Harem Reborn

Chapter 164: WAIFU

Chapter 164: WAIFU









Wow, what the hell? Was the Harem System going to break MainFrame? I wasn't sure if that was a good thing, yet; considering I had no idea if MainFrame kept the game going or not yet, so...please don't break! What if Main frame broke the Harem System? 

//MainFrame does run everything, but there is no way something like this could break MainFrame. It is just taking longer now because it has to figure out how to handle you and your other Harem Members since you and all current HM can not be frozen. Also the Harem System can not be touch by MainFrame or the Founders , now that it is coded into your spark. That was the only why Simon could keep it safe -Tequila.

/You know, for someone that can't be frozen, I seem to be having some issues

//You are not frozen, but your MAS unit is -Tequila.

Well, that did make sense, but I would have a lot of explaining to do when I saw Aquina. I was sure that Kyrina would give her the basics, but it would be up to me to explain the finer details. Ugh, I dreaded talking to her about the mission, because that will bring up if I have done any yet, and then we will have to talk about the first mission and I will get yelled at. Joy.


Then I was...in a ship, like the Galantia, but not. I was standing in a corridor identical to Jill's ship, but I knew it wasn't. This corridor was my ship, the Star Splitter.

I looked around, but suddenly I knew I was supposed to be going to meet the team in the simulation room for today's train, just like we did every day. I let my body autopilot and I turned to walk down the hall. I walked for about five mins in a straight line until suddenly I stopped at a door and turned to it as it slid open.

Inside I was surprised to find a massive empty room, save for five people standing in the center of the gigantic area. As I walked in, my memories stirred as I looked over each person. The first I knew, it was hard to forget a Watabian like Alex, but the rest I only had names for and brief exchanges, and according to my brain, this was our first training session together. 

I received a small and fast download, telling me that my last group of primes had just been sent to the Kilatan six and this was my new batch, but I had met them before when I recruited them. Alex was a normal Watabian from Prime in the Karkos three that I had tracked down quite easily. He was also more than willing to get away from working as his father's trinket vendor, selling the things his father made. Honestly, it was really hard to believe someone so happy-go-lucky like him gained such a militaristic outlook.

I tried to press my mind for more info, but nothing was coming up.

//You can not search for things that have not happened yet -Tequila.

/What do you mean? This is in the past, right? So, then how would it be considered for me to be looking into the future?

//It is in the past right now, but for you, it is present, and how this plays out will affect the main game you are playing right now -Tequila.

Hmm, Mom made sense; I would just have to wait and live the memory for myself. This memory, or whatever it was, really didn't seem a lot different than the mini-games, so I would just have to treat this as another game. I looked back at the group, and the next in line was a massive seven-foot-tall red-headed android, and wow, this really was a soulless bastard, all the puns and inuendos intended. 

Milo was from Gargantua, a super earth-class planet with 4.5Gs of gravitational pressure, and we designed Special AI units that had multiple designations on the planet. Milo was an AIFU, Artificially Intelligent Framing Unit. Not really that impressive, but the orange curly hair was a nice touch on the monster of a metal man. Now the next one was a different story, hoowee, she was a smoke show!

Kadita was also from Gargantua, but unlike Milo, she was a WAIFU, Weaponized Artificially Intelligent Fighting Unit, and a far better choice as Gargantua's Prime, but she was slated to the Dyson Sphere in Dealtron five, one of the innermost galaxies in this system. Kadita was A LOT different than Milo, for one thing, she had skin, even though it was synthetic, I could remember feeling it, and...oh shit, you fox Star Strider, here I was thinking that I was the only one that bed hopped with gusto! 

My WAIFU, I mean Kadita, was short and a grease monkey at heart; always trying to upgrade herself. She had long brown hair and could change her body similar to a Kyrina, but I knew the similarities ended there. WAIFU and AIFU were able to change any part of their body being able to serve multiple functions; I was just that all of Kadita's upgrades put her leaps and bounds ahead of standard WAIFU, and WAIFU were not standard in any way shape, or form, to begin with.

I turned to the next one in line, and my breath caught in my throat; for some reason, I had no memory of what she looked like, just the feeling that we had a deep connection. It was also hard for us to part, and now I knew why as I looked into the sparkling blue eyes of Tsu.

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