God's Slave: Reincarnated Into an Academy of Heavenly Descendants

Chapter 7: Unfair Treatments...



Nolan felt his shoulder bones creaking from the horrific pressure that laid under the weight of those large arms.

It was like an extra-large mountain was suddenly thrown onto his shoulder, making him shudder on his feet.

'How? How can a hand weigh so much!?' Nolan thought to himself silently in shock, but his face remained as stoic as ever, as he resisted the pressure of the arms under his trembling body.

"You know Nolan, Quinn had been singing the praise of him having finally gotten rid of you throughout the entirety of last week."

"But now that you're standing before me, hale and hearty, that would mean he is wrong and therefore a liar."

"A very big shame to his name, and you know what Quinn will do to you this time, right?" he said with an evil grin filled with mockery.


"He's going to make sure you go through hell, and this time, you won't be returning no matter how lucky your luck is, isn't that right?" Goro completed, wanting desperately to see the horror flash in Nolan's eyes.

Unfortunately, he received none, and that made him tighten his grasp on Nolan's shoulder, wanting something from him.

Even a wince in pain would do to satisfy his ego.

"And you know what I find amusing?" Nolan suddenly asked in return, resulting in an eyebrow raise from Goro.

Without moving, he watched as Nolan inched toward him, his mouth moving to the side of his ear.

"How do you think Quinn will feel when he sees that his prey, which he hurt his ego over, had first been defiled by you?

Too weakened by another person to become a worthy entertainment.

You know what Quinn will do to anyone who dares hurt his ego and awaken his ire, don't you?

"There are quite a few gazes on us right now and I'm pretty sure some of them know your name."

"You really want to risk offending Quinn for your mini-satisfaction of seeing me wince in pain?" Nolan asked, slowly and calmly, making sure every word sank in as clear as they could.

He smirked when he felt the pressure on his shoulder instantly reduced.

As Goro listened to those words, which could also be described as a threat, he had no choice but to agree.

If Quinn really learned he had previously injured Nolan, after he had declared Nolan was his to prey, then he might just have Quinn's angered eyes turned to him, and that would do him no good in this academy.

Quinn was a person to be greatly feared, not just due to his background but also due to his power.

He wasn't a person who he could mess with yet.



The entire world flashed and Nolan felt himself crashing onto his butt from a rough push from Goro.

"Count yourself lucky, trash...." he said to him, spitting at his side before walking off, quickly followed by Alfred and Jayden.

Now left alone was Nolan, sprawled on the ground with slight aches in his butt.

But it was nothing he couldn't endure and he rose up, patting his butt before continuing on his way.

He had the memory of his dorm room with him, and he quickly navigated through the buildings, but the closer he reached his dorm room, the more embarrassed he grew.

Everyone was literally jesting him on the way, laughing out loud in mockery as he passed, so much that there were no students that weren't mocking him.

Some even taunted him, slapping him hard on the back of his head while laughing off, and sometimes, he would feel sudden pain in his knees that would make him fall to the ground, followed by the laughter of the students.

What was supposed to be a journey of just 10 minutes, ended up becoming a journey of 45 minutes due to relentless bullying and jesting from the students.

But using the name of Quinn, his ultimate bully, Nolan had been able to scare off the majority of the students who wanted to take things too far.

But still, he suffered quite the aches from the places where he was swiftly hit at.

45 minutes later...

Nolan arrived before a gigantic building the size of a mini-skyscraper, and on the large golden gates, he could see the words.

"Greek Descents Students Dorm House..."

It signaled it was the dorm building made specifically for the students possessing Greek Bloodlines.

Nolan also possessed a Greek Bloodline, even though he had zero idea who his patron deity was.

Without wasting any more time, he entered through the large gate.

But instead of entering into the building itself, Nolan took a sudden turn to the side and walked through the narrow alleyway, before he arrived at the building's backyard.

At the back of the buildings was an array of smaller looking buildings, with dark walls and growing moss all over the ground.

It was a group of smaller extra buildings where the junk equipment from making the dorm building were stored.

The past words were trash houses. It was in one of these places that Nolan called his haven.

Even though he was of Greek Descent like the rest, he wasn't allowed to live in the Greek Descent main building and forced to live away at the trash houses.

Even his own Bloodline descent rejected his existence.

Arriving before one of the 'better looking' trash houses, Nolan's hand moved towards the door knob and gently opened it.


The wooden door groaned from being forced to do its work, and Nolan entered into the house.

It was a simple room, with two doors to the side.

At the far side was a simple two-seater sofa and a glass table, placed on a dirty looking rug.

And at the far corner of the room was a foam on the ground, that was enough to contain just a single soul sleeping on it.

He could guess that was Nolan's bed.

A small wardrobe was placed at the side of the bed, and then there were some old looking books that were at the side of the table, with some of them disorderly spread all over the floor.

Swiping his hand on the table, thick dust covered Nolan's finger revealing to him just how dirty the room was, and he could only sigh in exasperation.

"Even my house as a coal miner on Earth wasn't this worse. At least I lived in a three-bedroom bungalow that others were jealous of..." Nolan mused, but quickly he cracked his neck and shoulder bones.

'It was time to get to work!'

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