Harem Reborn

Chapter 186: Hit Points: ????/????

Chapter 186: Hit Points: ????/????

After loading back into the game, Grace and I were left with a small, and cranky, mini-shark. Kierra was being as difficult as possible, swimming to the bottom of her cage and refusing to come out. That lasted only about three seconds after Grace moved up to the crate I had opened and threatened violence to Kierra if she didn't get her spiny ass into gear. 

While that was happening, I used 2 HMSP and 1 SP on Kierra, causing her to flash and grow a bit bigger. I had given her the stat boost and the standard Dere removal, especially after that incident from before. Now, the girls both turned to me, one with knowing looks, the other confused. I quickly explained the Harem System and what had happened inside. 

'I'm sorry we had to put your thought that, I didn't want it to be like that, but the system I have is playing into this game's Mating sequence.'

'I understand now, but I had lost my mind earlier, I wasn't able to make rational thoughts.' -Kierra.

'Okay, so, I have enough points for us each to go to the next level of the Harem System. I think we should all activate them and see what we get.'

'It better be something good after that fiasco!' -Grace.

I was about to smile but stopped myself, no wanting Kierra to piss and shit herself at the same time. I got a flashback of Grace's O-shape mouth and gave an involuntary shiver. Load us up, Mom!

Activating 4th level of Harem System

[Or You Could Pick That](Passive) Skill Acquired!

'What is this supposed to be?' -Grace.

'The golden ticket to every multiple choice we make from now one.'

'What?' -Kierra

'Yeah, what she said. You're not making any sense, Dave.'

'Okay, I don't know for sure what it does, but I had something similar to this with the Blessing of Destiny during my game with you. Remember how the girls all got legendary classes?'

'So it really was Destiny! Okay, I can see what you're getting at. So, basically, when we get a choice we should get a possibly better choice along with the normal ones?' -Grace.

'Exactly, I think, I really don't know, but it sounds right, and frick, we deserve it! Kierra is going to be the one to reap the benefits from this one first, so we sound go find some prey for her to level with.'

The three of us agreed and headed out on the dome interior of the shabby sandcastle. On the way out, Mom mentioned something to me that made me groan inwardly.

'You know MainFrame is not going to like this.' -Tequila.

She was right, but that ship was already long gone, time to move forward, I want to see what this new skill was going to do! After getting outside, three lines were heading in all different directions, the same as the green one that guided us here. The difference was the lines were all different colors, orange, purple and red.

'What are these?' -Kierra.

'Guidelines, they will take us to areas to grind I would assume. This world has been pretty basic and boring so far, so I would assume it will just be scarier and stronger enemies.'

'What one do we choose? Not red, and purple looks like trouble, royal colors and all.' -Grace.

'Orange it is then! I agree with you, Orange sounds like the safest bet.'

We couldn't go that fast, at first. Within five minutes of putzing around, we found a school of fish. Grace acted cutely and swam with them playfully until they were all circling around her. Suddenly, Grace released a blast of electricity that stunned all the fish.

Kierra darted in and started to rip the fish into black particles, and she got through a good number of them before the rest were able to move and flee. Kierra looked satisfied and I could see she had reached Rank C+++ With all her feeding frenzy. This was really good since the finish was red snappers of a high level, so It was a quick power level for her.

I watched as Kierra floated and moved slowly, then suddenly flashed, and she was...The fuck, Mecha Dolphin? Shut the front door, but another flash lit up my view...but nothing had really changed, or so I thought.

Kierra shot twin lasers from her eye, and then transformers into a human-like girl, with a metal coating. Okay, this was a drop of your ice cream moment, because you just crushed the cone and came in your pants. Wow, that was fucking cool.

'What the hell?'

"I said, lasers and transformation, so I picked that one, and the Mecha Dolphin before that. I think you were right."

'And you can talk using a normal voice, and you have a lower rank than us! Ugh, I need to go find something to kill! I wanna level up!' -Grace.

'Yes, yes, we will Grace, chill out. We will find a school of fish for you to kill.'

'No! I want something big! I am too high of a level now to get anything from basic fish. Let's go see what we can find up ahead!'

Grace grumbled bubbles, but she came to me and Kierra shifted back into a Dolphin, man that was cool. I understood why Grace was so itchy to go, but we would have to still be careful. I took Grace in my arms so we could move fast with my propulsion, but Kierra gave us the dirtiest look a mechs dolphin could give.

Grace stuck out her tongue at Kierra, the image was ghastly. Picture a tunnel of teeth with a snake coming out of it, sheesh! Kierra's dirty look vanished and her optical sensors fully opened, making her look away and give a little body shiver. Yup, that was the proper reaction to that face, wow, Grace really did need the evolution!

I jetted off to follow the orange line and Kierra swam beside me as we made our way. We were in open water, but we were slowly descending, and it was starting to get darker. This was actually good for us so we could start hunting. 

Suddenly, I could see a light in the distance; it was in the same direction as the orange line we were following.

'What do you think that is?' -Grace.

'I don't really know, there aren't many things that would glow like that this deep that wasn't manmade.'

As we got closer the Image of a town appeared, but it was in a bubble dome. Though as we got closer, we could see that there was water inside. So, it's a shield of some kind, but I guess that makes sense, if they didn't want people in the town they would have to protect from all angles. 

'Finally civilization! Ugh, now there will be other people to talk to, you two are like sticks in the mud!' -Grace.

"Not all of us need to hear the sound of our own voices!"

'Girls, Girls, let's keep it civil as Grace said, we will be among people soon or something like people. So, let's get our shit together!'

I let Grace down and Kierra shifted beside me, we were standing in front of two solid metal guard looking statues. I tried to step forward, but both of the statues moved to block my path. 


The monotone made it clear there would be no bribing or asking to let us in just this one time. It wasn't like we had any money anyways. Okay, Mom, where is the closest place for us to go and grind some experience?

'Located the closest congregation of monsters...Tracking line is set.' -Tequila.

The line appeared and after finally scooping up Grace, who now didn't want to leave when she was so close to civilization. She was either up or down, first, she wanted to kill everything and now she doesn't want to leave. The area that the green line led to was a cave, and I groaned inwardly, there was no mission, but this had dungeons-r-us written all over it. 

I looked into the cave and it led deep inside, but there was the telltale Lumimoss lining the walls. Yup, this was a dungeon, but Grace was already squirming out of my arms, and once she was free both she and Kierra swam to the dungeon entrance. These two showed no caution, but I couldn't hold their hands the entire time, plus I needed some experience as well.

So, if I didn't hurry up, I was going to be stuck in the last place and those two would lord over me. That wasn't going to happen, not a chance, I was the leader! Well, that's what I keep telling myself. Funny how none of the girls seem to think the same.

I chased after them, and as soon as I was through the cave entrance, it closed over. The girls were already fighting...yup, mecha fish, MainFrame is pissed. I swam to help but they weren't having any trouble, so I pushed past them and swam ahead.


Name: Mechacuda

Health points: 120/300



[Razor Fins](Trait)

They were more than fine, but I kicked myself the second I entered the cave ahead of the girls, and bars dropped down, separating us. Damn, I tell them to be careful and what happens, dumbass, ugh. I turned back around and froze.


Name: Mecha White Shark

Hit Points: ????/????










...This was one of those moments when it's just to bend over backward and kiss your ass goodbye.

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