Heavenly Farmer

Chapter 161- Borrowing Power

Chapter 161- Borrowing Power

Immortal Spring Restaurant was reopened.

The so-called secret seasoning was just powdered immortal beans and immortal wheat. Naturally, there was no poppy in it.

However, this incident still had an impact on the business.

The number of diners has decreased by 20% in the past two days.

Ye Xiaochen informed that Zeng Hongye would be bringing her family to the restaurant for a birthday dinner.

When others found out, they were pleasantly surprised.

Zeng Hongye bringing her family this time has a completely different meaning from the last time’s opening ceremony.

More precisely to say Zeng Hongye was coming to the immortal spring restaurant.

Even if now the secretary Liu has some thoughts, he would need to think about it at least three times.

They were secretly astonished, Ye Xiaochen really has the ability, he was even able to invite Secretary Zeng.

Everyone was in high spirits, and the worries caused by the suspension of business were swept away, and everyone was full of confidence.

It was the weekend.

At 11 o’clock in the morning, Zeng Hongye brought her family according to the schedule.

Ye Xiaochen personally welcomed Zeng Hongye and her family and took them to a large private dining room.

The interior was carefully arranged,

Zeng Hongye was very satisfied with Ye Xiaochen’s arrangement.

Suddenly, she saw a big box on the table and asked curiously, “Xiaochen, what is that?”

“Today is Uncle’s birthday. This is a birthday cake specially prepared by us at Immortal Spring restaurant.”

Ye Xiaochen laughed.

A professional baker was specially invited to make this birthday cake.

“Xiaochen, now your Immortal Spring restaurant also specializes in the cake?”

Zeng Hongye couldn’t help laughing.

Zeng Hongye’s father was a thin old man, estimated to be in his seventies. His hair was gray and his face was full of old age spots.

He was being supported by someone, and even while sitting in the chair he was trembling.

It could be seen that he was sick.

Ye Xiaochen in heart sighed, Zeng Hongye was able to bring her sick old father to the immortal spring restaurant for the birthday party, it should be really rare.

It was not easy for an old man to travel this far.

Soon the box was opened, revealing a delicate three-layer cake.

It was decorated with various fruits, watermelon, muskmelons, tomatoes, cucumber, and other things. It was all from Ye Xiaochen’s farm.

There were three other things, golden yellow immortal beans, fiery red immortal beans, and yellowish-brown immortal wheat.

It was on layering.

There were fifteen of them.

It wasn’t that he was stingy, but the immortal beans and immortal wheat were too precious.

If he grinds these immortal beans and wheat into powder, its worth would be tens of thousands of yuan.

In order to make this cake, Ye Xiaochen also took great pains.

In addition to the fifteen immortal beans and wheat, the cake was made with immortal bean wheat flour.

“Why are there beans and wheat?”

Zeng Hongye was surprised.

“Hehe, sister Zeng, these are no ordinary beans and wheat. You will know it after trying.”

Ye Xiaochen laughed.

The birthday cake was just a formality. Naturally, they didn’t light the candles and blew to make wishes.

Ye Xiaochen took the cake knife and started cutting the cake.

Each person got a small piece of cake with a bean and wheat on it.

On Zeng Hongye and her father’s cake piece, there was an immortal red bean.

“This watermelon is really sweet.”

“This muskmelon is so fragrant. I have never tasted such a delicious melon.”

“This cream is delicious. It is not greasy at all.”

Zeng Hongye’s family ate the cake and was full of praises.

It wasn’t that they have never eaten a cake before, but this cake taste was very special, whether it was the fruits on it or cream, it was all delicious.

“Haha, the taste is really good. Xiaochen I didn’t expect your immortal spring restaurant not only has delicious food but also has delicious cake.”

Zeng Hongye ate gracefully.

She picked up the immortal red bean with a fork and put it in her mouth.

As soon as she took a bite, her face slightly changed.

A stunned expression appeared.

By this time, other people who ate immortal beans or wheat all let out exclamations of disbelief.

“Why is this bean so delicious?”

“Really delicious. This wheat tastes wonderful.”

“It is not just delicious, it is an unforgettable taste, but it’s a pity there is only one.”

The people who had not eaten it, when heard other people’s words, they also quickly tasted it, and immediately showed exaggerated expressions.

Even Zeng Hongye was very intoxicated, her face was red as if she had drunk wine.

“It’s hot.”

Zeng Hongye’s father suddenly said.

His face which was full of old age spots turned slightly red and sweat started appearing on his body.

“Xiaochen, what kind of bean is this? After eating it, why do I feel hot?”

Zeng Hongye was surprised.

After sweating, she felt her whole body comfortable.

“So comfortable.”

Zeng Hongye’s father’s spirit became much better.

“Sister Zeng, this is my secret product: the immortal bean and immortal wheat, it has good health effects.”

Ye Xiaochen already thought of a good reason.

“I didn’t expect this bean to be so magical.”

Zeng Hongye and others were amazed.

If one hasn’t tasted it, it would be hard to imagine it.

After the surprise of cake, eating various dishes on the menu let Zeng Hongye’s family have a good time.

Even her old father, who had a poor appetite, actually ate a lot of food this time and his spirit was much better. It was the immortal red bean that had improved the physical condition of the old man.

After the meal, Ye Xiaochen gave Zeng Hongye’s father a dozen of immortal beans and wheat. After they go back, everyday boils a grain and eat, which would be good for the body.

Zeng Hongye naturally felt grateful for such precious immortal beans and wheat as a gift.

Although she was a member of the municipal party committee, she was still helpless about her father’s illness.

Today after eating the beans, her father’s energy and spirit improved a lot, it was clearly the effect of immortal red beans.

She suddenly felt a glimmer of hope.

When she was a child, her mother died in childbirth. It was her father who endured all sorts of hardships and raised her and her siblings. He both played the role of mother and father, it was really not easy.

She really wished that her father could live a long life and enjoy happiness.

Finally, the family of Zeng Hongye went.

Ye Xiaochen took a sigh of relief. In order to entertain Zeng Hongye and her family, these two days they have worked very hard.

The job was done, just need to wait and see the effect.

At Liu Xianjin’s home.

Peng Zhiping was also there.

“Brother-in-law I didn’t expect secretary Zeng would take her family to the immortal spring restaurant for her father’s birthday. It was really unimaginable.”

Peng Zhiping said in a muffled voice.

“I also did not expect, it seems, that the relationship between Secretary Zeng and Ye Xiaochen was closer than I thought.”

Liu Xianjin sighed.

“So, what should we do now?”

Peng Zhiping asked.

“I have to see Ye Xiaochen and repair the relationship.”

Liu Xianjin narrowed his eyes and said.

“What should we say to Cao Xinhong?”

Peng Zhiping froze for a moment and hesitatingly asked.

“Just tell him the truth.”

Li Xiantian said.

“Brother-in-law, if we offend him, will it not affect your future?”

Peng Zhiping was worried.

He knew how big Cao Xinhong’s ability was. His brother-in-law was strong in Jing county, but outside he was not much strong.

“It is better than offending Zeng Hongye. Besides, Cao XInhong is a wise man and knows what to do.”

Liu Xianjin shook his head.

Peng Zhiping was unable to understand, he felt his brother-in-law was profound and mysterious, It was just better for him to manage things according to what his brother-in-law had ordered.

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