, just content of giving a rightful heir to the throne and keeping the high status of the Vampire Realm's Empress attached to their name.

They didn't care about other people, not even their sons, who have been born in their flesh and blood.

All the females in their bloodline lacked maternal instincts.

It was probably an ancient curse.

This was the reason why Apollyon's male ancestors had sought out the comfort of their Harem to fill that endless void being married to beautiful and calculated Empresses who had no desire to be with their husbands and would rather lock themselves in the Palace of Scleranthus just focusing on their art, only coming out once in a blue moon.

Apollyon thought that Luna would be different from his mother, but he guessed they were all the same.

Females were made all the same from the way down—the same tight holes.

Apollyon gazed down at the pale exquisite globes of her breasts, struggling to fathom why he desired to have sexual congress with her now even if he was furious with what she had done, allowing other Kings to touch her so freely when she played so hard to get, so hard to please when it came to him.

Did she prefer other King than him?

If she was given a chance tonight as a Harem girl, would she run away with someone else?

Apollyon swallowed audibly as he watched his Empress inhale and exhale, acting all fiery and so worked up.

Her generous breasts were crowned with the circles of the softest peach, tipping with ripe nipples which pebbled beneath the brutal caress of his eyes.

He knew instinctively that it wasn't 'desire'.

It was fear.

He allowed his gaze to linger on the teasing hint of shadow at the juncture of her thighs with deliberate insolence as he battled with his lust mixed with a fury so desperate, mocking every constraint he had exerted over his temper.

Apollyon desired to force himself into her.

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