Hellmode ~A Hardcore Gamer Becomes Peerless in Another World with Retro Game Settings~

Chapter 515: The Five Continents’ Alliance meeting in Rosenheim (2)

Chapter 515: The Five Continents' Alliance meeting in Rosenheim (2)

Allen stood up since it was his turn to talk. He headed to a stand equipped to let his voice be heard in the entire room, and everyone's eyes gathered on him.

What Helmios had said was right, they needed stronger forts to deal with bigger monsters.

Most of the current forts were 30 meters tall, but they needed 50 and 100 meter ones too.

But Allen did not think that would be enough, he also wanted to decrease the number of innocent sacrifices from fresh Academy graduates.

"Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to talk. I'd like to discuss the Academy System."

He started by mentioning what he wanted to discuss, and everyone understood he wanted to change something about the Academies.

"So you have a proposal about the Academies, of which we have one in every country?"

The queen already knew what he would talk about, so she just followed up on him.

"Yes. During the war, Elmea has blessed us with Talent Change Dungeons. I believe we should modify our system to include going through the Talent Change Dungeon as mandatory before graduating."

Allen's voice echoed through the room thanks to the sound amplification magic devices.

Then he used the magic blackboard behind him to show slides of his plan, which had been designed by the Magic Engineers of Allen's Army.

The various participants listened while discussing with each other.

Currently there were 3 years of education, but Allen wanted to expand it to 4 or 5 to accommodate Talent Changes.

"Hmm, so it'll be more years like the Academies in my empire."

Giamut's emperor quickly caught up too. There were 20 Academies in Giamut, though they did not share the same curriculum. Some lasted 1 year, others 3 years, and others 5 years.

The 1 year ones only taught and trained the bare minimum, and existed to send serfs and commoners to the frontlines as soon as possible.

The 3 year ones had the same curriculum as those instated by the Five Continents' Alliance, having a good balance of training and knowledge, where commoners and knights attended.

The 5 year ones were specialized for nobles and royalty, and anyone with 3 Star Talents, being taught how to lead an army and fight with more advanced techniques.

Most members of Helmios' party had also attended a 5 year Academy.

"Hohoh, I see. Including the Talent Change Dungeon as part of the Academies does sound like a good idea. Though…"

Baukis' emperor also seemed to agree, though something made him pensive.

"Pupun III, is something bothering you?"

The queen noticed that and asked him what he was thinking.

"I'm just thinking, wouldn't adding two more years of training cost quite a lot?"

(Oh? That's a valid concern. I guess the emperor of an affluent country is observant like that.)

Allen liked where the conversation was going, but did not let it show on his face.

Each country was in charge of providing the budget for the Academies to operate, on top of having to support their armies' equipment and food.

Two more years of education would inflate that amount, and even though they were in war, Baukis' emperor did not think throwing money away was a good idea.

"I understand it'll require a budget adjustment. But the abilities of students who undergo a Talent Change will increase dramatically. I'm sure any country with a long-term outlook understand what that means."

Someone with a 1 Star Talent could struggle dealing with B Rank monsters, and would inevitably die against A Rank monsters.

But after undergoing a Talent Change they inherited half their stats while their Level was reset.

That would dramatically increase their rate of survival when fighting.

"Hmm, so you suggest we think of that change as an investment. But isn't it still a difficult task to accomplish?"

Baukis' emperor scratched his plump chin while calculating in his mind.

"You think so?"

"Yes, Allen. For instance, where do you suggest we house all the students?"

If students needed to spend more years at the Academy, then there would be more students overall staying at the Academy. Baukis' emperor wanted to hear Allen's plan about that.

"Please look at this. It's a scheme for a new city next to Latash's Academy City to house all students working on going through the Talent Change Dungeon."

Allen showed a slide of a new city, next to Latash's Academy city where the Talent Change Dungeon was.

"Oh? So you think that will be enough for everyone?."

It was two times as large as Latash's Academy City.

"Only those students who will participate in the war will be housed there, so yes."

Allen was not planning on housing the students who already spent 3 years in all the Academies of the world. He only based the size of the city on how many would participate in the war.

"Exactly how much do you believe that will cost then?"

"Well, I estimate the construction of the new city will cost 50'000'000 gold coins."

Allen changed the slide, showing his preliminary calculations, the minimum cost to build a city.

"Hmhm, that sounds fair. That's just about what I'd expect."

Baukis replied, approving of those numbers.

"Yes, so what do you think now?"

Allen had explained what he wanted to do, and how much money he needed.

"Listen, I hope you realize were just asked for a lot of money to build forts."

All the representatives looked nervous, thinking of how that would affect their treasury.

They all understood that once the students returned to their country they would make back that money, but it was still a lot to pay such a sum upfront.

"Allen, what now?"

Cecile whispered to him. He just replied with a grin and a sinister look. Everyone in his party knew that meant he was already planning something.

"Allen's Army has a base next to the Talent Change Dungeon in Latash. We're willing to assist keeping students safe while going through the dungeon."

"Oh? Assisting with that, huh."

Allen's Army had a base there, and they would help the students if needed.

Baukis' emperor nodded sagely.

"My army has more than 5000 members, and we've been using the Talent Change Dungeon for more than a year now without a single casualty."

Allen boasted of his army's performance in the dungeon.

"So you have experience. That's not enough to alleviate all the costs though."

The emperor felt like something was still missing.

"Allen's Army still has more to offer though."

"Something more? Do you mind telling us?"

Allen waited a bit, so he was sure that everyone was paying attention to him.

"We'll also offer 100'000'000 gold coins to help with changing the Academies."

Allen would cover twice the cost of building the city.

(I'm glad he asked about the cost, that helped move things along.)

"What?! Are you sure about that?!!"

Baukis' emperor's voice was so loud that the magic device let out a deafening sound.

"Of course. We've already made a deposit of 30'000'000 gold coins to the bank account managing the Academies, and the rest will be added within 3 months."

(Though that will be handled by Peromus, who's busy getting ready for his wedding now.)

Even without Peromus present, the conversation went on.

"I need to check something. Give me a minute."

Baukis' Emperor signaled one of his servants, who handed him a device like a tablet.

He then poked at it various times, checking something.

"What do you think?"

As he asked, Allen glanced at Sophie, telling her to raise the volume of the voice amplifying magic device in front of Baukis' emperor.

"Y-you're right, that deposit has been made a few hours ago. Why did you go this far already…"

His voice rang loud through the entire room. Hearing that, everyone else wondered the same.

"It's all to defeat the Demon King."

Allen also spoke with more force as he declared that.

"W-wait, Allen, is that the divine realm's…"

(Shh, don't say anything Kiel.)

Allen glared at Kiel, making him shut up. Kiel had a grasp on Allen's Army's finances too, so he knew that they could afford spending a few million gold coins like that.

But that was under the condition that they stopped buying Magic Stones.

Without that, there would not be enough money available.

Thinking of how Allen got that money, Kiel recalled what happened in the divine realm's market.

A Mormo fruit cost 3 gold coins there, and Allen had bought such one a few days ago.

Since then, Allen had started planning on trading with the divine realm to raise funds.

"I believe that's the gist of it, and you understand where I'm coming from. Let's cast votes then."

Allen changed the magic blackboard behind him to show the last slide to end his presentation.

"Before that I have one last question. If there's leftover money from this, may I use it as my empire's national budget?"

Baukis' emperor still had something to say.

(What a sly fox. He's already made the calculations for himself and is trying to benefit from it now.)

Allen already knew that Baukis' emperor's brain was always thinking about money.

"Of course. It'll be many years before we see any results from this initial investment, but if at the end there's still capital left, then you're welcome to take it."

Allen said with a fake smile, not pointing out how before that the emperor seemed hesitant of the entire plan.

"Alright, I approve of this too then."

"Thank you very much. I hope everyone else can vote as well."

After Baukis' emperor voted yes, all the other representatives also did the same.

"Hohoh, everyone is in agreement, that's rare. Usually Giamut's emperor opposes such ideas."

"Hmph, I'm not against something that could be profitable later."

Giamut's emperor just brushed off that comment.

(Alright, I've successfully dragged out Mash's life at the Academy by more than a year. Brother, just stay at the Academy for now, I'll make sure the Demon King is gone before you graduate.)

While fighting the Demon King's Army for so many years, Allen had started to develop a worry.

Mash started his second year at the Academy in April, so he would soon learn about the Demon King. Or maybe he had already heard about him from noble friends.

Mash could end up wanting to fight the Demon King as well, so Allen needed to extend his stay at the Academy to stop that from happening.

The world was important, but Allen believed his family was even more important.

When Allen ate a Mormo fruit in the divine realm, he recalled how often he ate them in Kurena Village too, which reminded him of Mash.

Once Allen's suggestion was done, the meeting moved on to the next topic.

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