Hell's Consort

Chapter 100 - King Of Debauchery*

Chapter 100 - King Of Debauchery*

"Hmm." Apollyon had no indications of moving as Luna waited for him.

The Vampire King just laid there with one hand behind his head as his broad back leaned at the headboard.

He rubbed at his chin as he scanned her from head-to-toe, one hand reaching out in the air as his fingers made a grasping motion towards her boobs.

Luna's brows knitted into a frown.

What was the Vampire King doing?

Didn't he have any plans to make it clear to the Consortium that he already has a Queen, so the concubines didn't have to compete for the spot when it already belonged to her?

He needed to address the girls' fates along with her in an official meeting to show that they were all in this together.

As the Empress and the Vampire King's equal, she should have a say in every decision regarding the Vampire Realm and its state of affairs.

The Empress ruled alongside the King, and she must exercise a great deal of power that was similar to the king, if not all.

Luna had a serious plan with Apollyon on how to proceed with this delicate issue regarding the Consortium, and all he wanted to do was what—touch her boobs?

Luna shook her head and grimaced at his dirty-minded husband.

"Wife," Apollyon called out as he dragged his fingers toward the happy trail of his stomach and held his dick upright.

He stroked them again in front of her and bit his lip sexily before he responded in a husky voice. "I think I haven't fucked you that hard enough when I noticed that you can still stand."

Luna's eyebrows rose in surprise, her eyes wide with shock. "What do you mean?"

She walked towards the wardrobe to look for some clothes to wear before meeting the Consortium.

Luna also wanted to create distance as much as possible with Apollyon.

Now that Hecate had taken the grimoire from her mind, Luna finds it hard to sense where her husband's thoughts were going most of the time.

Yes, it was there, but it was faint.

The grimoire must have taken a large chunk of her personal power that it had also affected her seventh sense.

But one thing was made clear, though.

The Vampire King wanted sex, and he didn't want her to stand?

What did he mean by that?

Was he going to hurt her and beat her up to the point where she couldn't even stand?

She raised an eyebrow.

Did her husband…

Was he this violent?

"Husband." Luna's fingers shook a little as she searched for gowns in the closet, fearful of Apollyon's answer.

"Do you…" She hesitated, trailing off.

Would he be angry if she asked him about his violent tendencies?

Did the Vampire King gets off with beating her up with his own hands until she turned broken and bloody?

Did Luna, indeed, married a psychopath who hurts women?

Her mind was a beehive filled with thoughts that were buzzing like bees.

Honesty was required in this relationship, so she might as well ask. "Do you want to beat me up until I'm broken and in pain? Like are you turned on by hurting women? What did they call this fetish?"

Luna scanned her brain for the word.

It was at the tip of her tongue, unfamiliar, but she remembered it was sadism.

"Are you a sadist?" Luna interrogated him.

"A sadist?" The word sent a scowl on her husband's face.

His mouth opened and closed in astonishment before he replied, "Why would I hurt my wife?"

Luna looked into his blue eyes as she shrugged, trying to be nonchalant about it. "You were wondering why I was still standing in front of you."

"I promised you a lot of orgasms," Apollyon said. "I don't break my promises, wife."

These were promises that he was willing to oblige, of course, because he thoroughly enjoyed the bed sport and debauchery himself.


Her husband was a rake.

A pervert.

A libertine.

"What about it?" Luna's hands paused on a piece of the slim-fitted emerald gown, which she wasn't sure how to wear them.

It seemed kind of complicated to wear without assistance from the servants.

Luna pulled it from the hanger and raised the dress above her to examined them further.


She guessed that the gossamer gown was backless and would fit her form like a second skin, exposing an hourglass figure.

Luna went to the vanity mirror and held it against her naked body in an appraisal.

It matched the color of her one green eye perfectly, so she decided that she would wear this.

"You should be tired right now." The Vampire King suggested, wearing nothing but a lazy smile and a blanket tucked around his waist.

"But, we both have something important to do." Luna's frantic hand movements showed her frustration as she faced Apollyon on the bed.

She sighed deeply, "We must get our priorities straight."

Apollyon looked at her dead in the eye, and boldly proclaimed, "Wife, we aren't done yet."

Luna gasped as she placed the gown on the table for the meantime.

She turned towards Apollyon to address him properly, "But the Consortium…"

"Come back here because I still want to fuck." Patting the space beside him, Apollyon pouted like a spoiled brat, urging her back to bed with him. "This is an order."

Luna arched a perfectly shaped eyebrow and crossed her arms, squeezing her breasts in the process, oand Apollyon's eyes fluttered to her cleavage.

"We will meet the girls first, Apollyon," Luna said with a tone of finality. "After that, you can do whatever you want to do with me."

She wouldn't budge no matter what Apollyon might do.

Luna picked the gown up and sauntered across the bedroom chamber towards the dressing screen.

She didn't even realize the Vampire King had already stood behind her until his hands settled on her shoulders.

Most especially, Luna flinched at the sudden husky murmur caressing her ear. "We can handle the Consortium later, wife. They are insignificant to us. You don't have to care about them."

"No, we must fix the issue beforehand before we have fun." She told Apollyon as a flash of resentment plagued her.

Why didn't he want to listen to her advice?

Luna wanted the girls out of the Vampire Castle, and she wanted them out right now.

It wasn't like she wanted them cast out in the streets like beggars.

She wanted the girls to go home and return to their families.

They shouldn't have space in the Castle anymore if Apollyon really valued his life.

The Vampire King shifted in front of her and glared, "I think your stubborn refusal is a huge problem for me, an attack to my ego."

"What?" Luna's brows knitted in confusion as she ran her fingers through her hair.

The Vampire King barked, acting all sulky all of a sudden. "You didn't like having sexual congress with me. What else?"


Luna was tempted to bang her head against the wall.

Her husband had taken it the wrong way.

Ducking her head to avoid Apollyon's eyes, Luna could already sense the color creeping higher in her cheeks in a flush of chagrin from Apollyon's accusations.

This was a huge misunderstanding.

She must have the ability to injure her husband's ego left and right.

Luna spoke before Apollyon could, locking her hands around his neck and gently rubbing his shoulders.

"Husband, of course, I like your---uh—I like your…" Luna trailed off, thinking if she should speak her mind but screw it.

She will be honest to a fault when it comes to her husband. "I like that you are good at giving me pleasure and…"

She thought of more compliments that would make her new husband happy, "—ah, and your cock is, I think it was alright. The sexual congress was a… I think it was fine."

Apollyon's handsome face turned into a deeper shade of scarlet, and he didn't look happy at all.

Was he angry at her compliments?

The Vampire King took an involuntary step closer towards Luna, his hands closing into fists.

Apollyon wrapped his arms around her waist and hauled her to his tool with only the thin sheet of blankets separating their naked bodies.

"It was just fine?" Although the Vampire King's smile never wavered, his voice whipped like a cat-o'-nine-tails through the room, sharp enough to flay the flesh from bone. "My cock is just alright with you?"

Apollyon groped one of her breasts and exclaimed, looking particularly insulted, that she wished the floor could open up and swallow her whole, "Did you just insult my sexual prowess, wife?"

What did he want her to say?

Luna shot him a startled glance, realizing for the first time that the Vampire King would make a dangerous enemy if he were just a tiny bit slighted, "That's not what I mean, husband."

"Then, explain." He demanded as he put her on the spot with his line of questioning.

"What?" Luna turned as pale as her ivory skin and echoed, "I told you it was all right."

Apollyon squeezed her butt before playfully smacking it. "The only thing you could say was all right?"

"Ah, I think it was… I love your cock." Luna decided to tell him what she felt with no restrictions.

It wasn't what a respectable Empress would say but, fine, whatever. "It feels good, especially when it hits deeper. You are al—I mean, you were the best."

This time Apollyon's expression softened as he winked at her. "Really?"

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