God's Slave: Reincarnated Into an Academy of Heavenly Descendants

Chapter 78: It Arrives

The dazzling rays of sunlight shone through the shiny window panes, bringing with them an extra warmth and a pure, invigorating air into the luxurious-looking bedroom.

Immediately, a pair of crimson and blue eyes oped up, looking straight at the peeking gold sun in the distance.

A grin slowly curved up his face.

"Finally," Nolan said gleefully as he jumped off the bed.

Immediately, his hands moved as he grabbed at the bed sheet dusting it before making his bed properly.

Once he was done with his first work, he immediately walked away, skipping into the bathroom with a little pep in his step.

Taking a refreshing morning bath, Nolan grabbed his bag, and packed his belongings.

He carefully selected and replaced his book with sev pairs of clothes—those he had prepared for the mission's duration over the past few days.

[Seems you are really eager for this 'Responsibility' mission of yours...] The system teased from the side, earning a grin from Nolan.

Once everything was packed and ready for him to stay under livable conditions—no matter the circumstances—he jumped straight out of the room.

It was still a 6:30 in the early morning, so he had at least thirty minutes to get to class, which should take him fifte minutes at most. It was safe to say he was quite early, ough to have some time to spare.

This time, Nolan could see that the studts were already out, filling the tire street as they poured into their classrooms.

It was a rare sight to see so many studts going to their classrooms this early.

Still, he was more than surprised wh he got to class and found Instructor Tiamat already sitting within, and the class itself already half-filled!

"Wow," he unconsciously mused, earning the chuckles of some studts who looked at him with cocky grins. It was like they were teasing him for being late wh he clearly wasn't.

"Fifte minutes to go..." Instructor Tiamat announced as Nolan took his seat. Like the rest of the studts, he waited patitly.

A little murmur could be heard from the studts, which Instructor Tiamat didn't interrupt, and Nolan used that time to amuse himself by listing to others' gossip.

Just t minutes later and five minutes before 7:00, the class was already filled to the brim.

Instructor Tiamat felt no need to waste any more time, so she rose up, automatically silcing the murmurs in the room.

She gave a small welcoming and supportive speech, but what Nolan considered really important was what she said in the d.

"Now, we will be moving to the Academy ports."

"Each class under an instructor, which means the nine of you who are eligible for the mission, will be under my authority."

"For those of you who will remain in class, I'll get back to you in about an hour."

Immediately after she said that, she rose up, giving a small "follow me," and a total of nine studts quickly followed after her, including Nolan himself.

They all left the class under the mixed expression of the studts who couldn't come with them.

Once outside again, Nolan could see they wer't the only studts leaving the classroom with their instructors.

There were also other classes going out with their instructors, and some of them ev had larger numbers than theirs.

According to Nolan's information, studts who can be tagged as Newcomers are those who have spt less than or equal to three years in the academy or failed to break through to the Heavly Disciple stages.

Nolan himself was a Newcomer, due to having spt three years in the academy. He would be able to successfully reach the second year sometime in the next few months.

Also, due to its large numbers, the academy has a pretty special ranking for the studts who are Newcomers.

The Newcomers in the academy don't all stay in a single class like on Earth; there were about 50 classes, each with 30 or more studts, all tagged as Newcomers.

That was why it was possible for Newcomers to meet each other and yet have no idea who the other person was, simply because they belonged to a differt class.

But they could all still be referred to as Newcomers.

Quickly, they all moved towards a single direction, and Nolan didn't ev need to get there before his eyes narrowed suspiciously as soon as he sighted them_Gigantic plane-like technology that resembled a helicopter in size.

But what really surprised Nolan was the shape of the planes.

Immediately, he sighted them, one thing came into his mind...

"Is that a UFO!?" He mused out pretty loudly.

Ev in his past life, he used to hear strange controversies about these things, yet here it was right before his eyes! How?

"No! Those are Aethercrafts! The best flying piece of Aether technology in the tire planes of existce."

"Unseeable, untrackable, and indefsible. You can thank the Odin Mythological Desct for its creation..." A young man with multicolored hair and eyes called out to Nolan, with a grin, and a cocky smile on his face.

"Don't be so cocky, you Odin bastard. Your desct isn't the only one responsible for its creation. What about the Marduk Mythological Desct?" A studt said with a cold snort.

"Or the Varuna Mythological Desct..." Another young man also butted in from the side.

"Ok, ok, fine! Many Mythological Descts that focus on wisdom worked together to create the Aethercraft."

"That's true..." The multicolored-haired young man corrected himself, earning the satisfied humphs of the other studts.

But soon, he skipped to Nolan's side, before whispering into his ears.

"Still, us of the Odin Mythological Descts did the majority of the work. About 90% of it was done by us..." he whispered to Nolan, who could only shake his head wh he felt the piercing gazes of the other studts on him and the young man's body.

This is one of the things that causes war among the various Celestial Hierarchies.

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