Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 33

Well then I must prepare for the evening party.

Ah, ahh Well, take care then Ah, right. Got some paper and a pen?

Lilia had an inquisitive look on her face, as she took out what shed been using to study with Sakura from her desk.Such high class stuff, shuddered Aira as she received it, but was it really that amazing? As Lilia was looking over Aira wondering what she needed it for, it seemed the girl was scribbling something on the sheet.

So after she wordlessly handed it over and Lilia took a look, it turned out to actually be a map. A route running from the Academy to a number of stores was marked out. When Lilia looked at Aira with a questioning gaze, Airas cheeks reddened and she turned away.

Its the stores we usually go to. If you take that route you can visit them all in order. Sneaking out of the evening party wont leave you with much time yeah? If recommend those for your first time.

My Thank you. Ill gratefully make use of it.

Lilia carefully scrutinised the map, and carefully folded it up.

Ahh, also. Dont go to any other stores. Just let me know if anything else catches your interest. Ill give ya my recommendations. Cause theres lots of bad ones out there.

Said Aira as she gave a wry smile. To go this far for her, Lilia actually started to suspect there was something to it.

Youre treating me awfully well here Whats your objective?

When asked that, Aira askedis that how it is?and seemed somewhat surprised. She began thinking about how to explain as she put her hand to her chin. After a little bit, she finally shook her head.

Cant really put it into words that well. Though, if its an objective then I do have one.

What might that be? If its something befitting the value of what youve given me, Ill certainly provide.

Haha. Then there wouldnt really be anything I could ask for.

For Lilia the information was in its own way quite valuable, but it seemed that Aira didnt feel the same way. She didnt intend to correct her either way, as she waited for Airas demands.

Well its not anything that hard really. Just want you to keep getting along with Tina. Thats all.

Thats Of course I intend to do so. Is there nothing regarding yourself?

Not really. Well, lets see Best regards from here on out, I guess?

Aira said that and smiled,see ya, and left the room with a wave. She seemed to leave, seen out by Alisa who was standing by beside the door during this. Lilia slowly let out a breath, and sank deep into her chair.

To be thinking about Tina before even herself I cannot understand it.

Its cause theyre best friends, I guess. How nice, I sure am jealous~. Ah, but I think of you as a best friend too.

Stop it, thats gross.

How cruel!

Sakura started going on at length about just how much shed been thinking about Lilia all this time, but she completely ignored that. As she spread out and gazed at the map she received from Aira the corners of Lilias mouth were already slightly raised, but Lilia herself didnt notice that all the way to the end.

Evening came, and the time was drawing near so Lilia left her room. Following behind her was Alisa carrying the wooden box. Lilia had intended to leave alone, but she was stopped by Alisa who pointed out that it would be strange for her to be carrying such luggage by herself.

During Mistress Lilias excursion, I shall properly watch over the belongings.

Alisa said so with a bright smile, so it seemed her plans were completely seen through. She probably didnt try to stop her, because she already knew that Lilia wouldnt have changed her mind. Lilia felt a bit regretful; if she didnt have to deal with convincing her then she should have just explained everything to Alisa from the start.

But isnt it fine? Even if you dont go all out of your way next time, you can just get Alisa to help.

Shell definitely be quite worried though.

Well, the agents will probably be going with you so it should be fine.

Even though there hadnt been any indications Sakura sounded pretty certain, she felt a bit of discomfort, lightly looking around in disbelief.

Are they Somewhere around here?

Yup. But dont let your guard down. Seems its just one person, so if youre attacked by a group theres not much they could do.

Right Ill be careful.

Pretending to not know about her follower, she brought herself to the party location.

They seemed to have made all the preparations at some point, as there were tables arranged around the schoolyard, and an assortment of food was being brought out. A few who had gotten here even earlier than Lilia, were gathered together chatting amongst themselves. At the entrance to the schoolyard was a table and two men. When the two men recognised Lilia, they bowed respectfully.

Welcome, Mistress Lilianne.

Lilia handed the invitation to one of them. He politely received it, but without actually confirming the contents they invited her to enter.

Id just like to ask, but are we free to come and go as we please here?

Indeed. What might be the matter?

If I find that Ive forgotten something, Ill be going back to retrieve it. I shall return by the end, so please dont mind me.


The two men sent her off with a bow, as Lilia left the entrance behind. And entering the nearby school building, she attempted to open the door to one of the classrooms. However naturally there were locked up.

Mistress Lilia. Please excuse me.

It was a different voice from Alisas. And, surprised at the voice that was higher pitched than Alisas or her own she turned around. There was a girl dressed in all black. the girl took a key out from her bosom, and used it to unlock the door.

Where did you get that?

Father entrusted me with it. Youll probably be using it, he said.

I see

Lilias face twitched slightly, and Alisa who was watching over this expressed a wry smile.

Seems your actions were completely seen through. In fact the secret plan isnt really secret or anything else at this point huh.

Just what was all my worrying for

It was useless. There was no point. Sure was dumb!

Was it not you who had made those suggestions?

Thats no good Lilia. You cant be caught in the past! Look to the future! The snacks are calling for us~!

Her voice was quite cheerful, but it was plainly obvious she was now trying to avoid that earlier topic. Good grief, Lilia shook her head, and since it was none other than herself that had took up Sakuras suggestions she decided to say no more.

She quickly changed her outfit in the classroom. the two other girls both let out cheers.

It really suits you, Mistress Lilia!

Its lovely!

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