Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 42

After they finished their tea, Alisa came to collect their cups. Lilia stood from her seat, getting Seras attention.

Now then, Sera. Before anything else, there are some things I must have you do.

Sera was a little surprised, but nodded firmly. The slightly frightened expression on her face bothered Lilia, but she reluctantly ignored it.

Go and apologise to Tina.

When Lilia said that, Sera was lost for words, and her face immediately paled. For a nobleespecially a high-ranking nobleher reaction was easy to understand.Why should I have to lower my head to my inferior?She was probably thinking something of that nature. Lowering your head to lower-ranking nobles and commoners was thought of as nothing short of humiliation.

Sera. Ill say this right now.


If Im going to be responsible for you from now on, stop looking down on lower-ranking nobles, commoners, and the like.

Likely not expecting those words, Sera gulped and nodded gravely.

Try your best too, Lilia.

I know that

Lilia didnt realise shed been looking down on her surroundings that much, but it seemed that those around her saw her differently. It was something she still needed to work on, she supposed.

Now then, lets go. I wont allow you to refuse.

When Lilia said as much, Sera rose from her chair in resignation.

As usual, the moment Lilia stepped foot on the second floor, the students around her fell completely silent. However, seemingly starting to get used to her presence, they soon went back to their own conversations. This time, Sera was with her, but perhaps because her presence wasnt as startling as Lilia coming down here, nobody took any further notice of them.

You just entered the room, Mistress Lilia, and yet nobody has greeted you!

Sera, stop it.

AhI didntplease excuse me.

Sera meekly lowered her head. Lilia sighed and crossed over the second floor entrance. She could feel a few gazes lingering on her, but that was it.

When they arrived in front of Tinas room, Lilia immediately knocked on the door.

M-Mistress Lilianne!

What? Its not as if you need to prepare yourself. Just acknowledge your mistake and apologise for it.

Thatmight be so, but

Sera was chewing the inside of her cheeks, looking as if she wanted to say something, but Lilia took no notice of it. Eventually, the door opened, and Tina came out. When she saw Lilia, Tina smiled, and when she noticed Sera, her expression turned to confusion.

Lilia, what brings you here? Who is this?

Sera Valdia. Shes from the Earl Valdia family. Shes one of the people who sent you those inane letters.

When she heard that, Tinas eyes opened wide, and she fixed her gaze on Sera. Sera awkwardly looked away, so Lilia glared at her slightly. Sera immediately rectified her attitude.

UmMiss Tina


Tina yelped her reply and straightened her back. Sera aside, Lilia wondered what Tina was so nervous about. Incidentally, Sakura was trying to hold back her laughter inside Lilias mind. Was there really something all that amusing happening here?

A few days ago, I did something very disrespectful. Please accept my deepest apologies.

Sera lowered her head, and Tina visibly hesitated, wondering how she should respond. Lilia lending a hand to Tinais something she didnt do, and she instead quietly watched over the interaction between the two.

Um You dont need to worry about me, so its alright

Thank you very much.

Hearing Tina somehow force those words out, Sera answered her as such with her head lowered. After that, there was an awkward silence that stretched on for some time. Tina looked to Lilia for help, but Lilia pretended not to notice.


Tina thought for a little while, and spoke.

If you likeplease come in.

The two of them were invited into Tinas room.

As expected, Tina didnt have three chairs in her room, so she asked Sera to sit on the bed and Lilia to sit at her study desk. This was probably Tinas way of being considerate of Lilia, but she ignored her and sat next to Sera. This time, Sera was the one out of sorts, but Lilia paid it no mind.

However, likely feeling sorry for Sera, Tina said this with a wry smile.

Lilia. I feel sorry for Miss Sera, so sit over here.

I suppose it cant be helped

Lilia sat in the chair, and Sera breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that, Tina smiled.

Im surprised, though. I cant believe you suddenly brought her over here

This is the sort of thing you should apologise personally for, right? Ill bring along the other five people too, at some point.

No, its fine. In fact, please dont. Thats way too much pressure

Is that how it is, Lilia thought to herself, finding her reaction strange. But it couldnt be helped, so Lilia acquiesced.

Still, you didnt need to go this far for me, Lilia.

I simply did as I wished to do. Its not something you need to worry about, Tina.

Geez Lilia, despite everything youre saying, you really are nice.

When Tina said that with a wry smile, Sera, who was sitting next to her, raised her head. Probably because she looked up so vigorously, Tina was surprised. Sera looked directly at Tina and said,

Miss Tina You, you understand

E-Eh? What do I understand?

Mistress Liliannes kindness!

Sera stood up and shouted this. Lilia was dumbfounded, but Tinas lips curled into a smile.

Yeah! Lilia is kind, isnt she? I wonder why other people dont seem to understand that?

Its exactly as you say! They must all be blind. I misunderstood you, Miss Tina. You see the real Mistress Lilianne. We must talk more!

Right you are! Yes, yes! Lets talk much, much more!

I wonder why.They started getting overly excited when the topic of Lilia came up. In front of the person herself, no less. Lilia wanted them to think about her feelings a little. At first, Sakura was dumbfounded along with Lilia, but now she was roaring with laughter.

Hey, Sakura. Hasnt this become a hassle? Why are these two putting me on a pedestal?

Ahaha! I think its fine! Youre kind, Lilia, so you should overlook these things!

With just Tina before, it was already a hasslebut now theres another one

Rather, since theyve begun meshing so well its making the situation even worse! The chemical reaction its caused will raise the hassle by at least threefold!

It seemed Sakura was really enjoying the current situation. Lilia heaved a heavy sigh, and looked to the heavens.

Sakura. Do something.

The fact that youre loved is a good thing. Hang in there, Lilia. Ah, but if they end up making a fan club, Im not giving the #1 spot away. Thats mine.

Its starting to feel like you stopped joking a while ago

Feeling a headache coming on, Lilia pressed her finger to her forehead and sighed deeply.

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