Goddess Wives x Eternal Dungeon

Chapter 152: Chapter 29: Shocked Alan!

"So we have cleared the threat in the south. The huge demon turtle and murlacs have been completely dispatched. We will bring proof of slaying, so prepare the reward." Midori was sitting in the passenger seat of a damaged jeep.

The two girls in the back continued staring at me and whispering to themselves in their native language.

It was a little boring that we had to clear the south, and now Alan and his allies were struggling to take down a few lizardmen. It was strange that the gateway closed instantly for the south. It made me wonder if someone was controlling them and watching our efforts.

Maybe they are testing the world's defensive powers?

"Ha... we are exhausted. That thing was so difficult. Why can't you kill a few lizards? I want to go have sex with my husband while enjoying our honeymoon."


"Useless..." Midori growled as she shut off the phone and grabbed the steering wheel in my hand before she began turning the wheel left, rolling it more as the jeep almost rolled onto its side as she looked pissed.

"What's wrong?"

"That fucking tactless prick, because of their fuck up, there have been more than ten casualties due to a lizardman hero showing up. Alan is too much of a coward and refused to fight it without my support... What's more, he contacted the fucking embassy and used his previous acts to help our country to force them to accept his request."

"I see... then let's kill the lizards, head home, relax in that huge bath, and maybe enjoy some physical contact."

"Oho? Mister Shibuya, what is this physical contact you speak of?"

The long winding roads of Britannica were a little annoying to traverse, the directions given sometimes by the satnav not correct and leading us to the wrong area.

Eventually, an hour or so later, after switching drivers and thanks to Midori's crazy driving, we saw the area, a simple parking lot with Alan and the rest of the local hunters, who stared at us for a while before they were shocked to see two Austrinian girls next to the jeep.

It didn't look like a scene of despair and damage, and they were all sitting around happily eating dinner... Honestly, it pissed me off as we rushed so fast that none of us had eaten.

Walking towards Alan, I sighed and coughed to grab their attention; the man frowned immediately. It seemed he didn't like me since I am a bit of an eccentric character who broke so many rules, and I was fucking the woman of his dreams, haha.

"Alan, fill me in; where is the enemy located? We will try and dispose of them quickly so I can go back and have sex with Midori. We are exhausted because of you." Midori didn't complain or pull a face, instead giggling as she hugged my right arm; several hunters here were new faces.

Because when they saw me and Midori so close, there was a moment of hostility and confusion, and their eyes were those of an enemy, and it seemed something fishy was happening here. They knew the demon turtle existed. Was it to tire us all out or to kill me and those two girls off so they could... Or was I being too paranoid and relying on my feral instincts too much?

No... This is right, and I shouldn't lower my guard.

My instinct was never wrong. These guys wanted Midori but didn't want her dead...

Alan looked angry at how friendly we were, making his plan and brain easier to read.

"Hmm, Rai and the Austrinians will deal with the threat. Since Midori must be tired, she can rest here." Alan tried to assert, but Midori just kicked the metal chair with a thud, causing Alan to look shocked, "I'm going with my husband. Don't speak when you failed to conquer them with all these ability users."

Midori grabbed my arm and pulled me to the strange dungeon gate where the lizardmen were supposedly hiding, with the two girls following. What made me feel a greater sense of danger was the fact Alan no longer seemed to place much importance on Midori. Rather... the lust and anger in his eyes... it felt distorted.

What a real bastard, and he got people killed; it was fortunate we could come straight here.

Is he planning on gang-raping Midori once I have died and using her to regain influence within the East, or something stupid like that?

Then why these two Austrinian girls? What is special about them is that they need to be sacrificed too... The Austrinian commander looks at them with eyes of fear, respect and a dark desire that confused me.

Were they not basic recruits?

"Come on, girls, Rai, we are going inside." Midori hummed before waiting for us all to enter at the same moment... the red and black portal felt more eerie than the ones before... And there was good reason: the moment we entered, the floor was covered in the bodies of various males... each with different ethnicities, and some were familiar that I had seen on TV as Asia's star ability users.

"I wonder where all the female corpses are..." One of the Austrinian girls whispered in her lovely voice. It was her comment that made me realise the dark truth here... It wasn't a trap for Midori but for all the talented and beautiful female ability users... and then sacrifice them during their highest desire...

"Stay on high alert. We know a hidden trap here, and a group of around 20 lizardmen is hiding."

Midori informed us calmly and quietly while holding a sharp blade, her eyes looking at me, flicking to the corpses; she seemed very sharp to realise the same things we had. This place was being kept alive, only for the bastards outside to enjoy the tastes of beautiful ability users.

"I wonder why the two girls are not included..." I whispered, only for Midori to slap my ass and grip it tightly, "For such a good man, you lack knowledge of the word... Those two are the twin stars of Austrinia.

Both are the crown princesses of their country; they would rather kill them to avoid issues, which means each ability user may have a secret backer that wants to profit from the world slowly being destroyed. Just think, they send a few abilities users to save and lose, then gain more powerful ability users to farm experience points, no matter the gender, but females give far better results."

As Midori's hand ran to my chest to tap me to wake up as I was staring at the two women, who looked a little shy, the two Austrinian girls reddened and turned around, rushing forward as Midori smirked and placed her sword by my dick, "Mnn, they are innocent like babies, hmm. So young, but a single touch of this monster might make them go insane with pleasure."

Rolling my eyes, I moved forward to scout a little more ahead, as suddenly Midori leapt forward, followed by the two girls who now only used spears; their huge rifles seemed to have vanished.

Suddenly, Midori turned around and pointed to the two white-haired girls, who froze like terrified bunnies. "Tell me your names; I am Midori, and this handsome guy is Rai. As you may have realised, someone in your kingdom has sold you out, and they sent you inside here to die."

Her words were cold and a little too direct, but neither of the girls seemed shocked, with them smiling bitterly. First, the left one with the slightly larger breast stepped forward, "Sorry... We were unsure if it was due to our kingdom's issues or your own, so we kept a distance... I am Milova, pleased to meet you."

Milova bowed to Midori while she came close and hugged me, kissing my cheek. It was strange... her body heat and the soft feel of her lips was nothing sexual, but I felt instantly ignited as the smaller girl with a more rounded shape and a cute perky ass stepped forward.

"Anya... sorry for being rude... Hmmn~ hehe." She copied the older woman's actions, causing Midori's eyes to twitch because Anya didn't kiss my cheek but kissed my lips deeply before stepping back with a cute giggle.

Both twins had brilliant sapphire eyes, and their bodies were almost identical; they seemed to become different after entering this dungeon gate, as Milova looked at Midori with a sly smirk. "We enjoyed the amazingly erotic sex you displayed. I never realised it was more than a social act to make heirs. Haha, but this situation is a little worse than I imagined..."

"True... it's not just me or just you two. They have been killing many of the world's leading figures... likely something dark is behind this. Has someone already made a force that goes against the world's best interests?"

It was nice to listen to Milova and Midori discuss their logic and ideas... but in the meantime, the shorter Anya was rubbing my crotch with her hands; each time it grew, she looked at me with an amazed face.

"Wow... even in war stories about men, they can't compare; it's so warm, hard and..." Suddenly, her slim hand grabbed my balls as Midori watched her, an indifferent smile plastering her beautiful face, as the long, flowing light black hair on her head swayed from the dirty breeze inside this dungeon, the stench of mould and murky moss filling our lungs with a coppery wet taste...

Midori swung her katana down; the noise caused Anya, who still firmly cupped my bulging dick, to make the noise even louder, and letting go of her grasp, she jumped backwards as Midori glared at her, "Let's move ahead."

Her feet stopped as we came to a crossroads, I thought she would ask which direction to go, but her voice echoed, "If you want him to pop your royal cherry, save it for later when we get back from this shit hole." Midori grinned playfully towards the young twin, who seemed to blush but nodded with a determined face.

The tunnels were quite broad and didn't seem that old, which was even scarier since this clearly must mean they had many enemies entering here. After around ten minutes, we didn't encounter much besides a few lizard scouts, who were already dead a long time ago as their bodies were dry and decomposing.

Unlike where I met that girl... This place was disgusting.

...Eventually, we found a broad, open space. Around 20 lizardmen were walking around, which didn't seem too dangerous to Midori.

We we began to take positions, it felt like the dungeon capture had finally begun. Luckily, our position was above them by around ten yards, transforming into the black werewolf form. I lunged down to gather their attention, crushing on underneath my body, causing chaotic combat to start!

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