Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 10: Xia Qingwu's Kiss

As Wang Li and Xia Qingwu continued their conversation, the atmosphere between them grew increasingly charged with anticipation and determination.

Xia Qingwu leaned forward, her eyes shining with resolve as she outlined her plan to assist Wang Li in safeguarding the forty freed women. "I propose that we have them join the Jade Lotus Palace," she suggested, her voice tinged with conviction. "As one of the leading sects of the Righteous Sect, the Jade Lotus Palace has the resources and authority to provide them with a safe haven."

Wang Li's eyebrows raised in surprise, intrigued by Xia Qingwu's suggestion. "The Jade Lotus Palace?" he echoed, contemplating the implications of such a decision.

Xia Qingwu nodded, her gaze unwavering. "Yes," she affirmed. "With my authority as the Third Elder's disciple, I can ensure that these women are taken in as disciples of our sect."

Wang Li's expression softened with gratitude, impressed by Xia Qingwu's commitment to their cause. "That's a generous offer, Qingwu," he acknowledged, his tone appreciative. "Thank you for your assistance."

Xia Qingwu waved off his gratitude with a dismissive gesture. "It's the least I can do," she replied humbly. "But remember, their fate within the Jade Lotus Palace will depend on their cultivation aptitudes."

Wang Li nodded in understanding, acknowledging the importance of this caveat. "Of course," he agreed.

As their conversation turned to other matters, Wang Li revealed the startling revelation he had uncovered during his recent travels—the identity of the individual responsible for spreading malicious rumors about the Wang Family.

"It was Ye Fan," Wang Li stated, his voice tinged with bitterness. "He orchestrated the downfall of the Wang Family, seizing control of our resources and martial techniques for his own gain."

Xia Qingwu's eyes widened in shock at the mention of Ye Fan's name. Though she had never been particularly fond of him, she had always held a measure of respect for his abilities and reputation.

"Why would Ye Fan do such a thing?" Xia Qingwu asked, her tone laced with disbelief. "He was always regarded as a skilled and honorable cultivator. What could possibly drive him to commit such treachery?"

Wang Li's expression darkened as he pondered Xia Qingwu's question. "I can only speculate," he replied, his voice tinged with frustration. "But it seems that Ye Fan's greed knows no bounds. He sought to enrich himself at the expense of others, using deceit and manipulation to further his own agenda."

He went on to recount Wang Xiangyi's harrowing ordeal at the hands of Ye Fan, describing how he had enslaved her and attempted to coerce her into submission through false promises and manipulation.

Xia Qingwu's indignation flared at the revelation, her fists clenched in anger. "To think that he would stoop so low," she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper. "Such behavior is despicable and unforgivable."

As Xia Qingwu processed Wang Li's revelation about Ye Fan's treachery, a flicker of memory stirred within her. With a furrowed brow, she recounted a message she had received from Ye Fan a month prior, delivered via a communication talisman. In the message, Ye Fan had callously informed her of Wang Li's supposed demise, offering himself as a source of support in her time of need.

"He had the audacity to address me by my name, as though we were old friends," Xia Qingwu muttered, her voice tinged with resentment. "And he didn't even refer to me as Sister-In-Law, but simply as Qingwu, as if he were trying to erase the boundaries between us."

Her hands clenched into fists as a surge of anger coursed through her veins. The memory of Ye Fan's callous message ignited a fierce desire for retribution within her.

"I want to give him a piece of my mind," Xia Qingwu declared, her eyes flashing with determination. "He needs to be held accountable for his actions."

Wang Li placed a calming hand on Xia Qingwu's shoulder, his expression grave yet reassuring. "I understand your anger, Qingwu," he said gently. "But we must approach this situation with caution. Ye Fan's strength is formidable—he poses a significant threat, even to cultivators of our caliber."

Despite her frustration, Xia Qingwu knew that Wang Li was right. Ye Fan's growing power and influence presented a formidable challenge, one that could not be taken lightly.

"I won't let him get away with this," Xia Qingwu vowed, her voice steely with resolve. "But I'll heed your advice, Li. We must proceed with caution if we are to confront him effectively."

As Wang Li and Xia Qingwu stepped out of the restaurant, the bustle of the Meigu Town greeted them. The air was thick with the aroma of sizzling street food and the chatter of passersby filled the narrow alleys.

Their leisurely stroll came to an abrupt halt as they caught sight of a lone figure descending upon the town on a Flying Sword. Wang Li's jaw tightened, and Xia Qingwu's expression soured—it was none other than Ye Fan.

"Of all the rotten luck," Wang Li muttered under his breath, his fists clenching involuntarily at the sight of Ye Fan riding the prestigious Flying Sword that once belonged to his grandfather, the patriarch of the Wang Family.

Suppressing the surge of anger bubbling within him, Wang Li steered Xia Qingwu towards the nearest inn, their steps quickened by the urgency of their situation. They needed to avoid detection at all costs—encountering Ye Fan here could prove disastrous.

With bated breath, they waited in the safety of the inn, hidden from view as Ye Fan passed by outside. Only when they were certain that the coast was clear did they emerge from their hiding place, the tension slowly dissipating from the air.

Xia Qingwu's gaze lingered on Ye Fan's retreating form, a hint of surprise evident in her voice as she voiced her astonishment at his sudden appearance.

"It's... unexpected to see him here," she murmured, her brow furrowing in confusion.

Wang Li nodded in agreement, his own thoughts racing to make sense of Ye Fan's presence. The distance between the Azure Peak Sect and Meigu Town was considerable, requiring hours of uninterrupted flight on a Flying Sword to traverse.

"The fact that he's here already... it can only mean one thing," Wang Li replied, his voice tinged with a mix of apprehension and determination. "He must have suspected that Wang Xiangyi—or someone associated with her—was in Meigu Town. He wouldn't have come all this way otherwise."

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily upon them as they contemplated their next move.

After ensuring that Ye Fan had left the vicinity, Wang Li escorted Xia Qingwu into the underground hideout, his mind buzzing with plans to outmaneuver their adversary.

"We must act quickly," Wang Li urged, his voice tinged with urgency as they entered the concealed chamber. "Ye Fan's spiritual prowess is formidable—he'll soon see through the illusionary array guarding the entrance."

Xia Qingwu nodded solemnly, her gaze sweeping over the gathered women with a mixture of concern and determination. "What do you propose we do?" she inquired, her voice tinged with apprehension.

Wang Li's lips curved into a wry smile as he revealed his daring plan. "I've set a trap for Ye Fan," he confessed, his eyes gleaming with a hint of mischief. "A trap that will surely keep him occupied."

Perplexed, Xia Qingwu arched an eyebrow inquisitively. "And what kind of trap might that be?" she pressed, her curiosity piqued.

Wang Li's expression darkened as he recounted his clandestine arrangement with the Crimson Bear Gang. "I've enlisted the aid of the Crimson Bear Gang," he explained, his voice laced with determination.

Understanding dawned in Xia Qingwu's eyes as she grasped the gravity of Wang Li's plan. "The Crimson Bear Gang," she echoed, her tone tinged with approval. "They've long harbored enmity towards Ye Fan after their leader's brother was killed by Ye Fan."

A flicker of satisfaction danced across Wang Li's features as he nodded in agreement. "Exactly," he affirmed, his voice tinged with resolve. "Their leader boasts formidable strength—a middle stage Nascent Soul Realm cultivator, no less. With the combined might of the Crimson Bear Gang, they stand a chance of defeating Ye Fan."

With a collective sigh of relief, Wang Li, Wang Xiangyi, and Xia Qingwu led the forty women out of the underground hideout, their hearts heavy with the weight of their precarious situation.

As they emerged into the open air, Xia Qingwu produced a jade bottle, from which she extracted a sizable Flying Ship. Its sleek design and intricate runes bespoke its formidable power, but its operation demanded a substantial amount of spirit stones.

With practiced efficiency, the forty women boarded the Flying Ship, their expressions a mix of gratitude and apprehension. Each one shared a heartfelt embrace with Wang Li, their young master, before stepping aboard.

In those brief moments of embrace, Wang Li poured forth the full force of his Yin-Yang Cultivation Ability, channeling it to enhance the Spiritual Roots of each woman. Though fleeting, the effects were palpable, leaving the women with a newfound sense of strength and resilience.

Left standing outside the Flying Ship, Wang Xiangyi remained steadfast by Wang Li's side, her determination mirroring his own.

Meanwhile, Xia Qingwu, poised to depart, hesitated for a moment before enveloping Wang Li in a warm embrace of her own. In a spontaneous display of affection, she pressed her lips to his, igniting a spark of passion between them.

Caught off guard by the unexpected display of affection, Wang Li's initial surprise melted into a profound sense of connection. Lost in the moment, he reciprocated her kiss, the world around them fading into insignificance.

Unbeknownst to Wang Li, the power of his Yin-Yang Cultivation Ability surged forth at this moment as it was now significantly enhancing not just Xia Qingwu's Spiritual Roots, but also her physique and her cultivation!

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