Heir of Aurelian

Chapter 52 For the Glory of Rome!

Honorius was trembling with rage as he stared at Olympius, who was bowing his head before him. His plan was to use Aeliana to compel Marcellus to cease his rebellion. However, that had now gone up in smoke, as his prisoner was missing, and so too was his sister. He did not know how the clever girl had escaped her confinement and released Aeliana from her cell, but she had accomplished it.

Naturally being the fool that he was, Honorius did not reflect on his own actions that led to this point, and instead pinned the blame for the incident on Olympius. Who had recently fallen out of favor with the indolent emperor after learning that the man’s actions had caused his foederati to flee to Marcellus’ side.

“Olympius, you fool! How could you leave nobody behind to guard Aeliana? Also, what the hell happened to my sister’s escort? They are both missing, and nobody seems to know where they are. As we speak, my city is surrounded by the rebels, and Marcellus will begin his assault by tomorrow morning. Just what do you have to say for yourself?”

Olympius struggled to maintain his composure. Honorius was a self-entitled brat who was getting on the man’s nerves. However, Olympius still needed his puppet alive and content if he wished to rule over the Empire, and because of this, he did not resort to anger, and instead calmly explained his understanding of what had happened.

“I don’t know the details myself your majesty, I left behind a single man to guard Aeliana’s cell. After all, our forces are stretched thin across the city’s defense, and I needed to draft capable men wherever I could find them. It is my belief that the guard somehow conspired with your sister, and helped her flee the Palace with your prisoner.

I assure you that my forces are searching for the girl as we speak. Luckily, the hounds have her scent, and it will not take long before we find the girl. I assure you that you will have your prisoner back under your control before the rebels assaults the city’s defenses.”

Honorius was not one who knew when to give up, and thus he quickly voiced his frustrations at the whole situation..

“Utterly incompetent. When Stilicho was still my Magister Militum, he never would have allowed things to reach this point!”

Being compared with his old political rival, even after man’s death, struck a nerve in Olympius’ mind and he could no longer contain his fury. He quickly reminded the Emperor that Stilicho was no longer present with a venomous tongue.

“Stilicho was a traitor, and you removed his head because of it. Meanwhile, I have only ever been loyal to you. I suggest you keep that in mind while I win your war for you.”

Honorius could only click his tongue in displeasure as he heard these words. He had no response, for his mind was not clever enough to come up with a witty retort. All he could do was throw a tantrum like a child, which naturally he did.

“I don’t care what means you use. I want my prisoner returned to me, and my sister kneeling before me in tears. Just make sure she’s still eligible to be wed. I will need her to secure alliances in the future.”

Upon hearing that he had been given free rein, Olympius’ lips curved into a cruel smile as he bowed his head once more before responding to his orders.

“As you command!”

After saying this, he departed from the Royal Palace, leaving Honorius by his lonesome. The overgrown child simply drank his wine and returned his attention to more petty matters. So what if an Army of rebels were outside his gates trying to claim his head? Until they got past Ravenna’s mighty defenses, such things were not the slightest bit of his concern. Instead, he deluded himself into believing that his forces could hold out against Marcellus and his army, and perhaps even defeat them.

“Marcellus, I will have you grovelling on your knees before me by the time this siege is over. I have tolerated your insolence for too long!”

Placidia, Aeliana, and the three guards had made their way to the cisterns where they currently hid in the shadows. Though they had a fresh water supply, they were utterly lacking in food. It was because of this that their bellies grumbled in the darkness. As for Aeliana, she had not been fed well during her captivity, and was practically a withering husk.

The emperor’s sister did her best as she cupped her hands into the pool of water and used it to feed the emaciated woman. She wore a pretty smile, despite being aware of the severity of the woman’s condition, while prodding her to drink.

“Aeliana, just a little longer and you will be reunited with your son. However, you need to drink, please for Marcellus!”

The woman had a lifeless expression on her face, as if the months of captivity and torment had completely eroded her soul. She was alive physically, but mentally it was as if she had already perished. Still, there was barely enough thought left in her mind to comprehend what the girl had said, and because of that, she slurped down the cool, fresh water.

When Placidia saw this, a smile broke out on her face as she continued to feed the woman fresh water, hoping that it could improve her physical condition. At this rate, even if Aeliana’s life was spared, and she was returned to her son’s arms, Marcellus was still liable to burn the city in his wrath. Placidia knew that there were few things in this world that could compel a rational man like Marcellus to such brutality, and harming his loved ones was one of those conditions.

Honorius had truly made a mistake. If he had just captured Aeliana and placed her under house arrest like he had done to his sister, then perhaps Marcellus would be merciful. However, with the current state of the woman, even if she survived, she would be scarred for life. Placidia actually thought death would be a mercy for Aeliana as she gazed upon the state the woman was in, but she was determined to reunite Aeliana with her son, even if her life faded away the moment after.

While Placidia was feeding Aeliana with the fresh water, a noise reacted outside the cisterns. Though it wasn’t exceedingly close, it was loud enough to alert the fugitives hiding within the caverns. The sound itself was the howl of hounds, who had picked up the scent of their location. The terrifying noise made the men and women who hid within the cisterns shiver in fright.

Knowing that their time was coming to an end, the leader of the guards unsheathed his blade. When Placidia saw this, she immediately questioned his sanity.

“What are you thinking? We can not fight the hounds, they will tear us to pieces!”

Despite knowing this, the guards were determined to buy Placidia and Aeliana some time. He quickly asked about the prisoner’s condition while refusing to gaze behind him.

“Can you carry her to safety?”

Placidia understood what he was asking in that instant and gulped the saliva that had pooled in her mouth. She nodded her head before responding to the man’s question.

“I… I believe that I can…”

After hearing this, a bitter smile formed on the leader of the guard’s faces who gave the girl an order.

“Placidia, it has been the honor of a lifetime to assist you in your escape. However, I fear that this is where we must part ways. I will do my best to buy you some time. If you follow the path of the cisterns, it will lead towards an exit near the city’s gates. I’m afraid how you manage to leave the city will be up to your imagination.”

Upon seeing their leader so determined, the other two men quickly unsheathed their swords in resistance. They would not let the man fight by his lonesome. Tears streamed down the girl’s eyes as she realized the price these men were about to pay for her and Aeliana. They had already sacrificed so much in this escape attempt, and now they were going to pay for their bravery with their lives.

To be ruthlessly torn apart by hounds, that was not a fate Placidia would wish on even her worst enemies. She quickly lifted Aeliana into her hands, who were practically skin and bones, and ran off, leaving behind one last phrase of encouragement.

“I will never forget what you have all done for me. I promise that when I escape this city and reunite Aeliana with her son, I will make sure musicians sing songs about your last stand for generations to come!”

The leader of the guards merely laughed as he prepared himself for his death. The men by his side were quick to join him. They may not have been men who had served on the front lines of war, nor had they gained any major accolades for themselves as members of the Emperor’s guard. However, they were determined to fight until their last breath to ensure that Placidia and Aeliana safely escaped their predicament.

Shortly thereafter, the hounds entered the Cisterns barking towards their masters that they had caught up to the scent. In a last stand, the three palace guards charged towards the hounds with swords in hand, shouting the words that would be remembered in history.

“For the Glory of Rome!”

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