Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 17: Xia Bingling's Decision

As Ye Fan stood before Madam Xia Bingling, he spoke with a tone of earnestness and sincerity, his words carefully chosen to sway her opinion in his favor.

"Madam Xia Bingling, I understand the complexities of Xia Qingwu's situation," Ye Fan began, his voice carrying a sense of empathy. "She had a marriage contract with Wang Li, and their relationship was undoubtedly strong."

Madam Xia Bingling listened intently, her expression betraying little emotion as she absorbed Ye Fan's words.

"But," Ye Fan continued, his voice taking on a more serious tone, "we cannot ignore the fact that the Wang Family had ties to demonic entities. Despite my friendship with Wang Li, I had no choice but to take action to rid the world of this threat."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before pressing on. "Even now, there are concerns among the righteous sects that Xia Qingwu's association with Wang Li may cast suspicion upon her allegiance."

At this, Madam Xia Bingling's brows furrowed slightly, indicating her contemplation of Ye Fan's words.

"That's why," Ye Fan continued, his voice gaining conviction, "marrying me would send a clear message to the righteous sects that the Xia Family stands firmly against the influence of demonic forces."

As Ye Fan outlined his reasoning, he couldn't help but feel a sense of confidence in his argument. He believed wholeheartedly that marrying him would not only benefit Xia Qingwu but also strengthen the Xia Family's standing among the righteous sects.

Madam Xia Bingling remained silent, her neutral expression betraying little of her thoughts. However, Ye Fan noticed a subtle shift in her demeanor, a glimmer of consideration in her eyes.

As he spoke, Ye Fan's confidence grew, and he began to extol his own virtues. "Moreover," he said with a hint of pride, "I possess considerable cultivation talent, formidable combat prowess, and a network of powerful connections. With my support, the Xia Family would undoubtedly flourish."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before concluding, "Together, we can ensure the prosperity and security of the Xia Family for generations to come."

Madam Xia Bingling remained deep in thought, her gaze fixed on Ye Fan as she weighed his words carefully. While she found herself inclined to agree with much of what he said, she knew that this decision would ultimately affect her daughter's future.

"Ye Fan, your words hold weight," Madam Xia Bingling replied, her tone measured. "And your gift of the Silver Ice King Heart further highlights your sincerity."

Ye Fan nodded gratefully, sensing that he was making headway in persuading Madam Xia Bingling.

"However, I cannot make this decision alone," Madam Xia Bingling continued, her gaze softening. "I must consult Xia Qingwu and consider her wishes in this matter."

Ye Fan understood her hesitation and nodded in agreement. "Of course, Madam Xia Bingling. Xia Qingwu's happiness and well-being are paramount, and I would never wish to pressure her into a decision."

With that, Ye Fan took his leave, his mind racing with anticipation for the outcome of their conversation. He knew that convincing Xia Qingwu would be the final hurdle in securing their future together, but he remained hopeful that she would see the merit in their marriage.

Two days later, the Xia Manor bustled with activity as Xia Qingwu hurried through the grand halls, her mind swirling with anticipation and uncertainty.

She had received her mother's urgent summons via a communication talisman, and now she stood before her mother, Madam Xia Bingling, ready to hear the grave news.

"Mother, you said it was urgent," Qingwu said, her voice laced with concern. "What's the matter?"

Xia Bingling regarded her daughter with a solemn expression, her eyes reflecting the gravity of the situation. "Qingwu, Ye Fan came to the Xia Manor two days ago," she began, her voice tinged with a hint of apprehension. "He came to propose a marriage contract between himself and you."

Qingwu's eyes widened in shock at her mother's words. "Ye Fan wants to marry me?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with disbelief. "But why?"

Xia Bingling sighed, her expression troubled. "He claims it's for the betterment of our family," she explained, her tone tinged with uncertainty. "And he offered the Silver Ice King Heart as a gesture of sincerity."

She outlined many more reasons why she believed the marriage would be advantageous for Qingwu and the Xia Family as a whole.

But Qingwu's reaction was not what Madam Xia Bingling expected. Instead of acquiescing to the proposal, Qingwu's expression hardened with resolve.

"Mother, I cannot accept this," Qingwu declared firmly, her voice unwavering. "Ye Fan is not to be trusted."

Madam Xia Bingling's brows furrowed in confusion, and she regarded her daughter with concern. "Why do you harbor such strong animosity towards Ye Fan?" she inquired, her tone gentle yet probing.

"It's because of what he did to the Wang Family," Qingwu explained, her voice trembling with emotion. "He schemed against them, destroyed their lives, and enslaved Wang Xiangyi. He's nothing but a deceitful and perverted man."

Madam Xia Bingling's eyes widened in shock at the revelation. She had been unaware of Ye Fan's involvement in such treacherous deeds.

"And how do you know this?" Madam Xia Bingling asked, her voice barely above a whisper, her heart heavy with concern.

Qingwu hesitated for a moment before she answered, her gaze unwavering. "I learned of it from Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi," she confessed, her voice tinged with sadness.

Madam Xia Bingling's shock deepened at the mention of Wang Li's name. She had believed him to be dead, yet here was her daughter, claiming otherwise.

Even after Xia Qingwu had informed her about all that she knew about Ye Fan, Xia Bingling still didn't budge from her stance. In fact, Xia Bingling still believed that it would be best for her daughter to marry Ye Fan.

This was due to two reasons.

The first reason was that her daughter had heard of Ye Fan's bad deeds only from the mouths of Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi. And considering the huge hatred that Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi had for Ye Fan, it would be very natural that they would be telling Xia Qingwu about Ye Fan with a huge bias against Ye Fan.

This means to Xia Bingling that all that her daughter just told her earlier could not be trusted.

The second reason was because Xia Bingling felt that this union of her daughter with Ye Fan would truly provide great advantages for the Xia Family. So it would be a great political marriage.

However, she knew that voicing her reasoning would only serve to further strain her already tense relationship with Qingwu.

Instead, Xia Bingling masked her true intentions with a facade of concern as she regarded her daughter. "Qingwu, my dear, I understand your reservations about Ye Fan," she began, her tone gentle yet persuasive. "But I truly believe that this marriage would be beneficial for our family."

Qingwu's brows furrowed in frustration, her lips pressed into a thin line as she struggled to contain her emotions. "Mother, I cannot marry Ye Fan," she reiterated, her voice firm.

Xia Bingling offered her daughter a sympathetic smile, though her mind raced with determination. She had already made her decision, and nothing Qingwu said could sway her from her course of action.

As Qingwu continued to express her reluctance, Xia Bingling's thoughts turned to Wang Li.

She knew that eliminating him was imperative to protect her family's reputation and safety. With the righteous sects hunting him, Wang Li posed a significant threat to the Xia Family's stability.

With a subtle shift in conversation, Xia Bingling broached the topic of Wang Li's whereabouts, her tone carefully neutral. "Qingwu, my dear, do you happen to know where Wang Li is currently residing?" she inquired, feigning concern. "I believe it would be wise for us to offer him assistance in his time of need."

Qingwu's expression softened slightly at her mother's words, though she remained guarded.

"I only met with Wang Li once in Meigu Town," she confessed, her voice tinged with apprehension. "I helped relocate the women from the Wang Family to the Jade Lotus Sect, but I haven't seen or heard from him since."

Xia Bingling nodded in understanding, though inwardly, her resolve only strengthened. If she couldn't acquire Wang Li's location through Qingwu's knowledge, she would have to find another way.

"Perhaps you could reach out to him via communication talisman and invite him to the Jade Bamboo Forest," Xia Bingling suggested, her tone casual yet deliberate. "We could offer him our assistance and ensure his safety."

Qingwu hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement. "I will do as you suggest, Mother," she replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

As Qingwu left to carry out her mother's request, Xia Bingling's thoughts turned to the impending confrontation with Wang Li.

She knew that eliminating him was the only way to safeguard her family's future, and she was prepared to do whatever it took to ensure their safety.

Meanwhile, In the cozy confines of their room at the inn, Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi were locked in an embrace, their bodies entwined as Wang Li channelled his energy into his cousin with the Yin-Yang Cultivation Ability. The air was thick with anticipation as they awaited the moment of breakthrough.

As the hours passed, the room echoed with the sounds of their exertions, sweat glistening on their skin as they pushed towards their shared goal. With each passing moment, Xiangyi could feel the energy coursing through her veins, the telltale signs of her impending breakthrough growing stronger with each heartbeat.

Finally, with a surge of energy that seemed to emanate from the very depths of her being, Xiangyi's eyes fluttered open to meet Wang Li's eager gaze.

"Did you do it?" he asked eagerly, a hopeful grin playing on his lips.

His question hung in the air, a palpable anticipation threading through the room.

A smile graced Xiangyi's lips as she nodded in confirmation, her heart swelling with gratitude towards her cousin for his unwavering support. "Yes, Li, I did it," she breathed, her voice tinged with awe and excitement.

Wang Li's eyes sparkled with pride and joy as he pulled Xiangyi closer, his arms wrapping around her in a tight embrace. "I knew you could do it, Xiangyi," he murmured, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "I'm so proud of you."

In that moment of shared triumph, Xiangyi couldn't help but feel a surge of affection towards her cousin. Leaning in, she pressed a tender kiss to his lips, a silent expression of gratitude and love.

The kiss ignited something primal within Wang Li, his desire for Xiangyi burning hotter than ever before. His touch was electric against her skin, sending shivers of pleasure down her spine.

Their embrace grew more passionate with each passing moment, their desires intertwining in a dance of longing and affection. Lost in the heat of the moment, they surrendered to their mutual desires, their love igniting like a flame in the darkness.

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