Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 87: Leafwhisk

Chapter 87: Leafwhisk

The group looked around and became stunned. Because there wasn't any treasure present in front of them as everyone expected, but the library filled with hundreds of thousands of books.

The group exchanged the glances with each other and didn't know what was going on. Is this place a library? Everyone thought. 

No one knew what was on the final level of the pagoda. Therefore, they thought, there must be some kind of super treasure here. That was the reason for their shocked expression. Who would have thought that the library was the treasure of the final level?

After everyone calmed down, they looked at the shelves of the library curiously. Noor walked towards one of the bookshelves and tried to take it out from the shelf.

"Don't" before Ayaan could warn Noor, she had already taken out the book from the shelf. Nothing happened.

When Ayaan saw that nothing happened to the lady, he sighed in relief and said, "Don't touch anything unnecessarily."

"Umm.. sorry." Noor looked down when she heard As reprimanding.

"It's alright. Now you have already taken the scroll out of the shelf. Open it, then." Ayaan didn't say anything further, he just sighed. He knew that Noor was the most naive in his group. And most impatience. It was a good thing that nothing bad happened.

"Alright, let us see what is inside this scroll." Noor excitedly unfolded the scroll and everyone could see the content inside the scroll. However, when they saw the words inside the scroll, everyone frowned. 

"What is this language? I can't understand anything." Noor said.

"I also can't understand anything, either." Rebecca frowned after looking at the strang language inside the scroll and shook her head.

"Me neither." Isobel also didn't understand anything.

Afterwards, all three girls turned towards Ayaan. Because he didn't say anything and was looking at the scroll this whole time.

After five minutes later, he looked at the ladies and he was pleasantly surprised that he could read the content of the scroll. He didn't know what was the reason behind it, though. However, he thought it might be related to the illusory pagoda or the strange energy.

Nonetheless, he didn't dwell on the issue; he was more than happy to learn a few languages this easily. Afterwards, he turned towards the ladies and said, "It is some kind of breathing technique. I don't know what it does, but it is written that it is the breathing technique for the beginners. It couldn't take you higher than the beginner level. And what the meaning of beginner is, I really don't know."

"So, it is just the beginner level breathing technique. I thought it was something amazing." Noor immediately lost interest in the scroll and threw it towards the shelf, she had taken it from.

"Hmph! Ignorant girl, you aren't even at the level of a beginner yet, and still dared to talk big.'' Suddenly, a voice full of disdain and mockery resounded in the library. The group froze at the place after hearing the voice. They thought that no one was inside the library, but now, it seems that there was someone living here.

"Who is it? Show yourself!" Ayaan shouted and looked around but didn't find anyone. But a few seconds later, a shadow appeared in front of the group. It was a tiny figure about the size of a mouse. Though it wasn't a mouse, of course.

When the group had a clear look at the figure, their jaw almost touched the ground due to shock. Because in front of them was a figure who had the features of a human, but her body was small. Behind her back four wings were present wings were as beautiful as butterflies. She was wearing a green dress and on the head was the golden crown.

She had a beautiful face, no less than Rebecca and others after evolution. If she had the same size as a normal human, she would be a kingdom toppling beauty no... a world toppling beauty.

At the moment, she was looking down at them from above. She was posing like some kind of gangster boss while waiting for his right man to praise him. Alas, even after waiting for two minutes, no one praised her.

All the four people below her were still looking at her with their slacked jaws. No one saw this coming. It was such a strange encounter.

The fairy-like lady frowned when she saw the four people were standing like statues without saying anything.

"Why aren't you speaking anything? Oh I know. After looking at my beauty, you all became dumb." The fairy complimented herself when no one did for her and tried to fix her locks.

Ayaan heard the fairy and came out of his dazed state, before speaking, "Who are you?"

The fairy blinked a few time and chuckled, "So you aren't dumb after all. Hehe"

After hearing her reply, Ayaan frowned. He didn't know who she was and what she was doing here. Only God knew how long it had been since the pagoda was opened by anyone. 'Does that mean, she is living here for such a long time?' Ayaan thought the possibility and immediately denied it. No matter which race it was they would die eventually when their life span would end.

Living for billions of years was an impossible feat, he didn't believe that someone could live billions of years. Even a few thousands of years look myth to him, billions of years were just bullshit.

Previously, when he received the legacy of heaven destroyer, a birdy told him that she was waiting for millions of years. At that time, he was naive. But now, he knew how hard it was to increase the lifespan of people. Even a heaven rank mage would at most a thousand years. 

Though, Ayaan knew there was an even higher world with more powerful peoples. He didn't believe anything about living such a long life. 

Ayaan looked at the fairy carefully, he didn't see any fluctuation of energy in her body. She was looking just like an ordinary human, but this ordinary-looking fairy was flying in front of him. She could be anything but ordinary.

"May I know your beautiful name, lady?' Girls beside him rolled their eyes when they heard him talking like that. Ayaan knew that his previous tactic failed. So he changed his way. This pixie looked rather narcissistic. Therefore, he thought, a few praises would be enough.

After hearing Ayaan calling her a beautiful lady. The pixie's smile became wider and spoke excitedly, "Ohh, thank you. My name is Leafwhisk. You are smart, no wonder you were able to get the legacy of the Elementless."

Ayaan was surprised that she knew that he was the legacy holder. But after that, an excited expression appeared on his face. 'It seems this pixie knows something about the elementless.' Ayaan thought and he became incredibly excited.

"Can you tell me what the meaning of elementless is?" Ayaan looked at the Leafwhisk with hopeful eyes.

Leafwhisk looked at Ayaan and the other three and chuckled, "If you want to get any information from me then you have to work for me. Without working you won't get any information."

"Why should I work for you? I am the owner of this place now." Ayaan said while squinting his eyes at the pixie.

Nonetheless, Leafwhisk just chuckled when she heard him, "Yes, you are right, you are the legacy holder of this place. However, your legacy is incomplete. Therefore, you don't have full control over this place."

"What do you mean?" a worried expression appeared on Ayaan's face when he heard Leafwhisk. He knew something wasn't right.

"You did receive the ownership of the elementless pagoda. However, you don't have the complete holy stone in your body. So you don't have the full authority here." the pixie said with a mocking expression.

"What is holy" just when he was about to ask about the holy stone, he stopped. His expression became strange because he thought about something.

Ayaan was certain that there wasn't anything like a holy stone in his body. However, there was something else in his body which matched the description of the Leafwhisk system! Every part of the system was like a stone. If there was a holy stone in his body, then only the system could be that stone.

After thinking for some time, Ayaan knew he won't get any useful information about elemetless from Leafwhisk. Therefore, he dropped the idea and asked something else, "Who are you then? What are you doing in the pagoda?"

"Oh me? I am just a weak librarian, taking care of the books." Leafwhisk replied with a chuckle.

Ayaan frowned after hearing her reply, and asked, "Can you tell me, how long has it been since anyone entered the seventh level?"

Although Ayaan didn't have any expectation of getting an answer from Leafwhisk, he still wanted to know. And surprisingly, Leafwhisk answered him, "It was about two thousand years ago."

Ayaan was shocked because he had heard from Birdy that the people had killed the Heaven Destroyer millions of years ago. Does that mean someone else entered inside the pagoda in the meantime?

Without wasting any breath, he asked, "Who was that person?"

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