Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 30


Wait wait! I definitely have an idea. It just came to me!

How haphazard Whats your plan?

Friends are real handy to have, bro! Lets go see Tina!

I see, thought Lilia as she got the gist of it. In this country, the rank of Baron was unequivocally close to that of a commoner. Tina should have any number of clothes that could blend in with the common people. Just, there was still a problem.

Ive got to go myself dont I.

Well yeah. You need the disguise, and I dont think you could ask Alisa to do this for you or something. No, I suppose Alisa would actually help you out here, but Im certain it would cause her all sorts of worry.

If Lilia straight up ordered her she would probably abide by it, but she didnt really want to subject Alisa to that. While being her maid, she was also one of Lilia few allies here. She wanted to treat her well. When she realised she was actually thinking such things, it surprised her a little.

I suppose it cant be helped I feel like Im going to create more rumors around here, but let us go.

Do your best~.

Must be nice to be so carefree.

Lilia confirmed the time stated on the invitation, and make a small click of her tongue. The evening party was set for tonight. It would have been great if there was a bit more notice, but it was probably planned by that idiot prince after all. Speaking of him, it wouldnt be strange if just as an excuse to invite Tina hed rushed out a last minute plan to hold an evening party here.

However, since there actually werent any other evening parties scheduled this one should have to have been planned in advance. It was probably so that Tina wouldnt have a chance to refuse, that the notification came right before the event.

Either way, Lilia had nothing to do with the situation around that. There really wasnt much time left, so she had to hurry with her preparations.

Alisa. Ill be heading out for a bit.

Informing Alisa who had hurriedly begun on her work, Lilia left her room behind.

Lilia descended to the second floor, and as she passed through the entrance-way the lively hall quieted down all at once. Looking around, the students whod been having friendly conversations had all stiffened as they noticed Lilia. Well, this shouldve been expected as high ranking nobles didnt usually set foot on this floor.

Even for someone of ducal class this is pretty overboard. For now lets just go to Tinas room.

Right They probably have an idea of who I am.

Im sure anyone would know. Youre pretty famous. All because of a certain idiot prince.

A real good for nothing idiot prince.

While verbally abusing the former target of her affection together with Sakura, for now she headed to the table beside her. There sat three male students, and when they noticed Lilia coming in towards them all three faces instantly paled. Even though she hadnt even done anything yet Lilia felt a bit displeased, as she asked them a question.

Im looking for Tina Breyers room, might you know where it is?

The three looked at each other, and hesitantly gave a serious nod. Very well, nodded Lilia as she continued.

Then please lead me there. Right now.

Well, I dont mind, but What are you going there for?

Does that have anything to do with you?

When Lilia slightly narrowed her eyes, the shivers were sent through the threes bodies. Just as she was starting to feel that she wasnt going to get anywhere with these three,

If I may interrupt?

She was called out to from behind. Turning around, the owner of the voice came into sight. With short chestnut coloured hair and a strong-willed set of red pupils giving off quite the impression, there was a girl who was probably in the same year as Lilia. And in a rare occurrence she was glaring straight at Lilia. That was sort of fresh for her, and Lilia unintentionally gave a bit of a smile.


When the girl opened her mouth, Lilia kept the smile on her face as she shook her head.

No. It is nothing. So is there something you need from me?

Thats right. That girl, What do you want with Tina? Depending on your answer I might just hit you.

Heeh Hit? You? At me? Heeh

Slowly, her smile deepened. The girls face stiffened and she took a step back, but her eyes that firmly kept her glare on Lilia only got stronger. While slightly surprised at the girl, Lilia examined her reaction.

I, wont just yield to some noble! We will protect Tina! Get lost!

I see, Lilia nodded in her mind. It seems that its become a complete misunderstanding. Taking into account all that had happened up until now it probably couldnt be helped, so she didnt feel angry.

To stare down Lilia for the sake of her friend, what a gallant girl! Lilia, you lets get her for some of her nails. Lets boil them and drink it.(1)

If I drank that would you become a bit less objectionable?

Eh? I totally didnt expect that kind of comeback Eh, huh? The kind of image you have of me is like

Ignoring the Sakura that started getting all distressed for some reason, she met the gaze of the girl. Right as she was thinking about how to bluff her way past this,

Eh? Youre going to bluff it? Why not just say it as it is? Its not like youre up to anything bad.

I see, Lilia nodded. Certainly this time she just wanted to ask Tina for some help. There wasnt anything shady.

I think you may be misunderstanding something here, but I just have a favour I wanted to ask of Tina so Im paying her a visit. Is there some sort of problem?

Hah? As if I could believe something like that! Hurry up and get out of here already!

She started to raise her voice as she said that, but it wasnt like she had resorted to violence. As long as shed been going to this academy, she would definitely know the significance of raising a hand against a noble, whats more someone from a Ducal. When Lilia continued to stare at the girl without moving, the girls expression got steadily more grim.

If its gonna be like that Then even I have my ways

Just, just stop it already, Aira.

Shut up Kayten!

Behind the girl came another girl. She had long blue hair and was grasping onto Airas sleeve. It was a hair colour that was rare even in this country so it had remained in her memory from sometime before. But of course, it wasnt to the extent of actually remembering her first or last name or anything.

The girl with the chestnut coloured hair named Aira renewed her glare towards Lilia. Just as she was beginning to think this was just a waste of time,

Aira, whats wrong?

Once more, a third person came to chime in. However this time she was well acquainted with this voice here.

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