Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 3: Executing The Plan To Save Wang Xiangyi

The cavern was bathed in the soft glow of luminescent crystals as Su Yuerong slowly regained consciousness. The unfamiliar surroundings and the suppressed sensation of her cultivation immediately caught her attention.

'Where am I?' she thought, scanning the cavern with cautious eyes.

As she moved to sit up, Su Yuerong's gaze fell upon Wang Li, an exceptionally handsome man sitting beside a small fire. The air in the cavern was filled with the aroma of a stew curry simmering in a cauldron.

Wang Li turned towards her with a warm smile as she stirred. "Ah, you're finally awake."

Confusion clouded Su Yuerong's eyes as she questioned their whereabouts and demanded to know who he was.

Wang Li chuckled at her natural reaction. "I'm Wang Li, the one who abducted you from Tianxia City."

The revelation shocked Su Yuerong. Though she had never known Wang Li's appearance, his name had echoed through the righteous sects as the surviving member of the Wang Family – the one with alleged demonic ties. Her sect, the Azure Peak Sect, had issued orders to eliminate him.

"Why reveal your identity?" she asked, suspicion lingering in her gaze.

Wang Li remained calm, extending a bowl of stew curry and fish towards her. "Eat. You must be hungry."

Su Yuerong hesitated, eyeing the food with suspicion. Wang Li, understanding her wariness, began to eat himself, explaining, "I've been posing as a mortal for so long that eating has become a habit, even though I don't need to."

The aroma of the food eventually tempted Su Yuerong, and she cautiously took a few bites. As the flavors registered, she couldn't deny the skill in Wang Li's cooking.

"Why did you abduct me? What evil intentions do you have?" Su Yuerong asked with a cold edge in her tone.

Wang Li, unfazed, responded with a sly smile, "If I had evil intentions, you wouldn't be preserving your purity right now."

Though acknowledging the truth in his words, Su Yuerong couldn't dismiss her suspicions. She questioned Wang Li about his motives, and he answered with a straightforward proposition.

"I want your assistance in saving my cousin, Wang Xiangyi, from the clutches of the Azure Peak Sect."

Su Yuerong raised a brow in confusion. "Wang Xiangyi? Last I heard, she serves as Ye Fan's maid."

Wang Li's eyes gleamed with determination. "Exactly, and that's why I need your help."

Su Yuerong couldn't comprehend the connection between Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi. The situation seemed more complicated than she initially thought.

Wang Li, sensing her skepticism, leaned forward. "Ye Fan orchestrated the fall of the Wang Family. I have evidence, and I want to expose him. Your assistance could be crucial."

Su Yuerong's eyes narrowed as she processed the information.

Su Yuerong stared at Wang Li with a mix of skepticism and curiosity, her eyes narrowing as she questioned, "Why should I take such a great risk to help you? If anyone finds out that I assisted in saving Wang Xiangyi, the elders and disciples close to Ye Fan will hunt me down without mercy."

Wang Li remained calm, his expression unwavering. "I chose you for this because I know you have enough influence to resist Ye Fan's reach. However, I acknowledge the risk you're taking, and I believe you should be adequately compensated for it."

A subtle smile played on Su Yuerong's lips. She nodded, expressing her agreement. "You're right. I won't take such a risk unless the rewards are truly worth it. So, how are you going to reward me?"

Wang Li slyly grinned. "Actions speak louder than words. Let me show you." He extended his arm, reaching for Su Yuerong's hand.

Su Yuerong's eyes turned cold, suspicion written all over her face. "What are you doing? What's your plan? If you try anything inappropriate, I won't hesitate to fight you to the death."

Wang Li reassured her, "I'm not doing anything of the sort. I want you to use your spiritual energy to monitor your own Spiritual Roots."

Curiosity flickered in Su Yuerong's eyes as she concentrated her spiritual energy on her Spiritual Roots. To her surprise, she felt a mysterious energy flowing from Wang Li's hand, fusing with her Earth Elemental Spiritual Roots. The quality of her Spiritual Roots was visibly improving, and the enhancement was happening at a remarkably swift pace.

As Su Yuerong opened her eyes, she wore a stunned expression. "What... what did you just do?"

Wang Li explained with a calm demeanor, "This is my ability. I can use my vital qi to enhance the quality of your Spiritual Roots. Enhancing the quality of your Spiritual Roots brings numerous benefits. The absorption rate of spiritual energy will increase significantly, making breakthroughs in cultivation easier, and your elemental power will become much stronger."

Su Yuerong was taken aback. She had never encountered such a rare and precious ability. The opportunity to enhance her own Spiritual Roots was something she couldn't easily dismiss, even as a seasoned cultivator.

"Consider the benefits," Wang Li said, breaking the silence. "This enhancement is just a glimpse of what I can offer. If you assist me in saving Wang Xiangyi, you'll have access to this ability whenever you need it."

"I never thought you had such a valuable skill," she admitted, her tone now more open to the idea of helping Wang Li in his mission to save Wang Xiangyi. "The benefits are undeniable. I'm considering helping you, but I need to know more about your plan."

Wang Li leaned back, a confident smile playing on his lips. "Of course, let me lay out the details for you."

He proceeded to explain the intricacies of his plan, detailing how he would infiltrate the Azure Peak Sect by acting as her servant to bypass the array formations of Azure Peak Sect to reach Wang Xiangyi. The plan involved using Su Yuerong's knowledge of the sect's layout and her influence to navigate the sect.

Su Yuerong's eyes gleamed at the mention of such valuable rewards. She weighed the risks against the benefits, and the scales seemed to tip in favor of aiding Wang Li.

"Alright," she finally said, a determined look in her eyes. "I'll help you save Wang Xiangyi. But remember, if you betray me after saving Wang Xiangyi, then I will spend my life hunting you. "

Wang Li nodded solemnly. "I understand. You have my word."

As a gesture of trust, Wang Li unsealed Su Yuerong's cultivation, restoring her spiritual energy and allowing her to access her full power once again. The surge of energy brought a sense of relief to Su Yuerong, and she nodded in gratitude.

"We should move immediately," Wang Li urged, determination gleaming in his eyes. "I want to free my cousin as quickly as possible."

Su Yuerong agreed, her gaze unwavering. With swift movements, they both mounted their Flying Swords and soared into the sky, heading towards the Tianxi City.

In the city, Wang Li purchased clothes suitable for a servant of a cultivator. He changed into the attire, concealing his identity further with a black mask covering the lower half of his face and a bamboo hat. Su Yuerong used her Azure Amulet to mark Wang Li as her servant, ensuring that the Azure Peak Sect's array formation wouldn't detect any intruders.

Following Su Yuerong's lead, they approached the Azure Peak Sect without triggering any alarms. The tension in the air was palpable as they neared the peak where Ye Fan's grotto was located.

Wang Li's heart pounded with anticipation, knowing that the success of their plan hinged on a delicate balance of timing and strategy. As they reached the designated peak, Su Yuerong guided Wang Li towards Ye Fan's grotto.

According to Wang Li's plan, Su Yuerong would challenge Ye Fan to a spar on the sect's arena, creating a diversion while Wang Li moved stealthily to Wang Xiangyi's abode. The challenge, Wang Li believed, would be accepted by Ye Fan, given his known weakness for beautiful cultivators.

Wang Li found a concealed spot to observe the events unfold. Su Yuerong, with confidence in her steps, approached Ye Fan's grotto. She bowed respectfully, her voice carrying across the peak, "Senior Brother Ye Fan, I have heard of your prowess in the martial arts. Would you honor me with a friendly spar on the sect arena?"

Ye Fan, who was currently cultivating within his grotto, heard Su Yuerong's proposition. The mention of a spar, especially from a cultivator with Su Yuerong's reputation, piqued his interest. With a smirk, he emerged from his grotto, his eyes appreciatively sizing up Su Yuerong.

"Ah, how can I refuse such a polite invitation from you Junior Sister Su?" Ye Fan responded, a playful glint in his eyes.

Su Yuerong's plan worked flawlessly. She and Ye Fan made their way to the sect arena, leaving Wang Li with a small window of opportunity. He carefully moved towards the peak where Wang Xiangyi was held captive, staying in the shadows to avoid detection.

Meanwhile, Su Yuerong and Ye Fan faced each other on the arena, the sect disciples gathering to witness the spectacle. The air was charged with anticipation as the spar began.

Back at Wang Xiangyi's abode, Wang Li approached with caution. He could feel the restrictions and wards placed around the area, remnants of the Azure Peak Sect's security measures. Wang Li focused on his cultivation and carefully dismantled the barriers, ensuring a quiet and undetected entry.

As he entered the abode, he saw Wang Xiangyi in a servant's attire.

Meanwhile, as Wang Xiangyi laid her eyes on this individual who was wearing a bamboo hat, her eyes widened.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, cousin. I have come to save you," Wang Li whispered softly as he removed his mask to let her see it was indeed him.

Upon noticing that it was her cousin, Wang Xiangyi relaxed visibly.

Wang Li quickly went to work as he stepped forward and gently touched the forehead of his cousin, drawing upon the Yin-Yang Cultivation Ability, to remove the slave restriction placed on her. He could feel the tension in the air as every passing moment increased the risk of their plan being discovered.

In the arena, Su Yuerong and Ye Fan engaged in a spirited spar. Su Yuerong showcased her formidable skills, impressing the onlookers, while Wang Li worked swiftly to free Wang Xiangyi.

The crucial moment arrived when Wang Li successfully lifted the slave restriction from Wang Xiangyi. Her eyes widened with a mix of disbelief and relief. Wang Li gestured for her to follow him silently.

As Su Yuerong and Ye Fan ended their spar, Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi moved with stealth.

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