Harem System: Spending Money On Women For 100% Rebate!

Chapter 19: Calista's Date

Night descded and it was time for the date, Calista didn't know where he planned to take her or what she would say as this was the first time they would be meeting since that incidt.

She didn't know if she should apologize, not that she felt guilty for her actions and an apology was only to give the illusion of remorse.

His pocket was a lot deeper than she thought, if she knew he was this rich she wouldn't have be such a bitch to him.

Calista sprayed her most expsive perfumes and wore accessories that were gott for her by some of the m she had played with in the past as she waited for that doorbell to ring.

She didn't have to wait long because it rang approximately t minutes later.

Calista took a deep breath as she readied herself, she had to put on one hell of an act if she was going to finesse him.

The momt the door oped, Calista saw that it wasn't ev Kyle there but a man who was hired by him.

"Madam Calista?" The man asked, this hurt her ego as it reminded her that no one knew who she was further highlighting why she was the way she was.

"What do you want?" Calista barked, she shouldn't care about this but this did hurt her ego.

The reason she st him that picture was to sure that he came here himself.

"We have be ordered by Mr Kyle to bring you to him," The man said, Calista had the option to refuse but the money Kyle had waved a already blinded her. She wanted more and she needed it fast.

"Whatever," Calista rolled her eyes as she closed the door behind her and followed the man however the vehicle she saw parked was a Lamborghini Avtador Limousine.

She was amazed he could afford to rt this car for the night and wondered if he was inside.

Calista knew she had to carry herself well to keep his interest, she couldn't lose it because this was one of the biggest fishes she had caught in a very long time.

She tered the Limousine and was disappointed as Kyle was nowhere to be se.


Kyle was ready, he had already booked a room in a 5-star hotel in which he was already in.

He needed to make sure everything was alright and ev managed to bring a few scted candles with him as they might become useful in this setting.

"Well, her affection bar hasn't gone down so that's a positive," Kyle muttered to himself, he had already spt quite a lot on all of this just for tonight and hoped it would be ough to increase her affection bar.

The hotel he picked had one of the finest restaurants that granted exclusive access only to their customers regardless of status.

This way, they kept the demand high but this was why Kyle chose this exact location.

He dressed in his finest clothes, tracking where she was on his phone as a map was displayed.

She was going to arrive in a few minutes but Kyle wasn't nervous.

He has spok to customers all his life so interacting with the opposite gder has never be a problem to him.

They arrived to find Kyle standing outside already, the car was parked and Kyle personally oped the door for Calista before offering his hand.

"The hell…" Calista thought to herself, surprised by the etiquette he had shown.

She took his hand as he led her out of the car, she couldn't be angry that he didn't come himself to pick her up as this served the same goal which was to get her here.

"I hope you didn't find your journey here too stressful and forgive me for not being prest. I was taught to joy my dessert after the main course meal," Kyle was brimming with confidce.

Calista was surprised that he had this smooth a mouth and wondered if perhaps this could be his twin.

The change was too drastic, she has be a actors and actresses, and there was no way that Kyle could act that well.

"Dont you know a little too much sugar ruins the appetite? Don't take a bite unless you're certain you can handle it," Calista said as she walked side by side to him, the dress she wore swayed, revealing her smooth hairless legs.

She loved the atttion because it made her feel like the main character, a role she had failed to ev get in the movies she has done so far.

"Don't worry about that, I have always had a sweet tooth for ~certain~ kind of snacks," Kyle responded suggestively, shooting her chest a glance as a smirk creased his face.

Calista was impressed by how well he countered her lines, he was matching her ergy to the tee but she had a goal here and that was to secure the bag.

They were led to their chair, Kyle paid for the VVIP treatmt and that was the service they got.

The momt they stepped into the compartmt where others who had paid for similar services were.

Calista realised why Kyle st her money to get that dress, this room smelled of wealth and since she was in the industry, she recognised a few of the people here ev though they had no idea she existed until now and it was thanks to the very dress that Kyle had told her to get.

"He knew… He was thinking about me in the d ev after what I did…." Calista thought to herself, ev feeling a tinge of guilt.

Kyle noticed she was distracted and awestruck, this was ough to tell him that she wasn't used to this kind of vironmt just as he suspected.

If she was, she would be more mindful of her reputation but Kyle simply saw another weakness to exploit as a cyan scre appeared.

[Update in affection bar!]

[Calista's affection: 8%!]

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