Goddess Wives x Eternal Dungeon

Chapter 160: Chapter 37: Anticlimactic...

I stood up and pushed both hands towards the sky as my magic and anima began to surge along the pathway of the sacred words that satan taught me. The sky began to fill with strange stars and lights joining together.

A brilliant blue beam of light shot from my hands and began synchronising those markings and stars, making beautiful blue star signs in the air as the world seemed to form some protective barrier.

"Ugh...." The pain was like someone had placed a tap in both my hearts and th turned it to fully op for an tire week as my body was completely drained of everything.

"Ng...h..." Drained, I fell back into the chair again as the sky exploded with gold light. The sound of soft voices singing happily echoed in my ears, distant and distorted as a heavy pain assaulted my mind...

Maybe the price of casting the steal? Who knows... the blue stars finally faded but formed brand new lights in the sky... as if they were always there.

My body relaxed, leaning against the chair, not alone in silce, as the world suddly seemed sured by a huge curtain of light. Ev the sister planet where the elves came from was wrapped in the same light...

I could feel it rejecting me slightly, probably due to my Yoma blood, but it didn't matter.

At least for now, this world would not get invaded again; I hoped to tell the king this news as my eyes became heavy... It seemed the sealing took too much out of me as I fell onto the g, and everything wt dark.


⁜ Lumina POV

Bright Light began to fill our worlds once again...

Wh those stars began to shine, I knew he had done something for me. Yet he had done it alone... in the darkness, facing whatever troubles might be with nobody to protect him, should they go wrong.

As my sister was busy calming down the people, helping our fathers and mothers calm down, I began to run using the wind as my partner to rush to his place...

Yet halfway there, a strange woman with scales and a snake's tail blocked me. Ayr was with her, holding her tail tightly as the two glared at me angrily. "Lumia, Master told us not to let you come back... please understand," Ela pleaded sadly. I wanted to push past, but the Lamia woman caught me, wrapping and binding me tightly.

Her gre eyes watched me coldly... "Your mate is fine."

I didn't care. Knowing that they were also his wom, I didn't have any other desire but to reach his side. Tears welling up in my eyes, I pleaded to them, "Please... I need to see him; he is all alone...."

Ayr looked sad... she walked forward, wiping my tears as she gtly stroked my cheeks. "Lumia... master isn't alone; he has us, but we must trust him... You may distract him if you go there now, and he could be killed." Her gtle words broke my heart, but I still couldn't do as they asked; my body faded from reality and appeared in the distance, freeing myself of the snake's grasp.

"I must go to him, and he has already finished!" My voice shouted... Ayr growled, annoyed I escaped... "Ayr... Lumia loves him; we should have brought Elizabeth. She could have bound her more securely, fufu."

Something filled my body... it was thoughts and feelings over countless years, always watching in silce, seeing him suffer, stopped and advised by my older sisters and never allowed to speak to him as they would take the juiciest parts!

However... Finally, my turn had come; I refused to give it up, running as fast as possible towards him... Ayr chased me. Ela slithered behind her, trying to block my path... power began to fill every inch of my body, as I could easily conjure and control the elemts of wind, earth and fire...

My speed surpassed Ayr's, and Ela began using water and ice to slow me down. However, mattered; my feelings intsified as I got closer. I flicked my hand, casting several flaming pillars to burn her ice and devour her water. My feet shone with gre lights as my hips twisted to avoid Ayr's attacks to stop me.

Nothing could stop me... finally, the castle gates came into view, and I rushed inside to see him sleeping... his body on the floor and wounds covering him. However, he was breathing steadily.

Looking back at the two, I flung my arm back with all my strgth, creating a huge tornado of wind that blasted them back and a massive wall of earth that sealed the tire gate while I leaned down and cradled his body in my lap.

My hands glowed brightly; healing magic veloped him; however, I noticed he seemed differt... his divine blood had become more pott; the beast's blood also seemed stronger and purer... Yet there was something else that caused me to feel a sse of fear and excitemt... I know Ayr and Ela didn't want to harm me...

nor to truly fight, but because he ordered to keep everyone away, nobody would have come wh he was in this state...

Blood oozed from the split skin all over his body, the red fluid staining Lumina's robe and body, and she embraced him again. Her tears fell, washing his face...

"Rai... you're so reckless... but thank you for saving my world... Father and Flora's dad are safe, yet you put yourself in danger... next time, let us help you. Ev back th, you just threw yourself at the emy...

by the time we realised what happed, you were gone forever... leaving us to wait, wait, wait and go crazy!"

The memories of my past life... had begun to surface, as I realised the planet's name, and the origin was myself... The planet Astra... and I was both Lumina and Asteria.

However, I tried to push those thoughts aside, focusing solely on Rai... healing his body as my lips kissed his forehead. "Rai, you're such an idiot... but you are mine, so I will follow you anywhere and everywhere."

I could only make a wry smile, feeling shame that my power wasn't complete as the sky seemed to sing with delight; the image of a woman with fiery crimson hair flowing in the wind, fighting dark monsters covered in blight, tered my mind... Strange images of battles and worlds I had never se flashed as I suddly remembered everything...

My previous self was the goddess of passion, fertility and creation... but in my brok madness, after losing my brother, I lost everything... My two final titles were gone, and I was classified as a cursed goddess...

The goddess of Passionate madness and obsession...

I wondered if this was why so obsessed with Rai from the momt we met in that level quest evt.

However, I pushed those thoughts aside, lifting his body into my arms. Instead, I focused my mind and used wind and fire magic to gtly fan his head with warm air while wiping away the sweat and blood from his wounds, using healing water of the highest degree I could cast.

My saliva.

Using my tongue, I licked his wounds and soft skin, drinking his blood and shame, kissing him tderly as my saliva healed his injuries rapidly... Soon, Rai's wounds closed; his breathing stabilised, and he was sleeping peacefully, snuggled against my breasts.


⁜ Rai POV

I was so tired... it hurt to breathe, and suddly, a warmth embraced me. Nostalgic, as I felt the woman's tongue sliding all over me... This was strange, but the pain from sealing the planet and overusing my magic faded rapidly...

Why didn't I wait for others to come back? It wasn't like the angels would attack again so soon... Yet, in the rush, I again hurt my body.

Oping my eyes, there was a beautiful goddess... who was licking my body... her eyes sparkling with happiness and relief. I wanted to kiss her, but she quickly pinned me down and kissed me instead.

Her soft lips parted as her tongue slid into my mouth despite her eyes insisting this was treatmt... the crazed madness in her small blue pupils that became gold told another story... as this woman who resembled Lumia began grinding her lower body against mine...

Honestly, I didn't dislike it... my hands grasped her waist; however, she pinned them down with surprising strgth... I wanted to use force, but my body was still weak... "Rai... you need to be healed. Just joy my treatmt." Lumia's voice was seductive, causing my body to react strongly...

She giggled playfully... "Oh, your soldier is ready... however, Rai, don't move; otherwise, I might miss a wound, okay?"

This was like wh Anastasia suddly changed... I knew the person, knew the goddess... who else could be so chaotic and insane as to give a blowjob and call it healing?

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