Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 177: Ancient Teleportation Array Formation

In the early morning of the next day, Wang Li, the Patriarch of the Wang Family, arranged a meeting in the main chamber of their combined residce in the Three Peaks Alliance. The chamber was adorned with intricate tapestries and glowing crystals, casting a sere and powerful ambiance.

Wang Li sat at the head of a large, table, his posture relaxed yet commanding. Opposite him sat Xia Bingling, the Matriarch of the Xia Family, and Song Jingyan, the Matriarch of the Song Family. Despite the intimate counters they had shared just the night before, all three wore serious expressions, ready to discuss the important matters at hand.

"Patriarch Wang," Xia Bingling began, her voice smooth and authoritative, "you called for this meeting. What is it that you wish to discuss?"

Song Jingyan nodded, her eyes curious. "Indeed, we are eager to hear what you have to say."

Wang Li smiled, a hint of a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Miss Song, Mother-in-Law, I have some significant news to share."

Xia Bingling and Song Jingyan exchanged glances but remained silt, waiting for Wang Li to continue.

"As you both know, I have rectly inherited the legacy of the Mystic Beastmaster Saint," Wang Li started, leaning forward slightly. "Among the treasures I have acquired, there is something that could greatly befit our Three Peaks Alliance: an Ancit Teleportation Array Formation."

Xia Bingling raised an eyebrow. "A teleportation array formation? That sounds impressive. How does it work?"

Wang Li nodded. "Indeed, it is quite extraordinary. This formation can connect two or more settlemts, allowing individuals to teleport betwe locations. The cost for each use would be a few thousand spirit stones."

Song Jingyan's eyes wided with interest. "This could revolutionize our operations. We could prest this formation to other cultivation families and great righteous sects like the Jade Lotus Palace, Emerald Sea Palace, Azure Peak Sect, and the Gold Bell Temple. We could charge them for setting up the formation and for each use, significantly boosting our treasury."

Xia Bingling's expression turned thoughtful. "While this idea has great pottial, we must consider the risks. Presting such a valuable formation could incite the greed of devil sects or ev some great righteous sects. Our Three Peaks Alliance, though strong, is still just an alliance of three cultivation families.

Ev with two Soul Integration Realm experts, we cannot contd with a single powerful sect."

Wang Li nodded, understanding her concern. "I have already considered this. We should secure the support of one of the great righteous sects before presting the formation. I believe the Jade Lotus Palace would be our best bet. I am confidt that Palace Mistress Jiu Lan will support us and sure our protection."

Xia Bingling's lips curled into a mischievous smile. "Patriarch Wang, from what I remember, Palace Mistress Jiu Lan did not have the fondest feelings for you. Yet, you speak with such confidce. Could it be that you've managed to... change her mind?"

Wang Li smirked, not dying her implication. "Let's just say that Palace Mistress Jiu Lan and I have reached a... mutual understanding."

Song Jingyan's eyes sparkled with curiosity, but she chose not to press the matter further. "If you believe Palace Mistress Jiu Lan will support us, th we should proceed with caution and strategic planning."

The three of them spt the next hour discussing various strategies and possibilities. Xia Bingling suggested using the teleportation array formation to not only rack up wealth but also to establish secret escape routes for their members. Song Jingyan proposed that they could exchange treasures and resources more efficitly with their allies using the formation.

Wang Li listed atttively, nodding in agreemt. "These are excellt suggestions. Additionally, I have acquired other treasures from the legacy inheritance. There is a unique Beast Taming Technique that allows us to form contracts with beasts. This would able us to summon our contracted beasts from anywhere in the world, providing a significant tactical advantage."

Xia Bingling's eyes lit up. "A Beast Taming Technique? That could be incredibly valuable. Imagine the power we could wield with a legion of loyal beasts at our command."

Wang Li continued, revealing more treasures. "I also obtained rare jeweled swords, rings, cloaks, and various defsive and offsive array formations. We can set these up a our territory to hance its safety. Furthermore, I have ancit alchemy recipes that include elixirs and pellets, as well as an cyclopedia on herbs and beast species."

Song Jingyan leaned forward, her interest piqued. "An cyclopedia on herbs and beast species? That knowledge could be invaluable for our cultivation and for nurturing our own spiritual beasts."

Wang Li nodded. "Indeed. This knowledge will allow us to grow rare herbs, understand the needs of various beasts, and maximize their pottial."

The three leaders of the Three Peaks Alliance spt the next few hours meticulously planning their next steps. They discussed the logistics of setting up the teleportation array formation, the pottial alliances they could form, and the best ways to utilize the treasures Wang Li had acquired.

Xia Bingling and Song Jingyan offered their insights and suggestions, while Wang Li provided his expertise and strategic vision. Together, they formed a comprehsive plan that would sure the prosperity and safety of their alliance.

As the meeting drew to a close, Wang Li looked at the two Matriarchs with a sse of satisfaction. "Thank you both for your valuable input. I am confidt that with our combined efforts, the Three Peaks Alliance will reach new heights."

Xia Bingling smiled warmly. "We are grateful for your leadership, Patriarch Wang. Together, we will achieve greatness."

Song Jingyan nodded in agreemt. "Indeed, our alliance is strong, and with these new treasures and techniques, we will only grow stronger."

Wang Li stood, extding a hand to each of them. "Let us move forward with determination and unity. The future of the Three Peaks Alliance is bright."

Xia Bingling and Song Jingyan took his hands, their expressions resolute. "To the Three Peaks Alliance," they said in unison.

With their plans set in motion, the leaders of the Three Peaks Alliance prepared to implemt their strategies and secure their place in the cultivation world.

As they exited the chamber, Wang Li couldn't help but feel a sse of anticipation. He knew that challges lay ahead, but with the support of Xia Bingling, Song Jingyan, and the rest of the Three Peaks Alliance, he was ready to face whatever came their way.

As the sun rose higher in the sky, Wang Li looked out over the bustling camp, filled with the hardworking members of their alliance. The journey was far from over, but he was determined to lead his people to greatness.

The next steps involved reaching out to Palace Mistress Jiu Lan and securing her support. Wang Li knew that this would not be a difficult task, giv their newfound relationship. He was determined to solidify the Three Peaks Alliance's position and sure their safety and prosperity.

As the days passed, Wang Li, Xia Bingling, and Song Jingyan worked tirelessly to implemt their plans. They st voys to the Jade Lotus Palace, presting the proposal for the Ancit Teleportation Array Formation. True to Wang Li's prediction, Palace Mistress Jiu Lan readily agreed, recognizing the immse pottial and mutual befits of the arrangemt.

With the Jade Lotus Palace's support secured, the Three Peaks Alliance began setting up the teleportation arrays in strategic locations. The other righteous sects and cultivation families soon followed suit, eager to be part of the new network.

The revue gerated from the teleportation fees filled the alliance's treasury, allowing them to invest in further strgthing their defses and resources.

The Beast Taming Technique also proved to be a game-changer. Members of the Three Peaks Alliance began forming contracts with powerful beasts, adding a new layer of strgth to their forces. The rare artifacts and array formations hanced their territory's defses, making it nearly impregnable.

Wang Li's leadership and vision transformed the Three Peaks Alliance into a formidable power in the cultivation world. Their influce grew, and their reputation as a united and powerful alliance spread far and wide. With each passing day, their strgth and resources increased, suring their dominance and safety.

In the midst of these developmts, Wang Li continued to deep his relationships with Xia Bingling and Song Jingyan. Their bond, forged through mutual respect and shared goals, became the foundation of the alliance's success. Together, they navigated the challges of the cultivation world, confidt in their ability to protect and lead their families to greatness.

As Wang Li stood atop a hill, overlooking the bustling activity of the Three Peaks Alliance, he felt a sse of fulfillmt. The journey had be long and arduous, but the rewards were worth every effort. With the treasures of the Mystic Beastmaster Saint, the support of powerful allies, and the unwavering loyalty of his comrades, Wang Li knew that the future held limitless possibilities.

"To the Three Peaks Alliance," Wang Li murmured to himself, a smile playing on his lips. "May we continue to rise and conquer."

And so, the Three Peaks Alliance, under the leadership of Wang Li, Xia Bingling, and Song Jingyan, embarked on a new era of prosperity and power.

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