God's Slave: Reincarnated Into an Academy of Heavenly Descendants

Chapter 10: Re-awakening Conviction!

[I said, why should I help you? It's a choice, peasant, not a necessity!]

The system barked to him, making Nolan finally understand it better.

While the entity, which he would like to call the system, was truly there, it was conscious enough to choose between helping him or not.

To the system, it would be just fine if it never helped Nolan, and it could watch him dabbling away in the darkness.

In short, it was like talking to another person to help him.

It was their choice and not a necessity, unlike what Nolan had previously thought.

"But isn't it your responsibility? Isn't that why you're created in the first place?" Nolan asked.

[ch, a weakling talking to me about responsibility? Don't be stupid,] the system responded.

It was obvious it didn't give a damn.

"Okay then, how can I make sure you help me?"

[Simple. Beg me!] the system said with an incredibly prideful tone, and it was surprised by what Nolan did in the next instant.

"Okay then. I'm very sorry for my words if they have annoyed you in any way.

Will you, mighty entity, help this young one out of your infinite benevolence?" Nolan said, bowing to nothing but the air, but the system understood the gesture.

[And here I thought you were some tough, stubborn-headed guy.

Guess you're just a peasant after all. Fine then, I'll help you.] the system replied, and Nolan couldn't help but shake his head.

Even after he obliged and became respectful, it only got shut back in his face.

"Now, I'm serious. Listen carefully," the system warned, this time its tone grave, and all form of playfulness disappearing from it.

Immediately, Nolan knew it was his time to listen properly and become serious.

[The God King System is something created by Trimurti, the ultimate one.

In the world of gods, power can be shared.

People like you only exist because a god had decided to bless your ancestors with their power, in the form of belief.

But then, your ancestors married amongst each other and therefore the bloodline spread to you.

Since you're a Kratos Descendant, that means one of your ancestors must have been a devoted believer of Kratos and got blessed with his divine power, causing you to also possess the bloodline,] the system began its explanation as Nolan listened with rapt attention.

[But even amongst the gods, there were grades.

Some gods were weaker than others, so much so that they are simply incomparable.

But there is a catch.

The gods with overly stronger bloodlines will find it incredibly hard to pass their bloodline to their devotees.

Even if they did, their devotees will find it very hard to give birth to children that could further spread the bloodline.

Do you know what the end result of this will be?] the system probed, and Nolan nodded.

"That will be a reduction in the number of those who possess a higher-grade bloodline.

They would be a lot lesser than the weaker gods who can pass their bloodline more easily amongst their followers," Nolan reasoned.

[And what will happen when these older gods are able to pass their bloodline to others?] It asked him once more.

"Then those people will be called prodigies amongst the ordinary Celestial Heirs, making them stronger than others, due to their exceptionally high grade and rare bloodline," he replied.

[Good. Seems you have quite a bit of sense after all.]

[But you have to know there are some gods who simply can't pass their bloodline at all.

Those are the supreme gods.

Their bloodlines are too pure for ordinary mortals to carry.

One of those gods is Trimurti! The creator of this God King System that you now carry.

As a supreme god, his bloodline is too pure to be carried by anyone.

But he was a god who wanted no rules, including the defect of not being able to transfer his bloodline.

Therefore, he did something none has ever done or thought of doing.

He created a system and placed his bloodline within it.

The system is supposed to help whoever its possessor is to slowly assimilate with his bloodline, making sure they grow stronger step by step and therefore acquire his bloodline step by step until they eventually hold all of his power within themselves.

His aim had fruition, but there was a problem.

Out of the millions of Celestial Heirs that were in the entire realms, none of them can possess the system.

Forcibly possessing them would require them to explode to nothing.

In the end, you can guess what happens.

"The God King system is a useless endeavor. Without there being something worth enough to possess it, then it's essentially just useless," Nolan reasoned.

[You're wrong! The God King System WAS useless until it found you!

You now possess the God King System in you and that means the God King System is now a success.]

[All this time, it has simply been searching for one who fulfilled its requirements and it seems you just happen to do so.]

[u're officially the first person after a million eons to finally possess the bloodline of a supreme god.]

[The bloodline of Trimurti. That is the potential of the God King System.]

[Whatever god you can think of in your head is nothing compared to the power of Trimurti.]

[ What would happen if one day you're able to successfully fuse with this power, Nolan? Imagine it, your capabilities when you fully possess one of the the purest bloodline in existence.]

"I... That's..." Nolan struggled to say, as imaginations flashed through his head.

The power he would possess. He would be basically unchallenged!

How would that feel, how great would that be?

[Congratulations, Host has successfully completed the first system quest.]


1. +1 Level Up card

2. +100 EXP

3. Host's slumbering will has been awakened!]

Right now, Nolan simply stood there looking at the flickering panel.

"I can grow stronger?"

[Wrong! You can grow stronger than any Celestial Heir that exists and even some minor gods.]

Quickly, Nolan felt his heart pounding harder and harder.

He had been oppressed with slavery all his life and the same could be said of the body he possessed which had gone through hell for being weak.

But now, he knew well there was hope. A hope shining brightly before him, and right then he decided.

"Then I'll grow strong. Stronger than all those who have touched this body can ever imagine.

Strong enough to be eternally free!" He'd declared.

[Only one conviction can give you what you want...] The system suddenly butter in.

"What is that?"

[Walk The Ruinous Path Of Domination!]

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