Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 34: Fight Against Serpents

Wang Li smirked wickedly as he received Xia Qingwu's urgent message, but he quickly put it aside.

Instead, he set off towards the forest where his cousin, the beautiful cousin Wang Xiangyi, was traveling alongside four formidable women hunters of the Supreme Commerce Union: Duan Yuxiu, Qi Yingxue, Ma Liling, and Wei Xiaoqing.

He knew Xiangyi wouldn't contact him unless she really needed his help, so he wasted no time in making his way towards her location.

According to her message, she had gathered all the ingredients for something, except for one crucial item: the metal beast core of the Silverwing Serpent.

Wang Li remembered telling her about his recent advancement to the Nascent Soul Realm, and now Xiangyi was calling upon him to assist in taking down this formidable beast.

Wang Li understood the challenge ahead. Hunting the Silverwing Serpent wouldn't be easy, especially considering that they usually roamed in pairs, each possessing formidable strength.

One of the serpents was even rumored to be at the middle-stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, while its partner boasted power at the late-stage.

It was a daunting task, but Wang Li was ready for the challenge.

After two days of flying on his trusty Flying Sword, Wang Li finally descended into the Silvery Willow Forest where his cousin Wang Xiangyi and her companions awaited him.

Duan Yuxiu, Qi Yingxue, Ma Liling, and Wei Xiaoqing were taken aback by his sudden appearance, especially since he was wearing a mask that concealed his face. They exchanged curious glances, but didn't dwell on it too much, assuming it was just his style.

Wang Xiangyi stepped forward, a playful glint in her eyes. "Everyone, meet my dear cousin," she announced with a grin, gesturing towards Wang Li. "This is Zhao."

The four women nodded in acknowledgment, accepting the introduction without question. "Nice to meet you, Zhao," they chorused in unison.

Wang Li nodded in return, his masked expression giving nothing away.

'Best to keep my identity hidden for now,' he thought, knowing that revealing his true name could complicate matters.

Wang Li wasted no time in getting to the point. "Where's the Silverwing Serpent?" he asked, his eyes darting around the forest.

Wang Xiangyi motioned towards a nearby cavern. "It's in there," she said. "But attacking it inside wouldn't be wise. The lack of light would give it the upper hand."

Wang Li nodded in understanding. "So, what's the plan then?"

"We lure it out," Wang Xiangyi replied confidently. "We'll draw it into the open where we have the advantage."

The group quickly formulated a plan, with Wang Li offering his insights and expertise. As they prepared to execute their strategy, the anticipation in the air was palpable.

As the plan was set into motion, Duan Yuxiu and Qi Yingxue took up their positions near the entrance of the cavern where the Silverwing Serpents lurked. With a nod to each other, they began their task of provoking the formidable beasts.

"Hey, you oversized snakes! Come out and die!" Duan Yuxiu shouted, her voice echoing through the forest.

Qi Yingxue followed suit, her spear crackling with flames. "Yeah! We're not afraid of a couple of slithery monsters!"

Their insults seemed to hit home, as the ground trembled beneath their feet. With a thunderous roar, the Silverwing Serpents emerged from the darkness of the cavern, their metallic scales glinting ominously in the sunlight.

Meanwhile, Wang Li, Wang Xiangyi, Ma Liling, and Wei Xiaoqing lay in wait, hidden behind the cover of the trees. As the Silverwing Serpents slithered out into the open, they sprang into action, unleashing a barrage of attacks.

Wang Li's sword danced through the air with precision, his Yin-Yang attributes enhancing each strike as he aimed for the serpents' vulnerable spots. "Yin-Yang Harmony Slash!" he shouted, his blade slicing through the air with a burst of energy.

Wang Xiangyi followed suit, her metal-attribute sword gleaming as she slashed at the serpents with deadly accuracy. "Metallic Fury Strike!" she cried, her blade leaving shimmering trails of light in its wake.

Duan Yuxiu and Qi Yingxue coordinated their efforts, the flames of Duan Yuxiu's spear complementing the lightning-fast strikes of Qi Yingxue's sword. "Inferno Thunder Thrust!" they shouted in unison, their weapons colliding with the serpents' scales with explosive force.

Ma Liling's arrows whistled through the air, each one finding its mark with unerring precision. "Verdant Arrow Barrage!" she called out, her wooden arrows embedding themselves deep into the serpents' flesh.

Wei Xiaoqing's water whip cracked like a whip as she lashed out at the serpents, her attacks sending waves of water crashing over their bodies. "Aqua Tempest Strike!" she exclaimed, her whip slicing through the air with deadly grace.

Despite the relentless onslaught of the human cultivators, the Silverwing Serpents refused to yield, their metallic bloodline abilities proving to be a formidable defense. With a hiss, they unleashed a flurry of attacks, their razor-sharp claws and teeth gleaming in the sunlight.

The air crackled with energy as the serpents utilized their unique metal attribute powers. One serpent, its scales shimmering with an otherworldly sheen, lashed out with a move known as the "Steel Fang Assault," sending shards of metal flying towards the human cultivators with deadly precision.

Meanwhile, its companion coiled around the trees, its body pulsing with power as it unleashed the "Iron Coil Bind," ensnaring its foes in a web of metal-infused vines, restricting their movements and leaving them vulnerable to attack.

But the human cultivators refused to back down, their determination shining through even as they faced the formidable might of the serpents.

Wang Li danced around the serpents with expert precision, his sword flashing as he parried their attacks with ease. "Yin-Yang Mirage Dance!" he shouted, his blade blurring as he unleashed a flurry of strikes against the serpents.

As the battle reached its climax, the human cultivators began to show signs of fatigue and injury.

Wang Xiangyi, Duan Yuxiu, Qi Yingxue, Ma Liling, and Wei Xiaoqing fought valiantly, but the powerful serpents were taking their toll.

"Duan Yuxiu, watch out!" Qi Yingxue cried out, her lightning-infused sword clashing against the serpent's metallic scales.

But it was too late. The serpent's tail lashed out, striking Duan Yuxiu with incredible force. She staggered back, blood staining her spear as she fought to stay on her feet.

"Duan Yuxiu, retreat!" Wang Li shouted, his voice filled with urgency as he rushed to her side.

Meanwhile, Wang Xiangyi and the others continued to press their attack, their determination unwavering despite their injuries. But the serpents fought back with equal ferocity, their metal attribute attacks proving to be formidable.

With a final burst of strength, Wang Xiangyi unleashed a powerful sword strike known as the Metal Storm Slash, by using which, her blade sliced through the air with unmatched precision.

The Silverwing Serpent let out a deafening roar as it collapsed to the ground, its body convulsing with the force of the blow.

But the battle was far from over. The second serpent, enraged by the loss of its companion, unleashed a barrage of attacks, its metal scales gleaming in the sunlight.

Wang Li gritted his teeth, his injuries slowing him down but not stopping him from pressing the attack. Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, Wang Li saw an opening. With a swift motion, he lunged forward, his sword glowing with Yin-Yang energy as he aimed for the serpents' weak spot.

"Yin-Yang Devastation Strike!" he shouted, his voice ringing out through the forest.

The serpent let out a roar of pain as Wang Li's attack found its mark, slicing through its defenses with ease. With a final, desperate lunge, Wang Li delivered the finishing blow, his sword piercing the serpent's heart with unerring accuracy.

As the serpent fell, its metallic body crumbling to the ground, a sense of relief washed over the battlefield. The human cultivators, battered and bruised, gathered together, their injuries a testament to their bravery and resilience.

"We did it," Wang Li said, his voice filled with pride as he looked around at his companions. "We defeated the Silverwing Serpents."

The others nodded in agreement, exhaustion evident in their eyes but satisfaction shining through, nonetheless. They were all gravely injured at this moment.

As the dust settled on the battlefield and the victorious group caught their breath, Wang Li forced himself to stand, his injured body protesting with every movement. "This isn't over yet," he muttered to himself, his voice strained but determined.

With a grimace, Wang Li made his way over to the corpses of the Silverwing Serpents, his storage bag at the ready. "I'll take care of these," he said to the others, his tone firm as he began to store the massive bodies in his bag.

Once the task was complete, Wang Li turned his attention to the gravely injured women, his heart heavy with concern. They had fought bravely, but the toll of battle was evident in their weary forms.

"We need to move," Wang Li said, his voice urgent as he approached them. "The death of these serpents will attract other beasts to this area. We have to get away before they arrive."

The women nodded, their faces pale with exhaustion but determined to follow Wang Li's lead. With great effort, they struggled to their feet, leaning on each other for support as they prepared to leave the battlefield behind.

"Follow me," Wang Li said, his voice steady as he led the way through the dense forest, his senses on high alert for any signs of danger.

As they journeyed deeper into the forest, Wang Li's keen eyes spotted a faint trail leading off to the side. "This way," he said, gesturing for the others to follow as he veered off the main path.

After a short while, they arrived at a secluded clearing, where a series of natural hot springs bubbled to the surface. Wang Li's eyes lit up with relief as he saw the steaming pools, knowing that they would provide much-needed rest and relaxation for the weary group.

"We'll rest here for a while," Wang Li said, his voice soft as he helped the women settle near the edge of the springs. "Take your time and soak in the water. It will help to ease your injuries."

With a grateful nod, the women sank into the warm water, their tired muscles relaxing with each passing moment. Wang Li watched over them, a sense of satisfaction filling him as he saw the tension melting away from their faces.

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