God's Slave: Reincarnated Into an Academy of Heavenly Descendants

Chapter 75: A New Day

Waking up at the first dawn of light, Nolan rose to his feet, immediately heading to the bathroom to get dressed for the day.

In less than an hour, and exactly at 7:30, he jumped out of his dorm room, locking it tightly before heading straight for class.

The gazes following him were as present as ever, but Nolan paid them little mind.

Surprisingly, there were actually some students who were bold enough to wish him a good morning.

Even funnier was the fact that these students were among those who had taunted or mocked Nolan in the past.

But he didn't let that get in the way of replying to them with the biggest smile he could muster.

He didn't trust them one bit, but he also wouldn't turn his back on them if they genuinely wanted a change in their relationship.

He walked through the academy streets, teeming with students, and only now did he notice the air was crisper than that of Earth.

Breathing it in made him feel energy running through his body, and even his injuries from the last night seemed to become less painful and more bearable.

Right now, Nolan felt no hatred, no disdain, or any negative emotions.

He didn't feel a threat to his existence as he walked through the streets with the other students.

He felt himself becoming one with everything around him.

Now, he could admire the various buildings, the mythological arts, the statues he passed, and the genuine smiles of students who walked in twos or threes, laughing out loud with each other.

The past him would have interpreted that as them mocking him, but now he could see it wasn't really the case.

They were just laughing for who they were or discussing some matter that amused them.

It was as simple as that yet the previous Nolan would have goosebumps covered his body.

He was just too self conscious, so self conscious that right now there were even some goosebumps around Nolan's arm which were slowly fade away.

With a pep in his step, he soon arrived before the class, entering it to find it quarter-filled with students already.

Since it was still around 7:45 and everyone wasn't required to be in class until 8:00, not every student had arrived yet, and so the hall hadn't been filled to the brim.

That gave Nolan the chance to skim through the notes he had written the previous day, trying to remember everything he had been taught.

The more he attended class, the more he knew about the world, and the more he felt confident and at home in this place.

He had felt like an alien when he first arrived at the academy, but now that feeling was beginning to fade away, thanks to the classes.

Twenty minutes passed quickly, and finally, the Instructor stepped in, and she was none other than Instructor Tiamat herself.

The class murmurs stopped upon her arrival, and immediately, she began her lesson, and this time, she talked about something that piqued Nolan's interest more than a bit.

"As you all might already know, throughout the three planes of existence, only two places, possess the ability of rapid evolution and growth."

"The first is the Titan Realm, where Titanous essence flows, and the other is our Celestial Realm, where divine essence flows."

"This gives us the special advantage of being able to vastly increase our strength faster than the remaining plane of existence, which is none other than the Mortal Realm."

"That brings up the question, why are we the only ones in the entire plane of existence given such power, while the Mortal Realm isn't? Just what is the purpose behind our ability to possess divine essence and use it?"

"Why are we Celestial Heirs made at all?"

"What is our purpose in the entire plane of existence?"

She asked them all rhetorically, piquing their curiosity as they eagerly waited for her answer.

"We're only Celestial Heirs for a single reason."

"To maintain order throughout the entire plane of existence."

[Tch, even the True Gods in their physicality could never maintain order, and you think your purpose is to maintain order? Tch,]

Immediately, the system's notification blinked before Nolan, and from its voice, Nolan could sense its irritation and mockery of Instructor Tiamat's answer, but still, Nolan decided to listen to her.

The system might just be flexing its grumpiness once more...

"When the issue of order is brought up, you all might wonder just what is disorder in the plane of existence?"

"If so, what is even causing the disorder?"

"The truth is, there is no realm in this space of existence that is not facing one disorder or another."

"Even our Celestial Realm is facing its own numerous disorders, but they can only be handled by higher powers, and the information surrounding that isn't what will be discussed in this class today."

"Instead, we will talk about the disorders which you all should be able to bring a stop to, and the majority of such disorders are present in the Mortal Realm."

"Let me give you a few examples of the current disorders that are happening in the Mortal Realm right now..." she called out to them, and the class went silent, eager for the answers.

The truth was that the Celestial Heirs had little to no information about how the Mortal Realm even worked.

The information had been denied to the newcomers.

They only knew that there existed the Mortal Realm, but they had no idea how it even looked, nor did they know much about it.

It was something that was strangely kept secret from them by the academy.

And hearing Instructor Tiamat wanting to talk about the Mortal Realm and its disorders only piqued their curiosity even more.

"The first and most prominent disorder that we Celestial Heirs pay the most attention to is the..." Instructor Tiamat began, quickly diving into the various disorders which the Celestial Heirs are responsible for fixing as part of their responsibility.

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