Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 5: Su Yuerong's Abode

Ye Fan and Elder Hu tirelessly scoured every nook and cranny of the Azure Peak Sect, fervently searching for any sign of Wang Xiangyi. The sprawling peaks and hidden corners, once familiar, now seemed like a labyrinth where their quarry eluded them.

After an exhaustive search yielded no results, a flicker of realization crossed Ye Fan's mind. "What if she didn't escape the Azure Peak Sect? What if she had help from within?" he mused.

When he voiced this suspicion to Elder Hu, the elder found himself inclined to agree.

"It's possible," Elder Hu mused, his eyes reflecting the weight of the situation. "We should inquire with disciples from other peaks or even question the elders if they've seen Wang Xiangyi passing through."

As Ye Fan pondered this approach, the name Su Yuerong flickered into his mind. The ties between Wang Xiangyi and Su Yuerong were undeniable, and he suspected her involvement. With this hunch in mind, Ye Fan suggested investigating the peak controlled by Elder Su, Su Yuerong's paternal uncle.

Elder Hu's expression turned serious. "Let's approach this carefully. Remember, Elder Su holds significant influence as the Second Elder. We must remain calm and not act rashly in his presence."

Ye Fan, however, exuded confidence, seemingly unfazed by the potential power dynamics within the sect.

The duo made their way to Elder Su's Peak, where they were met by the man himself, riding on his flying sword. Elder Su acknowledged Elder Hu, seemingly ignoring Ye Fan. Elder Hu promptly informed him about Wang Xiangyi's escape and requested permission to search his peak.

Elder Su's demeanor remained cool as he declared, "There's no intruder on my peak. You may leave."

"Elder Su," Ye Fan retorted, his voice laced with defiance, "we're merely ensuring the security of the sect. If Wang Xiangyi has found refuge within, it's our duty to locate her. I don't see why we can't conduct a quick inspection of your peak."

Elder Su, displeased by Ye Fan's audacity, shot a stern glare at him and then at Elder Hu. "Control your disciple's tongue," he instructed Elder Hu curtly.

Elder Su, however, was not one to be easily swayed. His stern gaze bore into Ye Fan, and with a cold demeanor, he retorted, "Elder Hu, control your disciple. He forgets his place."

Despite the reprimand, Ye Fan's eyes flared with defiance. "Elder Su, if Wang Xiangyi is not on your peak, you shouldn't mind us checking it out."

Elder Su's patience wore thin, and his voice turned icy, "Ye Fan, remember your status. Your concerns are noted, but questioning me is not your prerogative."

Elder Hu interjected, attempting to defuse the mounting tension, "Elder Su, my disciple is eager to find the missing maid. We only seek your cooperation in this matter. If there is no connection to your peak, then this inspection will only serve to eliminate it as a possibility."

Elder Su, his expression unyielding, finally conceded with a reluctant nod. "Fine, but be swift and discreet. I won't tolerate any disrespect."

As Ye Fan and Elder Hu ventured into Elder Su's peak, the tension hung thick in the air. The scenery shifted as they moved deeper, the atmosphere growing more ominous. The disciples they encountered wore guarded expressions, casting furtive glances at the uninvited guests.

While Elder Hu conducted a thorough search, Ye Fan's eyes darted around, his suspicions deepening. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Elder Su's involvement than met the eye.

As they explored, Ye Fan noticed a concealed passage leading underground. His instincts tingling, he suggested, "Elder Hu, let's check this hidden path. There might be more to discover beneath the surface."

Elder Hu, ever the cautious elder, agreed. The duo descended into the subterranean depths, guided only by the faint luminescence of their spiritual energy.

Meanwhile, Elder Su observed their movements with a watchful eye, his suspicions lingering like an unspoken challenge. The atmosphere was thick with unspoken animosity, each step taken echoing the fragile peace teetering on the edge.

After a thorough examination that yielded no evidence, Ye Fan, somewhat disgruntled, turned to Elder Su. "There seems to be nothing here. Perhaps Wang Xiangyi found refuge elsewhere."

Elder Su's gaze bore into Ye Fan's, a silent warning beneath the surface. "Be cautious with your accusations, young disciple. Unfounded words can lead to unwarranted consequences."

As Ye Fan gritted his teeth, ready to argue further, Elder Hu intervened, steering his disciple away from confrontation. "Thank you for your cooperation, Elder Su. We will continue our search elsewhere."

As they left Elder Su's peak, the tension lingered like a brewing storm.

In the concealed cavern on Elder Su's peak, a hushed atmosphere lingered as Su Yuerong made her way to visit Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi. The dimly lit space seemed to come alive with anticipation as the trio reunited.

"Thank you, Su Yuerong, for helping us," Wang Li expressed his gratitude as he and Wang Xiangyi stood up to greet her.

Su Yuerong waved off their thanks with a serious expression. "I don't need your gratitude. I hope you keep your promise, Wang Li."

Wang Li nodded, matching her seriousness. "I will fulfill my promise, you have my word."

Curiosity sparked in Wang Xiangyi's eyes as she couldn't help but wonder what promise her cousin had made. However, she refrained from prying at this moment.

Wang Li, looking at Su Yuerong, posed a crucial question, "How long do you think we'll have to remain hidden within the Azure Peak Sect?"

"It will take at least half a month, perhaps a whole month, for this matter to settle down," Su Yuerong informed them. "After that, I will personally guide the two of you out of the sect."

Wang Li expressed his gratitude once again, appreciating the risks Su Yuerong took to assist them.

As Su Yuerong prepared to leave, she made sure to pass along the location of her abode. "Come to my abode in the evening," she instructed Wang Li.

Wang Li nodded, acknowledging her instructions seriously.

Once Su Yuerong and Elder Su departed from the concealed cavern, Wang Xiangyi couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. "What promise did you make, cousin?"

Wang Li sighed, realizing he couldn't keep it a secret any longer. He described the unique ability to utilize Yin Qi and Yang Qi to enhance his own Spiritual Roots, Cultivation, Physique. Moreover, he could even enhance the Spiritual Roots and even temporarily empower the cultivation base of a woman. The condition was that he had to touch the woman physically.

Wang Xiangyi listened, her eyes widening with each revelation.

Wang Xiangyi's eyes widened in astonishment. "That's truly extraordinary! I've never heard of such an ability. How did you acquire it, cousin?"

Wang Li briefly recounted the perilous encounter that led to his near-death experience and the subsequent awakening with this unique ability.

"But why would you risk revealing such a secret ability?" Wang Xiangyi questioned, a mix of shock and concern in her eyes.

Wang Li gently embraced her, comforting her as he confessed, "I promised Su Yuerong that I would enhance her Spiritual Root in exchange for her help in saving you."

Wang Xiangyi was overwhelmed with emotion. The risk and secrecy surrounding this newfound ability were immense, yet her cousin had willingly shared it for the sake of her rescue. Touched by the depth of his sacrifice, she wrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace.

In the cool embrace of the evening, Wang Li followed Su Yuerong's instructions to find her concealed abode. Navigating through the dense cluster of trees, he reached a point where the surroundings seemed to shift. An illusionary array formation veiled the entrance, and as he passed through its hidden boundary, the scenery transformed.

The cavern revealed itself as a sanctuary of elegance and refinement. Precious artifacts adorned the space, intricate paintings graced the walls, and carefully placed statues contributed to the overall opulence. It was a fitting abode for Su Yuerong, a prominent inner disciple of the Azure Peak Sect.

Su Yuerong, dressed in comfortable green robes, welcomed Wang Li with a serene smile. She gestured for him to sit on a carpet near her bed. With a sense of purpose, they assumed cross-legged positions and extended their arms toward each other, hands meeting in a determined clasp.

As they connected, Wang Li focused his concentration, initiating the unique exchange promised earlier. Utilizing his newfound ability, he directed his Yang Qi to enhance Su Yuerong's Spiritual Roots, a process that required delicate control and synchronization.

In the midst of this energy exchange, Wang Li was not merely a giver; he ensured a reciprocal flow. He subtly absorbed Su Yuerong's Yin Qi, strengthening his own Spiritual Roots. The synergy between the two cultivators created an intricate dance of energies, each benefiting from the other.

The cavern resonated with a harmonious hum, a testament to the intricate balance of Yin and Yang forces at play.

Su Yuerong's eyes, usually cold and resolute, softened as she experienced the flow of energy between them.

In the midst of this silent collaboration, Wang Li's mind buzzed with a mix of thoughts and emotions. The delicate dance of energy exchange was not without its risks and complexities.

He navigated the intricate pathways of spiritual energy, ensuring a seamless flow while maintaining a vigilant awareness of the potential consequences.

The subtle glow of their intertwined spiritual energies created an ethereal ambiance within the cavern. It was a moment suspended in time, where trust and necessity converged.

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