Grand Voyage : Surviving on a Ghost Ship

Chapter 37 - Yang Yi's Observation Diary

The red and pink potions were fine; they were simply pure liquids. However, the colourless potion was a different story. It contained several long, slimy legs that needed to be chewed along with the drinking. It was extremely thick and sticky.

"Suna, what did you make these potions with?" Yang Yi asked.

She did not respond.

"Suna?" Yang Yi called out again.

Still, there was no response.

Noticing something amiss, Yang Yi reached out and touched her. He found that her body was slightly warm.

"This woman!"

He immediately opened the navigation log to check Suna's information on the crew page.

It only included health status, not attributes nor talents.

Name: Suna

Status: Injured/Fever/Collapsed (A large 'X' symbol the human diagram, with a slight yellow tint over the body)

Sanity: 35/80 (Madness—Obsessive)

Health: 82/100

Energy: 12/100

"Her Sanity caps only at 80?" Yang Yi frowned.

It was his first time actively checking Suna's status.

After reading it, Yang Yi understood the situation.

Suna must have been working non-stop in the lab for days, neglecting rest and food, which eventually caused her body to break down!

With energy below 30, she could have fainted at any moment!


This was Yang Yi's first encounter with a madness state, and it seemed there were many types.

His special talent prevented him from going mad, so he had no such prompts even if his sanity dropped to 1.

"Such a troublesome woman, can't even take care of herself!" Yang Yi frowned.

As the captain, he had the highest authority, including control over room access.

So, Yang Yi immediately restricted Suna's access to the laboratory, revoking her entry rights.

Then he took some salt, a vitality coconut, and prepared a bottle of coconut juice. He lifted Suna's chin and fed it to her, though he spilled quite a bit.

He had originally planned to give her the colourless potion, but its thick consistency and unknown effects made it too risky for a sick person, so he abandoned the idea.

"This woman is really heavy!" Yang Yi complained.

His strength usually danced around 4, below the average for an adult, making it very hard to carry Suna.

After a lot of effort and gaining 1 point in strength experience, he managed to carry her back to her room, panting heavily.

"She must be made of cement. She doesn't have a big chest or look overweight; why is she so heavy?"

Fortunately, the Nightmare Star was not a large ship; otherwise, if it were something like the Iron Heart, Yang Yi would have needed a crane.

Suna's room was next to the captain's quarters, and it was Yang Yi's first time entering.

It was completely different from his own captain's quarters. There was no musty smell, and the floor was solid wood.

There were even a few glowing crystal balls embedded in the ceiling, providing illumination.

The room seemed to have been adapted from the original Astrologer’s captain's quarters, making it quite different from the Ghost Ship.

Yang Yi placed Suna on the bed, covered her with a blanket, and left a note in the log.

"I have restricted your access to the laboratory! Check the activity log after you wake up! You didn’t even realise you were going mad!"

But would someone who was mad actually check the activity log and be aware of their sanity level?

Yang Yi had never been genuinely mad, so he wasn't sure.

After sending the message, he prepared to leave.

Suddenly, he noticed a small booklet on the table with the words "Yang Yi Observation Diary" written on it.

"What’s this?" Yang Yi wondered, opening it. After reading a few pages, he felt a chill.

It recorded various details about him, including what he ate, what time he went to bed, how long he slept, when he relieved himself, and how long it took, etc., with meticulous detail![^1]

Suna: "He doesn’t go mad with sanity below 50, does he have some unique talent? I want to see his brain structure!"

Reading this, Yang Yi felt a surge of cold anger and cast a stern look at the unconscious Suna.

This woman...had been treating him like a lab animal?

Yang Yi couldn’t help but feel a murderous intent.

The diary took a bizarre turn.

“He actually looks flustered too! His expression when I pointed a gun at him was so funny, I captured it in my diary!”

“He thought ‘merging’ meant that, and clearly misunderstood! Haha! He’s also a lecher!”


“He promised to build me a witch’s laboratory! I need to produce results as soon as possible...”

After reading this, Yang Yi's anger subsided.

He placed the diary back as if it had never been touched and carefully exited the room.

Suna wasn’t injured; her fever was due to lack of rest. She would recover after a day of sleep.

With a few hours left before dark, Yang Yi resumed fishing.

“Looking to buy fire-starting tools at a high price! Also buying cold-resistant clothing!”

As usual, he sent out a message seeking the tools and prepared to buy four pieces of down jackets, waiting for sellers to contact him.

Before long, he received numerous private messages.

However, just as he was about to purchase the four down jackets at 105 fabric each, he received a unique private message.

“Want a Fire Velvet Sweater? Lighter and warmer than down jackets, just 100 Shell Coins as handling fee!”

【Name: Fire Velvet Sweater】

【Type: Treasure】

【Quality: Fine】

【Description: Exceptional warmth, made from fire velvet. Wearing it feels like having a warm pack stuck to you. Lightweight and easy to move in. However, be cautious of water, as the warmth effect decreases significantly. Avoid snow and rain!】

Yang Yi’s eyes lit up. The clothing was clearly better than the down jackets!

It was thin enough to be worn inside and then covered with pirate clothing outside, which would prevent the down clothing from getting wet by the snow.

But it was still important to avoid freezing rain!

Yang Yi immediately messaged the seller to buy the Fire Velvet Sweater.

“What do you mean by handling fee?”

The seller quickly responded.

“Just the literal meaning! This clothing requires special materials called fire velvet. I’ve run out of materials, so you need to provide them yourself. 10 units of fire velvet will make one piece of clothing. I can also make fire velvet pants if you want.

I’m only charging 100 Shell Coins for the handling fee; you provide the materials!”

The price was not high, but where would Yang Yi get the fire velvet?

While he was wondering, the seller sent another message.

“I’ll give you a coordinate. There’s an island with a plant called fire velvet grass. Collect ten of them, and you’ll have enough to make one piece of clothing.”

“Then why don’t you collect them yourself and sell the finished product?”

“Sold out! I only have two pieces left and need to keep them as backups! Plus, I’m not in that sea area anymore. If you want them, get the materials, and contact me. Otherwise, forget it!”

Yang Yi was deep in thought.

He wanted the Fire Velvet Sweater.

However, the seller asking him to gather the materials seemed suspicious.

Perhaps sensing Yang Yi’s scepticism, the seller sent another message.

“Believe it or not! You’re the third person to know this coordinate. The previous ones had smooth transactions, and I don’t know how much fire velvet grass is left on the island. If you want it, act quickly!”

Yang Yi didn’t believe the seller’s words, so he asked, “How much for the two pieces you have?”

“Sorry, those two are not for sale. I’m keeping them for myself!”

Yang Yi frowned, glanced at the coordinates the seller provided, and saw that it was not far away. At full speed, it would only take two days to reach.

“Well, add me as a friend then!” Yang Yi proposed.


【Captain Hu Wei of the Galleon[^2] has sent you a friend request】

Yang Yi accepted immediately.

Names like XX Ship are common for basic whiteboard ships, but ship owners can change them.

“Nightmare Star, is it a special ship?”


“Then when you get the materials, message me.”

“Okay, I’m quite far away, so it might take a while. I’ll contact you when I’m closer!”


Yang Yi ended the conversation.

He was sure there was something fishy about this person, but the Fire Velvet Sweater was the best cold-resistant gear he had seen so far, and he really wanted it.

If he was going to get it, he should get the best!

Yang Yi took out the crystal ball and activated the Nightmare Star’s skill, Gaze.

【Searching… Galleon… Hu Wei...】

Three results appeared.

Yang Yi was stunned.

It made sense for common ship names to overlap, but Yang Yi didn’t expect players to have the same name, and there were three of them.

It seemed there were still quite a few players around.

To differentiate, each result was numbered from #1 to #3.

Yang Yi picked one at random, and an image appeared on the crystal ball.

It showed a level 2 ship, far from the island, and it didn’t look like the person Yang Yi was looking for.

After watching for a few minutes, he turned off the image.

“Tomorrow, I’ll check another person!”

Yang Yi set a course for the island.

He planned to head that way first. With the sea charts in hand, he had the initiative.

Even if there was an ambush, he could avoid it in advance.


[^1]: This is worse than I imagined -Simply

[^2]: A sailing ship in use (especially by Spain) from the 15th through 17th centuries, originally as a warship, later for trade. Galleons were mainly square-rigged and most commonly had three or more decks and masts.

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