Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 985: Lucky Encounter!

While walking toward the inner area, Yasenia inspected the shops in the surroundings with her spiritual sense and was impressed by the quality of the products in the outer area of the city. Usually, the outer parts of the city were not even worth looking at. Still, Yasenia found a few items that caught her eye. 

Noticing that Lady He and Kali were having a short break in their conversation, she spoke aloud for the first time. Her mellow and slightly low voice spread around and made almost everyone who listened turn their heads. "Kali, do you want to check a few of the shops?"

Lady He looked at Yasenia with raised eyebrows. "That's such an attractive voice. No wonder you don't speak much." 

The dragoness looked at her and smiled once, making her eyes bend lightly into a charming gaze. "Thank you."

Kali asked. "Did you see something interesting? That's strange coming from you."

The dragoness pointed at a shop at the side and spoke. "There is a nice scent coming from there."

Miss An blinked and asked. "Scent? Are you hungry, Yasenia?"

Kali chuckled and explained. "Yasenia is a dragon, so she can smell treasures. Her nose is very picky with them. Therefore, if she noticed something, it is probably worth checking."

Lady He muttered. "Dragon… You are the third dragon I've ever met in my life."

Yasenia blinked twice, surprised. "Third? Are dragons rare?"

Lady He nodded and explained as their entourage moved toward the shop Yasenia pointed at. "Dragons are almost extinct in our world. At first, they were hunted down during the large War in the past and used as materials. The demon of the past had a strange ease when fighting dragons, so he was able to slaughter them left and right. Only those with strong bloodlines were able to resist and escape his pursuit." 

The dragoness pondered. 'The demon of the past should refer to Distanica, right? He did the same in Distancia, almost driving dragons there to extinction as well.'

Kali commented. "But dragons have a very powerful reproduction ability, no? Haven't they recovered since then?"

Lady He shook her head. "There were too few pure-blooded dragons. Therefore, the dragons that are today are mostly Beast Humans. There are probably only a few hundred pure dragons left in our world." 

The dragoness was surprised. Still, there was a treasure here that called her attention, so she focused on that instead. Kali asked. "Which one of these shops is it, Yasenia?"

The dragoness lifted her hands, picking the sides of the veil. Lady He and the rest somehow felt like holding their breaths as Yasenia's veil lowered. The perfectly shaped oval face gradually appeared before their eyes, with Yasenia's perfect nose and luscious lips adding tremendous charm to her overall allureness. 

Then, while everyone was mesmerized, Yasenia gently sniffed the air, her adorable gesture sending a few hearts into an uncontrollable heart-stirring spiral. After doing so, Yasenia placed her veil back on, releasing the spell that she put everyone under with it. "It is the [Li Xuan's Goods, Trades, Fortune, and Reliques] shop."

Lady He blinked and shook her head slightly. She cleared her throat, sending a pulse of energy toward her people. "Ahem." Then, she spoke. "Miss Yasenia's beauty has overcome all my expectations. No wonder you wear that veil and relatively simple outfit." 

Kali hummed. "She started doing so recently after we got into trouble a few times outside. We even ended up uprooting a Demonic Cultivation City's higher management because of a chain of events starting from a young boy coveting Yasenia's beauty."

Lady He looked at Yasenia with pity. "I can guess you are not happy about having such a heaven-defying beauty."

The dragoness said softly. "I am grateful. It has given me many positive things in my life together with a few misfortunes. Overall, I wouldn't change my appearance even if I could." 

Kali gestured to Yasenia and smiled. "Please, lead the way." 

Yasenia walked forward, her hips swaying seductively as her tail swished behind her. Her wings bobbed up and down with each of her steps together with the dragoness's prominent chest. 

Even without Yasenia speaking, everyone followed. Once inside, they saw tall shelves, nearly twenty meters tall, filled with items. Most of them were junk, with very few that qualified as decent. 

Miss An asked. "Um… Are you sure that you are not hungry, Yasenia?"

Kali laughed, and Lady He commented. "I think we should trust her. Let's search around… Well, unless you have pinpointed its location." 

Yasenia waved her hand, gesturing for them to follow and lead everyone forward. 

A tall, slender woman with a pale complexion appeared, shifting through one of the selves. "Welcome." 

The dragoness nodded and asked. "Is there any merchandise you are selling over in that area?" 

The tall and slender woman blinked slowly, her eyes moving from Yasenia's face to her wings, down to her tail. She spoke with a strangely monotonous but simultaneously excited tone. "I want to buy your scales! I can give you lots of money…"

Kali frowned, but she knew that her dragoness didn't really need defending. Therefore, she just looked. Lady He asked with a similar frown to Kali's. "Kali, should we leave? That was too rude."

"No need to. Yasenia is not a flower vase." 

Yasenia looked at the woman, who was taller than even herself and spoke. "If you ask that again, I'll cripple you. Understood?"

The tall woman frowned, but before she could answer, Yasenia stepped forward and forced her to make their gazes clash. Instantly, the taller woman felt infinitely smaller as the dragoness's golden gaze pierced through her, becoming the only thing in her eyes. 

From the outside, it looked as if Yasenia just stepped forward, and the tall woman suddenly kneeled, looking up at the dragoness with wide eyes. Yasenia asked again. "So, is there merchandise that you are selling on that side?"

"Y-Yes, there is, Ma'am."

"Good." The dragoness ordered. "Guide me."

The tall woman scrambled up to her feet and quickly moved toward the place Yasenia pointed at. 

Everyone who didn't know Yasenia was stunned, but seeing the seductive hips sashaying away, they all snapped out of their reverie and followed her. Lady He muttered to Kali. "That was impressive. That tall woman is a high-level Ethereal Soul Realm cultivator. Almost at the peak of the fourth realm."

Kali shrugged. "You could've probably done the same."

Lady He smiled. "Not with such finesse. I could not feel anything from Yasenia, which means her aura control is ridiculous."

Once they arrived at the corner of the room, everyone looked around, but they could not spot anything of value. Still, Yasenia approached a wooden figurine and grabbed it. "I want this item. How much?"

The tall woman blinked, confused. "Um, that item? Isn't that a useless item?"

Yasenia hummed, confused. "Useless?" She laughed softly. "I guess. I just want it, so, how much?"

Thinking over it, the tall woman spoke. "How about forty Sunderial?" 

The dragoness blinked a few times and rubbed her forehead. 'Right, new currency system…'

Lady He frowned at the back and snorted. "If you want to send that trashy item for 40 Sunderials, you might as well sell this entire shop with it." 

Kali looked at Miss An and saw that she was staring with wide eyes at the tall woman. Kali blinked. "How much is 40 Sunderial?"

An answered. "H-How much? With forty of those, you can probably buy five low-level Heaven Ranked items!"

Kali's face dropped, and she looked over to see Yasenia's reaction. 'She won't like… Huh?'

Yasenia took out a Purple Crystal and said. "Here." 

Kali was baffled while Lady He asked. "What is that purple stone?"

Kali sighed. "That purple stone can probably buy 500 low-level Heaven Ranked items."

Lady He almost choked on her own saliva. "W-What!? Why is she giving her so much wealth?"

Still, they heard the tall woman asking. "What's that purple stone? I don't want it! 40 Sunderials!"

An, Lady He, and her followers almost spat blood. 'She has offered you one hundred times the value, what are you thinking!?'

Yasenia blinked. "Hm? What do you mean? This is much more valuable than that."

The tall woman snorted. "Do you think I don't know that? I can feel the pureness concentrated in that purple stone. But that item you have is not that valuable. I pride myself on selling things at the fairest price! I won't accept one more or less coin over what I ask."

Yasenia's eyebrows raised with glad surprise. "That's nice to hear. So, tell me, why is this thing so pricey when you said it is useless?" 

The tall woman shrugged. "I don't know. That's the price that feels right for it, even if I find it useless."

Yasenia's eyes flashed with surprise because her words were 100% truthful. 'What's going on?'

Valeria hummed. "Yasenia, I think the real treasure is this woman. She has a special constitution."

The dragoness blinked and asked. "What's your constitution?" 

The tall woman answered. "My constitution? Well, it's called [All-Encompassing Appraisal Mind Eye]."

Everyone looked at the woman in stunned silence. Yasenia coughed and asked. "So, do you want to join my group? I have quite a nice place where you can sell things and get stronger as well."

The woman shook her head. "No. My master wouldn't allow me to go!"


Yasenia looked at her for a few seconds, having a strange premonition. "Um… What's your master's name?"

The woman blinked and commented. "My master is Lord Ayanduin! One of the [Four City Kings]!"

Everyone continued staring at the tall woman in stunned silence. Nobody knew how to even react to the series of bombs that the lazy-looking woman just threw on them. 

The dragoness sighed and massaged her temples. 'I guess luck is quite a nice thing to have.'

Kali was about to step forward and speak, but the dragoness raised her hand and looked at her. 'Let me deal with this, Honey. We need to be careful.'

Yasenia spoke. "I see that you are quite an influential person. What are you doing in the outer section of the city?"

"Well… Master Ayanduin returned not long ago, so he threw me these items and told me that I couldn't return until I sold every single one of them."

Yasenia nodded. "I see. He probably thinks highly of you to leave you so many treasures."

The woman snorted. "Most of them are trash. How am I going to sell that thing, for example?" 

They all followed the item she pointed at, and their eyes twitched. It was a literal piece of stool.

The dragoness coughed. "I bet that every item here has its proper buyer. You just need to be patient… Or, well… Nevermind."

Yasenia shook her head and sighed. This piqued the tall woman's interest. While this dragon woman was a very terrifying person, she was also very pretty and was going to buy one of the items she felt helpless about. Therefore, she asked. "You can tell me! But, please, be less scary and more pretty."

Her bored tone, trying to sound cute, was so jarring that even Yasenia had somewhat of a hard time hearing it. "Ahem, you can speak normally." Then, she smiled and said. "How about this? I can buy enough items of this purple crystal's worth, helping you get rid of most of the junk. In exchange, I want you to help me get in contact with Ay- ahem, Lord Ayanduin. I came all the way to this city to meet him, after all."

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