Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 37

Even having said that, Lillia understood what Sakura was getting at. Not long ago, it would be easy to imagine Lillia writing a similar note. But now, Lillia could freely admit that her past actions were deplorable.

If you can think like that, youre okay, Lillia.

Im glad if thats the case.

For the moment, Lillia decided to read through the notes. But when she saw the last one, Lillia froze.

Lillia? Whats wrong?

Seeing Tina innocently tilting her head, Lillia responded with a vague smile. She took only the last note, and returned the others to where she found them.

Tina, dont throw these away. I realise keeping them around is unpleasant, though.

Huh? Um, sure. Thats fine

Tina seemed reluctant, but these might be useful later. Lillia couldnt afford to throw them away.

Youre taking that, Lillia?

YesIm just borrowing it for a while. I might not return it, though. Is that okay?

I dont mindbut what are you going to do with it?

Tina asked that question nervously. Right now, Lillia and Tina were able to have a normal conversation. However, in the past, Lillia had done some frightening things. And that same Lillia was about to take that note full of malicious intent, with her. Lillias actions inspired nothing but bad implications. And Lillia had no intention of hiding it.

I recognise the handwriting, so Im going to pay a visit to the person who wrote it.

Those words seemed to confirm Tinas suspicions, and her face clouded over into a complex expression. Tina didnt seem to be sure whether she should be happy that Lillia was taking action for her sake, or whether she should be scared about what she was going to do.

Um, Lillia. You dont have to worry so much about meso, dont do anything cruel, okay?

I understand. Ill respect your will. Im only going to give them a warning.

Lillia looked straight at Tina, and said that with a smile. Tina breathed a sigh of relief, and thanked her with her own weak smile.

Ill be going, then. Oh yes, about the clothesis it okay if I borrow them for a while longer?

Sure. Ah, right. If youre happy with those clothes, you can have them. My father told me to tell you that.

Lillia wondered when she could have met with her father. She was a bit surprised, but decided to happily accept Tinas good will. Tina aside, her father might be hiding some other intentions behind those words. But not even having met him before, she decided not to worry about it too much. If something did come of it, however, she wouldnt be holding back.

Youve got no mercy, huh

Pushing Sakuras strained laughter out of her mind, Lillia gently waved goodbye to Tina, and left the room.

As soon as she closed the door,

Miss Lillia.

Someone called out to her, so she stopped. When she turned around, she saw Aira and Kayten.

Howhow is Tina doing?

Hearing that, Lillia frowned a little.Why dont you check yourself, she wanted to say, but for the moment, she answered honestly.

Shes fine. She was the same as usual.

I-Is that right? Thats a relief

Of course, shes clearly pushing herself.

When she added that, Aira and Kaytens happy expressions froze over. They became rather disheartened.

What can we do?We dont have the power to do anything

If our noble titles were just a little highermaybe we would be able to support her

Despite your concern, you didnt even set foot into her room, huh.

Were these two really that useless, Lillia thought to herself. When Lillia rebuked them with some disappointment, Aira scowled at her.

I spoke with Tina countless times today. But from what I could see, she didnt seem any different. Somehow, though, I knew she was pushing herself

It looks like she wants to become Tinas strength. Lillia felt somewhat relieved. If that was her intention, then thats good. Lillia nodded in affirmation. When she looked Kaytens way, she was staring right back at her.

Isnt there something you can do, Mistress Lillia?

Well, now

She averted her gaze from those two, and looked toward the door of Tinas room. She couldnt hear a thing through the door.Tinawhat are you thinking right now?

I have a favour to ask of you two.

When they heard that, both of their eyes opened wide. Their surprise that Lillia would request something of them irritated her just a little, but there was no point in getting into an argument over it, so she didnt say anything. She looked at both of them sternly and spoke.

From now on, when Tina goes out, please go with her. Even just doing that will make all the difference.

Huh? Just by doing that?

Yes. Its a lot easier to harass somebody when theyre on their own.

You are the expert, Lillia.

Quiet, you.

Also, take this.

Lillia brought out a large piece of paper with a complicated magical formation drawn on it. She folded it twice and held it out to Aira. She looked clearly confused, but took it and looked back to Lillia for an explanation.

By borrowing the power of the wind spirits, this magic formation will carry your voice to anybody. The target of this spell is me, so if theres ever any trouble, contact me anytime.

I-Is that really alright?

Yes. However, your message will only be delivered to me. I wont be able to respond. So dont waste it on something trite.

Lillia warned them, just in case. If Aira used it outside of emergencies, it would be a real problem. Aira and Kayten nodded firmly in understanding.

Its about time I got going. Oh yes, before I forget, Miss Aira, thank you for the map. Ill be counting on you again in the future.

Ah, Im glad it came in handy. If youre fine with those stores, feel free to ask me more anytime.

Lillia nodded, and started heading back.

After getting back, Lillia headed into her bedroom. She sunk into her chair and started planning her next move.

As I thought, youre not settling for just a warning, are you?

Obviously. Not after seeing her face.

Tina was admirably putting on a facade of calmness. In fact, back then it seemed like shed already calmed down. However, Lillia saw it. Her eyes were swollen red. Tina had been crying her eyes out. Just the thought of it had Lillia simmering with rage.

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