Heavenly Inquisition Sword

Chapter 1346

Episode 1346. What if we had a new weapon that was just as good?

East of Feromuros.


Lunch hour.

said Heidi, the chalet’s manager and cook, setting a plate of stew on the table.

“I don’t know why there are so many street vendors in the neighborhood these days.”

Elio asked without thinking.

“Isn’t it good if there are many street vendors?”

“It’s good, but it’s because the number of foreigners suddenly increases, so I feel uncomfortable. I wonder if there is something to sell in such a remote village…”

“There were no street vendors before?”

“There were street vendors… but it’s not like they doubled during the war, right?”

“It’s not that the villagers sell their goods, but they are outsiders?”

“Because it is. Seeing as they don’t have any family, it doesn’t look like they’re refugees either. Goods for sale are of good quality no matter where they come from. It’s like a store, not a street vendor.”

“How amazing.”

“yes. Anything special? If you are going to evacuate, you should go to a big city. There is something to eat in a small mountain village.”

“A big city can turn into a battlefield.”

“Oh, that’s it again. So, are they the real people who escaped the war?”

Tilting her head, she checked the table for missing food and left quietly.

After a while, Elio finished eating and went out of the chalet.

On his way to the mountain, he turned to see what kind of wind was blowing.

indeed! As Heidi said, there were street vendors all over the street.

Some of them showed signs of need, but many were not.

The items sold were also different.

People with shabby clothes sold the animals they hunted or the fruits they gathered.

On the other hand, ingredients such as flour and rice, various spices and tanned leather were piled up in front of the clean-dressed people.

It seemed to be looking at street vendors in Petropolis (Island) rather than a village in the remote mountainous area.

‘Besides, they’re all young.’

Elio looked carefully at the street vendors just in case.

However, mana was not detected.

But you shouldn’t believe it, because it could be that only such people were selected.

He said, ‘How many people should I use Eonbeop?’ I immediately shook my head.

It’s annoying, but it’s because I feel like ‘what would I do if I knew my identity’.

Elio leisurely looked around the town and returned to the chalet.


Adriatic kingdom.


If Count Larva Omar met with the great nobles of the south, Fabian hung out with the baron and baronet.

Howard and Crea, from the Empire, did not have anyone to meet, so they quietly followed Count Omar of Larva.

Lately, the person Fabian worked hard to form a relationship with was Baron Coleman Opener, the company commander of the Comet Unit.

Every night he met Baron Coleman Opener at a fancy bar, paid for by Count Omar of Larva.

The upscale bar, ‘The Seat of the Clouds’.

In a typical Southern bar, the owner sells alcohol and snacks alone, and patrons drink from across a long wooden table.

However, the high-end bar added dozens of tables to it, and even had young ladies serving drinks.

If a customer and a lady meet eyes by chance, it leads to prostitution, so naturally, the price of alcohol was high.

Although it was an exhibition, oddly enough, the pub was a city of literary prosperity.

Maybe that’s because neither the Kingdom Army nor the Empire Army touched the bar.

late night.

A pretty young lady approached the table where the two young men were sitting opposite each other.

A man in his mid-twenties glanced at the lady and said to the man across from him.

“I am okay. You can sit next to me if you like.”

Then Baron Coleman Opener, in his mid-thirties, let out a grim laugh.

“I’m sorry for getting you to drink, but what about you, lady?”

Even so, his eyes seldom moved away from her.

The youthful Fabian smiled and glanced at the young lady.

The young lady sat next to Baron Coleman opener and filled an empty glass.

“I heard that the Imperial Army attacked Feromuros again. Is it true?”

“Oh, you’ve been shooting magic cannons since last night? This time, it looks like they’re going to end it because they’re shooting from all sides.”

“There was a rumor that the war would end if Feromuros was captured… Are you talking about mediating the war with the Empire?”

“What is the end? The war starts now.”

“Isn’t that a peace treaty?”

“Our corps recently changed its name from ‘Iron Wall’ to ‘Victory’. A major reorganization of the unit was also carried out. Do you think ‘victory’ goes well with ‘a beaten and grudging peace agreement’?”

When drunk, Baron Coleman Opener talked more than usual.

Fabian quietly looked at his opponent.

“But the Imperial Army has an Iron Legion, right? I heard that being hit by excitium kills the sword master and punctures the steel golem? How do you deal with those guys?”

“Peromuros is a rice cake. Do you know what I mean? It was just left unattended to catch the attention of the Imperial Army.”

“Do you have rice cakes that big?”

Believing that ‘the fate of the kingdom of Adria depends on Feromuros’, Fabian blinked his eyes with an absurd face.

“Thankfully, they don’t know what’s going on in Krasion.”

“What happened?”

“I told you. The name of our corps has changed. Kuck.”

“The name can be changed. Are the contents the same?”

“Who is it? Because it has been reorganized a lot. Even for our unit…”

While the two men were talking about the military, the young lady emptied her drinking glass next to her.

Then, when the bottle was empty, he would bring a new one with his feet.

Fabian was a waste of money, but he didn’t stop because information was more valuable.

Still, the young lady seemed to notice it, and once or twice spit out exclamations from the side.

Each time the lady reacted, Baron Coleman Opener became more elated and babbled about what he couldn’t say.

“You call me when your house is broken down, too. I’m the company commander of the sapper unit.”

“How is it?”

The young lady emptied her glass again, not knowing what a sapper unit was.

When the lady’s reaction did not meet expectations, Baron Coleman Opener spoke up again.

“It’s not just a sapper unit that does chores. A combat engineer unit like never before.”

“What is your brother’s combat sapper unit?”

“The sapper unit that moves with the steel golem is the combat sapper unit.”

“Wow! Are there steel golems in your brother’s army?”

“That’s how it is.”

As Baron Coleman Opener shrugged, a slightly drunk young lady inadvertently delivered the fatal blow.

“By the way, I heard that the steel golem is no match for the new weapon of the Imperial Army? They say it has holes in it like tofu. Oh, I want to eat tofu. Can I order some tofu?”

“Oh, please. Of course, there are excitiums in the imperial army, but…”

Unfortunately, the lady got up from her seat without listening to Baron Coleman Opener.

He went to get tofu.

Baron Coleman Opener, who was gritting his teeth, spoke in a low voice.

“A counterattack will begin soon. At that time, our victory corps will crush the steel corps.”

“But my brother’s imperial army has excitium…”

“What if we also have a new weapon that’s just as good? So, what do you think the war would look like if the Iron Legion was destroyed?”

“If the Iron Legion is destroyed, it will push into the Empire.”

“Our Victory Corps will be at the forefront. I didn’t change my name for nothing.”

“Do you have a new weapon?”

When Fabian showed interest, Baron Coleman Opener looked around for a moment before whispering,

“there is. wait and see Our Victory Legion will crush the Empire’s Steel Legion.”

Fabian was about to ask for more when the young lady returned with a plate of tofu.

The drinking party continued, but belatedly, ‘Oops!’ As if he wanted to, Baron Coleman Opener stopped talking about the unit.

Near midnight, Fabian returned to Cuzco Castle, leaving Baron Coleman Opener behind.

next day.

Cuzco Castle.

At breakfast, Fabian recounted to Count Larva Omar and Howard Crea a conversation he had had with Baron Coleman Opener, commander of the combat engineer company, the previous night.

“…It seems that the newly reorganized Victory Corps has a new weapon for the Southern Kingdom. It was not confirmed what type of weapon it was. I turned around and asked him a few times, but he evaded the answer. I thought it would be suspicious if I kept digging into it, so I ended up there.”

Count Larva Omar, who had been paying for it, said with a smile.

“Good job. leave the rest to me If I tell you that I know that far… the great nobles of the southern kingdom won’t try to hide it any more. Anyway, I’m surprised you were preparing for a counterattack like that.”

Howard, who had been listening quietly, interjected.

“I thought the southern kingdoms would make a last stand, but I never dreamed that they would come out with new weapons. That new weapon must have been sold through the back hole at the Mage Tower, right?”

“It is very likely. Because only the Magic Tower has the technology to create new weapons like that.”

Then Crea spoke cautiously.

“If the Southern Kingdom’s new weapon was made in the Mage Tower… is the ‘vanguard of chaos’ in the Mage Tower?”

murmured Count Omar of Larva.

“It could be a magic engineer at the Mage Tower… or a weapon dealer who sold the new weapon developed by the Mage Tower to both the Empire and the Southern Kingdom.”

Fabian shook his head before speaking in a confident tone.

“For now, it seems that the ‘new weapon developer’ in the southern kingdom and the ‘weapon dealer’ who supplied the new weapon to the southern kingdom are the most likely ‘vanguards of chaos’.”

“I need to find out who the new weapon developer and arms dealer are through the Southern and Northern Kingdoms.”

“Then I will go back to Count Lagoa and tell him that. As soon as Count Omar finds out what the new weapon of the Southern Kingdom is, let him know.”

Then, Crea said with a worried face.

“I heard that you will die if you stay in Minos?”

“are you okay. I heard there was an unknown artillery battle in Minos? As you can see, it must have been the fight between the Iron Legion and Count Lagoa. If you’ve touched Count Lagoa, you can say that the Marquis of Stauran is over. Once the danger has passed.”

“Still, if Count Lagoa tells you to leave again, don’t be stubborn and come back right away. Did you know?”

“That’s natural. I am also a person who wants to live long. May I depart as soon as Count Omar finishes his meal?”

“I know. He’s not the kind of person who will stay if you catch him.”

“Eh, but if the Count dissuades me, I won’t be able to leave. You know.”

“I don’t intend to catch it. The fact that there is a new weapon in the southern kingdom must be important information that Lord Lagoa needs.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I want Lord Lagoa to forgive the Batalion troops. In this situation, if even the batalion unit disappears… the damage the empire will suffer is too great. Then the world will fall into uncontrollable chaos.”

“I will make sure to tell you what the Count is concerned about.”


After breakfast, Fabian immediately returned to his lodgings and packed up.

The thought of going back to Count Helio Lagoa made me feel very excited.

Howard and Crea gathered something to eat in the kitchen and brought it to Fabian.

At the same time that Fabian left Cusco Castle, Elio also left the chalet.

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