God of Milfs: The Gods Request Me To Make a Milf Harem

Chapter 163: Eternal Name

Camila didn't understand what I said at first and looked confused. But when she looked at the bump in my crotch, from my dick that was partially erect, she immediately fit all the pieces together and understood what I was saying.

Her face flushed, and she was just about to turtle into her pillow again to vent her newfound embarrassment, but I quickly caught her by the chin before she did so and said,

"You can scream into the pillow whenever you want later, but for now, get up and show me where the mirror is in this household of yours."

"W-Why?" She tried to pull her head away to hide, but failed to do so since I had a firm grip on her chin.

"Because my piece of art on your back is complete, and I want to show you the results." I said, which immediately made her forget what she was embarrassed about and made her eyes light up.

"Really?!" She quickly got up from the sofa and turned her head to look at her back. "But I can't see anything...It just looks all purple and blue for some reason."

"You won't be able to see anything like that and will probably need a mirror to see the picture I created." I said, wanting her to appreciate the full image instead of just glimpsing at it from the front. "...But before that, I think you should cover yourself up first, since your puppies are hanging out and looking at me."

I pointed at her naked chest that was exposed after she didn't cover up after she got up from the sofa, which she immediately covered up with her hands in a fluster after I mentioned it to her.

Camila frantically looked around and seemed to be searching for her bra or blouse so that she could cover up her chest, which was still mostly visible because of how big they were. But before she could, I grabbed her by the hand and pulled her up towards me, to her surprise.

And while she used one hand to cover the most private parts on her chest, which were poking out from time to time, I pulled her towards the other side of the living room, where I saw a full-body mirror in the corner.

"Wait, Kafka! Let me at least get my top, so I can cover myself up!" Camila cried out after being made to walk half naked with a boy who was as young as her daughter, and tried to go back and get her clothes.

"We have no time to spare for that, since I really want to know what you think of your back as quickly as possible and want your honest opinion on my work." I shamelessly lied, the main reason being that I didn't want her cover-up being because I really liked looking at her frantic figure looking around the house as if she were checking if anyone was looking at her through the walls and wanted to savour it a bit longer.

Camila stood no chance against my iron grip on my hand and inevitably gave up, clutching her buxom breasts that were shaking with every step she took and giving me a reluctant sigh as if she were wondering if her life was going to be just as vigorous and spontaneous when she was with me.

But once she had that thought, a hopeful smile broke out on her face, like she was suddenly looking forward to the future with me, leaving behind the emotionally draining life she lived till now for a happier one where she was appreciated and got the love she deserved.

Once I brought Camila in front of the mirror and pushed her forward so that she could be the main focus of attention while I stood right behind her, Camila's face flushed in a fluster after seeing just how naked and nude she actually was with her bare breasts, wide waist that looked like marbled fat, and her sexy navel that sunk inward and looked like it would be perfect for fingering while I wrapped my hand around her waist.

Camila tried to escape from the mirror once she saw her shameful figure, but I quickly caught her and pushed her right back while she looked at me with a reluctant gaze.

And then, to start the unveiling of my little project on her white canvas-like back, I put my hand around her shoulder, which made her shiver because of how cold my hand felt on her naked skin, I bent down and pulled her closer to me, and while both of were staring at her vulnerable figure in the mirror, I pointed at the mirror and asked,

"What do you see in the mirror?"

"In the mirror?" She asked while looking at the hand that was on her shoulder with a warm gaze and bent down so that she could feel my touch on her skin a bit more. "I see me and you in the mirror."

"Leave aside your new scandalous lover that's been playing with you while your husband isn't at home..." I said which made her cheeks flush and made her elbow me in the chest with a pout. "What do you see in the mirror?"

"If my charming little neighbour, who looks so sweet and innocent but actually does some unspeakable things with his own mother, is ignored from the picture no matter how handsome he is..." Camila said with a smirk on her face, so that she could get back at me, which made me give a wry smile at her nature to never back down without a fight. "...then there's only one person in the mirror."

"And that's me!" She said in an enthusiastic manner and even popped out her chest, which made her bouncy puppies tremble.

"And just who are you?" I asked while looking at her ravishing visage in the mirror.

"A beautiful and sexy older lady?" She said in a half-confident half-doubting manner.

"Yes, you no doubt are a beautiful woman who managed to steal my heart at first sight..." I gave her a peck on the cheek, which made her look down in a fluster. "...But what I meant when I asked who you were was your name."

"My name?" She looked at me in a confused manner, wondering if I had suddenly forgotten her name and was doing all this because I was too scared to ask again. "It's Camila Alvarez. Why are you asking about something you already know?...Or is that you want me to say that my name is Camila Vanitas rather than Camila Alvarez?"

She looked at me with the corner of her eye with a suspicious gaze, wondering if I was doing all this for her to accept my family name.

"What would you do if I said that's exactly what I was trying to do?" I asked with a smile on my face. "Would you let me have the honour of holding my family name, or would you prefer that I change my name to yours?"

"The fact that you wouldn't even mind changing your name to mine is more than enough for me to be called Camila Vanitas for the rest of my life!" Camila threw herself into me and hugged me with one hand, more than elated that she found someone who was willing to take her maiden name in a world where such a thing was prohibited between men.

"Well, whether it's Camila Vanitas or Camila Alvarez, your given name 'Camila' doesn't change no matter what you choose and stays with you for the rest of your life." I said and held her shoulders. "...And even though the Camila I've made on your back can't last as long as your name, which shall remain forever, I still think that it depicts the beauty and gracefulness of the owner of its name."

"...Or atleast that's what I think." I said with a nervous chuckle, as I really did want Camila to like what I did since I was actually quite proud of the piece of artwork on her back.

"Well, what I think of it doesn't really matter since I'm quite biassed towards what I made, and what you think of it is what really counts...So turn around and see for yourself if I done justice to your name, 'Camila'."

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