Harem Reborn

Chapter 172: I Just Work Here!

Chapter 172: I Just Work Here!

'Oh? Can you open the line to Aquina, and then shoot Mom! I wanna hear what you have in mind!'

'Communications open now, though read restricted to outgoing shared thoughts only' -Tequila.

'Can you hear me, Aquina?'

'Yes, do you need something?' -Aquina.

Ooo, that was almost creepy, a couple of good smacks on her bottom and she's a good girl now? Well, everyone has their kinks, god knows what I might run along the way, hehe. Okay, Mom, let us have it; what's your big idea?

I glided through the water to join the group that was waiting for me, they all swam to meet me, but before they could start to complain about the wait, Salburst pulled them all to me like magnets. At the same time, Salburst expanded incredibly fast into a massive metal leviathan and all the girls stood on the bridge with me at the head of the snake. 

"Woah! What is this thing? The head of this thing has to be massive! Tama come look outside!"

Mikota dragged Tama over to the window and the rest of the women came to stand beside me. Mikota was right, though, this thing was massive; I could see the small Hydroglobe below us as we started to make our way to the reef. There was no need to give orders, Salburst, Alta, and even Mom would guide the Leviathan to the reef and all but pick the damn thing for me, but this is exactly what I needed. Time to explain, joy!

'Alta, ETA to the coral reef?'

'1:46:34 remaining until arrival to the destination.' -Alta.

'Pop me a table and chairs please, Salburst.'

A table formed from the floor and Acura-Gel white egg chairs formed. Maybe after everything was won, we could come back and have our own custom made MIB nine! I motioned for everyone to sit down and we all got into our jelly seats, and everyone looked at me with eager and expectant faces, okay. 

"So, you all know we are in a game, right?"

Everyone nodded to me and I continued on.

"I have been learning some new things since I last saw you, most of them bad, but there are upsides. First and foremost is the Harem System."

Some of the girls looked confused, Iona looked like she was ready to strangle me, but Kyrina, Sasha, and Tilly nodded their heads, so I continued.

"I know it sounds bad, but this is going to be a big game-changer. Kyrina and I each have a point and I have five more and one more on the way making six. I just have to get 1-2 more to get Jill, but for now, I have enough to give four away, keeping one in reserve, but I plan on getting enough to guarantee that no matter who is in the net game they will have an advantage going in."

"What kind of things does it do? Are we going to grow extra arms or lasers?" Mikota asked with growing curiosity.

"For the first point, you get to choose plus three to your current level, skill, or stat books each level, one of those."

The room was dead silent, but you could almost hear the sounds of the eyelids peeling back. Finally, Iona only looked surprised, which was far better than mad, and the rest of the girls were trying to get their bearings together with the information that I just gave to them. I smiled, for once I wasn't the one looking surprised, but I wasn't here to gloat, there was much more to talk about and discuss. 

"So, great, right? And don't bother asking what happens next, your guesses are as good as mine. But like all great things, these points come at a cost. I Must become the Harem Hero and perform random missions to earn us Skill points...by doing a lot of Beta pervert stuff, but I think the rewards outweigh the cons right?"

"So we get them till the end of this game?" Tilly asked thoughtfully.

"See, now this is the kicker about the system; it's permanent. All skills will be transferred to the next game. So you could start with a plus-three like me, that's why I'm not purple anymore."

"No, but you still are naked, hehe!" Mikota laughed, pointing at me.

"Not my fault, I burn through the suit! Anyways, that is the good news, I know right. There are twelve Founders on twelve different game worlds, and they are trying to destroy the world. Then, they are planning on launching us into space, and then turn us all into split copies to be the Founders playthings."

I could hear eyelids move before, but now I couldn't hear a breath. It was like someone had just let out a really big fart, and everyone was holding their breath in a panic looking for a way to escape from the smell, or truth in this case. I spoke up mostly to get the air moving in the room, and to get everyone out of the funk I had just put them in.

"Cheer up! How long have I been kicking ass? We will beat them and get to live our lives the way we all want! We have the Harem System now and it will help us grow strong and gain advantages in every game we play. Just wait, we need an army and a strong one at that; once we have that, then we will be able to take the founders down and control our own Fates and Destinies!"

"I think Dave is right, there have been more and more girls here than normal, right? What do you think that means?" Sasha asked.

"Yeah, about that. The girls have been having a rough time in their games, so they are going on a waiting list to come and join the game. Look, woohoo, I'm raising an army...woo...you're not cheering with me. Ugh, I didn't make the list, I just work here!"

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