Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Chapter 201: Fang Yuan's Loss of Protagonist Status

Chapter 201: Fang Yuan's Loss of Protagonist Status

Undoubtedly, with Jiang Chen's prominence and identity, Ji Mingxiu's appearance was a certainty!

With his immense strength at the Dao Palace level, saving him would be a breeze.

Yet, in Fang Yuan's thoughts, a clear scenario had formed. It showcased Jiang Chen's downfall and his own emergence as the leading prodigy of the Purple Heaven Holy Land. He envisioned himself rising to the esteemed position of the Holy Son and capturing Ji Ruxue's affection.

"Roar!!" Suddenly, from the distance, a sharp and brief cry pierced the air.

Fang Yuan instantly recognized that chilling sound. 'The three-headed demonic python!' he thought, 'What's going on?'

'Could Ji Mingxiu and the rest have already arrived and defeated the demonic python of the Dao Comprehension realm?' Fang Yuan, initially startled, felt a rising tide of relief.

The sooner Ji Mingxiu's group made their presence known, the faster his safety would be ensured!

Without a moment's delay, Fang Yuan changed direction, speeding towards the previous battleground of Jiang Chen and the demonic python.

However, hot on his heels were two Shadow Wind Dark Obsidian Martens, ready to pounce on Fang Yuan in an instant!

"Holy Lord! Honorable Holy Lord, I've arrived!" As the edge of the battlefield entered his divine sense, Fang Yuan shouted.

Yet, what greeted him next was an unexpected sight: Jiang Chen stood firm, sword in hand, while the colossal body of the demonic python lay sprawled, reminiscent of a vast mountain range!

The giant python's body was marred with countless gashes, as if it had been assaulted by a relentless onslaught of swords!

"Holy Lord? I'm merely the Holy Son. Watch your words." Jiang Chen turned, his face, though strikingly handsome, was smeared with a mix of blood and dirt, giving him a disheveled appearance.

"You... you're still alive?!" Fang Yuan gasped, his eyes almost popping out as he stared incredulously at Jiang Chen.

Hadn't the demonic python swallowed an utterly vulnerable Jiang Chen?

Yet, how was it possible that, in such a short span, the python lay defeated while Jiang Chen stood triumphant?

Any joy that had ignited in Fang Yuan's heart was now rapidly quenched, leaving nothing but cold desolation in its wake.

At the same moment, joy swelled in both Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning's hearts.

Neither wished to see the fall of Jiang Chen, a prodigy that defied the heavens.

"Indeed, I still breathe." A cold smile formed on Jiang Chen's lips. "Did you eagerly await my end?"

Without missing a beat, he advanced, his sword poised, exuding an aura of impending doom.

"Two seniors, protect me!" Fang Yuan's face contorted with terror as he saw Jiang Chen bearing down on him, so petrified he felt he might lose control of himself!

Slash! Slash!

In a heartbeat, the gleaming blade swung, cleaving through both Shadow Wind Dark Obsidian Martens, their blood painting the skies.

"He... he didn't kill me?" Fang Yuan, still trembling, checked himself for injuries.

His complexion shifted rapidly between shades of green, white, and red, resembling the chaotic spill of a dye shop.

The humiliation of the situation was beyond words!

"Phew!" Jiang Chen let out a weary sigh, releasing his pent-up tension. He then settled onto a nearby rock, appearing drained.

From the corner of his eye, Fang Yuan's gaze held a subtle but unmistakable glint of malice.

Yet, he refrained from acting.

For one, he recognized his own inferiority to Jiang Chen. Even though it stung his pride, he knew that, even weakened, Jiang Chen was out of his league.

Furthermore, the esteem in which both Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning held Jiang Chen was evident. Any rash action on Fang Yuan's part might alienate their support entirely.

At that moment, Jiang Chen's voice, carrying a hint of fragility, pierced the silence. "Fang Yuan, how did these two Shadow Wind Dark Obsidian Martens come to be? And the prowess you displayed earlier, did Senior Nangong Wan and Senior Shangguan Ning assist you?"

Fang Yuan's eyes flickered evasively, "I'm not sure where those Shadow Wind Dark Obsidian Martens came from." He hesitated for a moment, "Yes, the two seniors intervened to boost my combat power."

Jiang Chen exhaled deeply, the weight of his thoughts rendering him silent for a lengthy period.

Fang Yuan said nothing, though his countenance darkened considerably.

"Fang Yuan," Jiang Chen finally began, after a long pause, shaking his head, "I advised you against venturing out earlier, yet you ignored my counsel."

"Now, due to Senior Nangong and Senior Shangguan stepping in, we might have drawn the Nether Demon's attention."

Jiang Chen's voice grew more somber, "This recklessness could precipitate a grave crisis for all of us, you included. If only you had heeded my words, this predicament could've been sidestepped."

"Hmph!" Fang Yuan responded with a derisive snort. "Who could've possibly anticipated such a turn of events?"

Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning's tempers flared at his retort.

"Fang Yuan! You remain willful, headstrong, cowardly, and unappreciative!" Shangguan Ning rebuked, her voice filled with incredulity. "To this moment, you won't admit your misjudgments! I can't believe you could be so callous."

However, her voice bore an undertone of weariness.

Both had drained the bulk of their soul power to temporarily amplify Fang Yuan's fighting strength, leaving them on the brink of a restorative slumber.

"Fang Yuan," Nangong Wan's voice, though weak, rang with disappointment. "You've genuinely let me down. I once believed that with your steadfast spirit, having resisted for two long years without yielding, and your unparalleled innate abilities, you would soar in your cultivation journey." She sighed deeply, "It seems I was mistaken. As of today, our pact is null and void!"

Fang Yuan's actions had thoroughly disillusioned Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning.

Reflect on his choices: he was adamant, choosing to venture out for cultivation against better advice.

When faced with a powerful adversary, he wavered, opting to remain idle, which consequently caused a plethora of problems for Jiang Chen.

Ultimately, his run-in with other demonic creatures forced them to unveil their hidden positions.

Had Fang Yuan either stayed put or heeded Jiang Chen's warnings and retreated promptly, the ensuing chain of events would have been avoided.

Now, they were likely exposed and vulnerable.

For them, the stakes were alarmingly high, teetering on the brink of life and death.

Given Fang Yuan's reckless behavior without a thought for the broader consequences, who in their right mind would place trust in him?

Hearing the scathing remarks from Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning, a wave of disbelief washed over Fang Yuan. His eyes bulged in shock, looking as though they might pop from their sockets!

Moments later, his entire frame quaked uncontrollably, the shaking a testament to the storm of emotions raging within himdespair, denial, fury, bitterness...

Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning had just annulled the mutual agreement that promised assistance and shared growth!

In Fang Yuan's eyes, this was the ultimate act of treachery!

[Ding! You have successfully instigated Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning to dissolve their alliance with the protagonist, Fang Yuan. Fang Yuan's Heavenly Fate Value has plummeted to zero, and he has been stripped of his protagonist status!]

[Ding! You've been awarded 10,000 Villain Value points!]

These notifications from the System echoed loud and clear in Jiang Chen's consciousness!

"Hahaha! Hahahaha!" Fang Yuan's sudden laughter echoed with a manic edge, his voice dripping with sarcasm and pain.

"I knew it, I just knew it!" he spat bitterly.

"From the moment Jiang Chen came into the picture, you've been ruing the day you allied with me, haven't you?"

"Yes, he's undeniably exceptional! Achieving Dao Comprehension realm combat power at just twenty!"

"But can't you see through his motives? He's only out to steal you from me!"

"Why can't you discern this truth? Why don't you understand the very crux of my persistent anguish?"

"It's because he's inherently superior, better suited to assist in your quick recuperation. You've been condescending towards me for ages, always plotting to cast me aside!"

"Ha! What opportunists you are! So pragmatic! Utterly heartless!" Fang Yuan's voice broke, and with a frenzied flourish, he tore off the Soul Embodying Ring. His face twisted into a mask of sheer terror, a chilling blend of madness and sorrow.

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