Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 585: Sleepless Night

Chapter 585: Sleepless Night

Shout-out to shadowsleague and mathew decker for the patron support.


Even under Mary's continuous persistence, Brandon left the apartment eventually. He simply did not have the nerve to stay for the night since he remembered what happened last time. "You didn't tell them today," Nik hugged Mary from behind before whispering as she let out a deep sigh. Keeping the dishes in their place as Nik let go, she couldn't help but speak out, "I can't just tell my kids that their parents were secret agents and their father betrayed me and almost killed me. The lack of normal parents already drove Junior to drugs." She stated softly, making sure that Ann couldn't overhear them. "Hmm... I would try to help you with Brandon... but I have already done all I can without feeling awkward." He shrugged before thinking about Natasha for a moment.

"She's just like you, right? 'Aunt' I mean. I could smell a little blood from her," Nik mumbled while sitting on one of the chairs as Mary nodded, "One of the best if I may grade her," she smiled, "And she's usually on high profile missions. I'd give you the details, the saucy ones," she emphasized, "but you haven't joined it yet."

"Hey, are you honey trapping me?" Nik inquired with a smirk as she giggled, "Yep. Some habits die hard." She spoke before wiping her hands against her apron before taking it off and gingerly walking towards Nik while making sure to sway her h.i.p.s a little. Sitting on top of Nik, she leaned down to kiss Nik, their bodies pressed against each other as they let their hands slip into each other's clothes, "You were planning something right? I could feel it..." Mary whispered, "What did you show to Natasha?" Continuing her inquiry with the grounding of her crotch against Nik as the chair squeaked back softly, definitely marking a scratch on the floor as Mary enjoyed Nik's taste and the aphrodisiac effect of his fluids once again. His scent always able to get the greatest reaction from her body while his tongue leaving her mouth numb and ready for more.

"I just showed her Anna's dance. Whatever she did while I enjoyed the unusual T.V. show is out of my hand." With his hands already pushing against the fabric of Mary's top from inside, squeezing her b.r.e.a.s.ts softly and letting his thumbs press against Mary's n.i.p.p.l.es, their coos echoing through the interior of the house as Anna jolted out of the bedroom with translucent green lingerie on her body. Her hair loosely tied into a braid. "Hey!" She looked at the completed occupied chair sorely, there was no space for her after all. Almost choking, Mary tried to give Anna the position when Nik grinned and held Mary's h.i.p.s close to him and spread Mary's butt slightly despite the leggings covering the treat.

"How about this place," Nik chimed, "You need to start taking some responsibilities, too," he breathed against Mary's neck, making her powerless for quite a few moments as Anna pouted. She wanted it real bad after suddenly finding Nik's and Gwen's slightly ambiguous relationship. She knew the look Nik gave the blonde since it was the same look Anna earner herself while Nik caught her peeping on him and Mj. Not to sound like a jealous girlfriend who accidentally got into the ship with a s.e.x-charged L.u.s.t Apostle, she really was jealous... if that made any sense. Rolling her eyes, she scoffed softly before kneeling in front of her mother's butt with Nik's crotch hidden beneath the plump treat. "Fine!" she mumbled while kissing her mum's left butt cheek, "I'll just tire her out before you get the chance to go ball's deep in this hot ass," she muttered while prodding Mary's butthole through her leggings and thong.

"Ann!" Mary gasped in surprise as Nik snickered meanwhile Anna realized that she just let her thoughts out unconsciously, quickly making her close her mouth by spreading the slight puffiness below the cavity now surrounding the butthole, instantly making Mary's thoughts divert when she felt her daughter's hot mouth against her even warmer p.u.s.s.y. For a moment, Mary let out a short squeak as Nik's fingers finally positioned themselves to pinch her poking n.i.p.p.l.es, softly twisting them and pressing them back while Anna's hands shuffled up to Mary's butt, for a moment, resting over Nik's hands before pulling down the leggings from behind, showing off a greyish blue fabric that soon dug into the crack of her mother's butt.

"Angh~" Stifling her m.o.a.n despite herself getting outnumbered and much to her enjoyment, Mary felt Nik's lips pressed against the side of her neck as Ann's teasing pull of her leggings while she gingerly bit her left bun, pulling a slightly pained grunt as her right cheek got squeezed tightly by the suddenly rebellious daughter before getting a playful spank.


With Mary's eyes widening, Ann continued to whip up a few more spanks just for the enjoyment. After all, only lucky ones like herself get to pull a reversal on her mother like that. "Hehe, I might just enjoy this~!" Giggling, Anna finally pulled the string of Mary's thongs aside, letting it dig on her buttcheek before sticking her lips against her mother's damp and comely hole.


"I really shouldn't use my free time like this," Against her best decision, Natasha advised herself from sneaking on Mary. But she wanted peace of mind. It wasn't wrong... 'probably' Natasha comforted herself. She wasn't visually peeking at them... maybe that's where she actually drew her line but that didn't stop her from bringing a frequency cleaner and recorder. That's what Natasha simplified the device to. Its function quite simple. To record and express the sound within a particular area. Due to the tech already released and its defenses created, the item itself was scrapped within a year, quite an impressive feat considering the pace of technological advancements in a matter of days.

Taking out a marker with a green pointer and pointing it towards Mary's windows from the balcony when she caught a glimpse of the side of a particular chair trembling and moving in its place. "What do we have here," muttering to herself with certain suspicion building in her head. Connecting the wire from the pointer to a palm-sized speaker. The feedback was quite harsh before it started clearing. Instantly plugging in a single earphone to the receiver, Natasha bit her lips in excitement. Of course, this wasn't the emotion she wanted to feel but... well, knowing that Mary could be freaky was definitely exciting. The number of things she could say in return to shut Mary up if she ever tried to correct her while she was trying to brag... well, sleeping with the directors of various organizations around the world and then killing them if they are the targets in the first place.

"Ann!" Mary's echoing gasp rang into the earpiece as a slightly familiar m.o.a.n belonging to her niece boomed within Natasha's ear. "Don't just shove your fingers!" Mary complained slightly childishly as a loud slap rang out, surprising Natasha. "And stop with the spanks!"

"Big lady!" Ann giggled, "Is that how you talk to someone with their fingers in your backdoor?" Okay, Natasha was now sure that Mary was... far more adventurous, period! Not to mention Anna... "Wait a minute... this is kind of illegal..." Natasha mumbled. Even if Ann's birthday was in two months, releasing her from quite a bit of legal restraints... "ugh, who am I to preach..." Natasha pursed her lips, quietly zipping away quite a bit of forbidden adventures back into the corner of her mind. "Aghh~ Harsher, Nik!" Mary continued as another spank rang out, fueling the grunt.

Gulping, Natasha rotated the nob of the receiver, increasing the clarity at the cost of the speed of processing the voice and its cleaning but the results... they were worth waiting for since Natasha could easily see the video of Ann getting rammed with Mary in Nik's arms. Slightly skinny arms for such impressive stamina and pumps, if she might comment. His report of being an enhanced individual now did make a little sense.

"Fwooh~!" Breathing lightly as the atmosphere within the room grew hotter, Natasha started to pack her stuff. She got what she wanted to know and now, she needed a relief session of her own.


"You'll stay away from that young man, is that understood?" George put his foot down, on what, he didn't know yet. Within a few moments, he found an answer to that question. A bubbling volcano. Instantly, Gwen's expression grew from upset to worse. "How could you keep getting there time and again? The issue ain't Nik," she snarled with a quirky accent, "The issue is your job keeping you away from our time and me having... no one else..." she gazed at George with her lips trembling.

"Dad," she took a deep breath with a shudder, standing up while shaking her head softly, "You're just not here when it matters to me. At least, not after mom passed away," Now willing to stay in the same room as her dad for the moment. Beelining towards her room and locking the door, she slumped back into the bed and took a deep breath to calm herself down. Trying to think back on the better days surely didn't help as Gwen turned around and hid her face into the pillow, stifling her cries. Flapping her calves while hugging her blanket tightly, she took a deep breath against the pillow once again.

Tilting her head up and gazing at the poster of a rather muscular figure in small trunks with the head edited as Nik's slightly sunken and tanned face, as he did previously while engaging in unhealthy drug-related activities, Gwen couldn't help but puff her cheeks with a smile forming on her face as she took a dart and expertly threw it on the crotch region of the poster. "How the hell did he even get the balls to touch my ass in front of dad?" She questioned herself. Then again, Gwen shouldn't expect something else after Nik claimed her would do so in the first place.

She now really felt stupid and needed to have a chat with Ann. After all, Ann was the only good thing about knowing Nik. The rest... well, she had shown her interest in the other 'bad' things in her own manner with dying her hair being the most direct manner. Grumbling to herself with a few unintelligible syllables, she finally turned around, using the blanket to wipe her face before picking up her phone and dialing Ann's number.

"Hmm? She's asleep already? Well... we did go through quite a bit of drama today and we would also likely visit Harry tomorrow..." Opening the browser, she went to her cloud storage and began browsing through various pictures just to calm her mind. "Nuts," sitting up with a distressed expression, Gwen placed her head against her raised knees. "Why did he have to touch my butt?" She groaned with her fingers reaching down making Gwen expect yet another exhaustive night.

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