Harem Reborn

Chapter 193: Builder System Activated

Chapter 193: Builder System Activated


{Swordfish}{Dolphin}{Man o' War}

[Or You Could Pick That](Passive) Skill Activated!


Like...my Tsu? I accepted the choice and my massive serpent body began to coat itself in blue plating as I rammed at the...thing. So, now it all made sense why MainFrame acted like such a vindictive dick; it was because he was a vindictive DICK! Why did they do this to him? What was the point? 

No time to worry about that as I crashed into the massive serpent demon god, but I was thrown to the side and I was hit with one of the superheated beams I had dodged before.

[-1780] 3264/5044 Heath points

[Underwater Mobility] Skill is increased to level 43

Fuuuudge, that one hurt, but now I could move faster, so I tried to get close.


[Scan] Failed

[Scan] Skill is increased to level 32

I narrowly missed being grabbed as I tried to get close, having a long body was a bit of a pain against someone stronger. I rounded for another scan and got it this time, but it was scary and vague.


[Scan] Skill is increased to level 51


Health Points: ???????/???????



'Kierra, you and Grace need to find a female'

'Already found, what do you think we have been doing while you have been trying to play tag? Get ready, we are closing in, since the monster will freeze, I will get us to safety. Getaway and shift back to human form in five seconds!' -Grace.

I contorted and felt the heat of another one of the heat beams shoot past me.

[Underwater Mobility] Skill is increased to level 51

This was nuts, but Grace had a point. The monster would be frozen solid along with us, so I put on a burst of speed, and right before the next beam would hit me, I shifted back to human form. I made sure I was as far as I could be from the beam, transforming down to the head, barely dodge the heat ray. 











I got to see the pissed-off look on both the monster's faces as it prepared to fire on me, but slowly froze solid as I slipped into the next game. I wouldn't be frozen, so my body would be limp in the water and easy for the girls to pick up. I closed my eyes and opened them back up to see my favorite squirt, running full tilt at me.


Aquina jumped into my arms, but I was surprised to find her in army gear. After a long kiss and a lot of ass grabbing, I finally let her go. I was super excited to have her with me for this, I got robbed of this pleasure last game, and now I had finally got her back!

"I am so glad to see you Squirt!"

"I am going to pretend that you didn't just call me that and try not to kick you in the groin."

"Mmm, I missed your humor. So, what's the deal, do you know what we are fighting against? I thought this was going to be a mating sequence, but, nope, the new System is kicking in. I shouldn't complain, but, you know, last time"

I let my words trail off, and she smiled back. 

"Don't call me that again and we might be able to sneak off somewhere. It is only the two of us, so as long as we don't die, we can have sexy time!" Aquina said with a bright smile.

Ugh, this was so much better, I haven't even been insulted once, is this heaven mode? Mom, any insight into her behavior?

'This is not a harem world, so no system functions are affecting her personality in this world. This is Kirby Mets real personality.' -Tequila.

'You mean that the game is forcing them to act crazy?' 

'The current Game Master is in charge of personalities, Christian Datum.' -Tequila.

Oh, that was some messed up shit. I thought this was just a computer doing this because of a present thing, but it wasn't. There was a human hand forcing my girls to act crazy, and Mr. Datum of all people, that snake in the grass.

"Okay, monsters, what do we get? And what do I get for a weapon?"

"Monsters are undead hordes, of all varieties. As for weapons, you should check your inventory, I had these."

Aquina pushed down the first finger on each of her hands at the knuckle with her thumb. It looked like she was cracking her knuckles as she did it, but once she let go of her fingers, twin blue, black, and silver pistols dropped into her hands. I used a basic inventory command and the menu opened up to show an FN FAL tactical rifle, semi-auto, but with only four in the clip, and sixteen bullets, I would have to make my shots count.

"When you take it out for the first time it will give you an option to add it to your Knuckle Slots. I haven't played yet, but the game has given me some basic information and I figured some on my own while I was waiting for you." 

"You were waiting? How? The game wasn't going, was it?"

"No, but now that I am a Harem Member I can join certain games while they're paused, like this one, but I couldn't get out of this room."

"That's really handy to know, okay let me get this locked into a knuckle slot and we can head out. Do you know how the game is going to work? Like for weapons and ammo?"

"Monster will drop ammo, and at the end of the round, we can buy new weapons with our earned points before the next round starts. There will also be different snack machines that will need to be fixed with dropped parts. The snack machine has special boosts that we can buy using the points we earn from killing the undead. The last thing is the orbital drop off."

Okay, most of that made sense, and it was a basic system that didn't give us levels, surprise! Besides that, we would get points to buy things and ways to earn boosts. This wasn't bad, and I got to be back in my human body again.

"What the drop-off thing?"

"Not very reliable from what I know in the info I have. It's a drunken Russian cosmonaut that drops random weapons to random places on the map for a ridiculous price. I suggest you stay away from him, according to the data." Aquina warned me, but I wave the warning off.

The cosmonaut was probably the place for use with my new skill, too bad I didn't have any points left. It would be nice to get Aquina to level four, but we would be good for now, I hoped. There was no point in counting your chickens before they hatched, anything could happen once we stepped outside of this room.

"Okay then, I have my weapon ready, lets hope I am a good shot!"

"You don't need to worry about that. You have an aim assist to always draw your sight to the nearest enemy in your field of vision when you aim down the sights. You will have to get used to not being able to use all your normal functions like climbing, and jumping is restricted to a certain height. Think of this as a first-person shooter, not just running with guns, even though most of the rules are the same."

"Interesting, okay, I am in your hands, lead the way!"

"Get ready to run!"

I nodded and cracked my first knuckle, and my FN FAL fell into my hands after releasing my finger. Aquina opened the door and we rushed out into the blasted landscape of hell incarnate. It was pitch black, but we had no problem seeing the skeletons surrounding us from the fires burning all around us. 

"Don't stop or we will get surrounded, just shoot down the two straight ahead. I take the two one's on the outside and we should be able to break away no problem."

I wanted to ask her why we didn't just stay and fight, but the skeletons were moving unnaturally fast and closer in on us. I raised my rifle and squeezed off two shots in the first skeleton, the gun automatically moving to the creature I was focusing on. Two more shots and mine were dead, followed by triple shots from each pistol.

We rushed forwards and I reached down to grab a box that just said ammo, but I disappeared, so I kept running. The skeletons didn't follow us or even try, which I found strange since they were so adamant about getting us as soon as I got out of that room. I asked Aquina about it and she gave me a brief and unhelpful explanation.

"Those are the only ones that won't chase us here. They are just to catch stupid people that think that fighting at close range with guns is a good idea."

I got a look directed at me that made me think that she could still read my mind. Maybe she just knew how much I like to rush into things head first, hehe.

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