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Heavenly Saga

Heavenly Saga
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7 months ago
In a world ruled by seishin practitioners, a genius was born. Is it his fortune? Or will it become... Read more In a world ruled by seishin practitioners, a genius was born. Is it his fortune? Or will it become his misfortune?The most powerful person will rule over the world. «Survival of the fittest», that’s the only rule followed ever since the world began. Those who are weak can only beg for their lives. Heaven is only for those who can trample anyone in their way.This is Heavenly Saga, the journey to the pinnacle of the world. Collapse Evolution, Magic, Cultivation, Kingdom Building, Medieval, Knights, Military, Sword And Magic, Male Protagonist, Weak to Strong, Special Abilities Terrible ending… Can someone tell me if it's worth reading? Because there are only 2 comments and the sypnosis isn't very helpful... The chapter are short but the names of the characters have my head spin Yeah lol, I also came here after looking at the title