God of Milfs: The Gods Request Me To Make a Milf Harem

Chapter 148: Let Me Mark Your Body

Explore her back? What does that even mean?

The requests given by the Gods have all been really lewd and perverted so far; like, they haven't been requested by beautiful gods that reigned supreme over the heavens, but more like they're requests from creepy old men who want to see some action take place at their will, which made me wonder just how desperate and thirty the Gods were after presiding over the Heavenly Axis for god knows how many aeons.

And using that as a reference I guess I have to do something depraved with her back, which the Gods have randomly chosen as a topic of interest since they want to make it harder for me to finish the requests. Or at least they want to see me struggle instead of breezing through it all like I did with my previous requests, since that would be more entertaining for them.

But unfortunately for them, I had already formed an idea in my head as to what I must do, so they won't be able to see me panicking any time today.

Now all I have to do is convince Camila, who was happily snuggling in my embrace, without scaring her off, since even though she was starting to accept our relationship, we weren't at a stage where I could openly ask her to do the things I desire, like I could do with my mother, who would do anything I asked her to as long as I added in a few sweet words.

So to convince Camila to accept what I had thought of in my head without alerting her, I wrapped my arms around her back, hugged her like I didn't want her to go anywhere, and said in a low voice,

"Now that I think about it, Camila, I think I'm kind of scared..."

"Scared of what?" Camila rested her chin on my chest and looked at me with a playful look on her face. "...My husband, and what he might do if he saw us like this?"

"Well, you don't have to worry about that since he rarely comes back home and would usually call me before coming so that I can prepare his favourite dishes for him before he reaches home, like I'm his call-in house maid." She gave a sarcastic smile, thinking of how outrageous her husband's behaviour was and how she had been dealing with it for so many years.

"...And by chance, even if he gives me a surprise visit and sees us like this, I'll make sure to cover for you so you can just escape through the garden behind the house." Camila chuckled like she found it funny that she was suddenly acting like an adulteress when she was a model wife before, which all changed after meeting me.

"Escape? Escape from that walking sack of potatoes you call a husband?" I scoffed and looked at her like I was asking if she was joking. "The one who should be running away is him after interrupting our intimate moment so rudely."

"But this is his house." Camila said in an amused manner, like she was asking if I was going to chase the man from the house he owned and lived in.

"But you're mine..." I said like a tyrant who didn't care about anything else but himself and his desires. "And I would be absolutely furious if another man saw me getting intimate with you, so your husband would honestly be getting off quite easily if I simply chased him out of his house."

"Okay, mister, edgey overlord~ You can calm down now." Camila rolled her eyes and giggled like she found the way I was acting to be funny, not believing that I would actually go to such extents as I said.

She then looked up at me and poked my nose, and asked,

"If you aren't afraid of my husband, then just what is my little tyrant afraid of?"

"Well, it's quite embarrassing to admit this..." I said while scratching my head in a shy manner and looking away from her gaze. "...but I'm afraid that you'll just forget about everything that happened today after I go home and just think of it as some crazy episode in your life and move on to your day-to-day life the very next day after coming to your senses."

"There's no way I would do such a thing, Kafka~" She said with a bright smile on her face, while pulling on my cheeks like she found it absolutely adorable that I was showing her vulnerable side to her, which men in this world would never normally do.

"As after everything that's happened today and everything you said that has already been etched onto my heart, I don't think I'll ever be able to forget what happened today, even if I wanted to."

"...And when such a handsome and charming boy like you is calling out to me and asking for the hand of an old lady like me, do you really think I'll let go of the golden goose that flew into my hands and let you go even if you wanted me to?"

Camila said while hugging me tightly and looking straight at my eye at the same time, like she was telling me that she wouldn't let me go even if I begged her to and that it was my responsibility to take care of her for the rest of her life after entering her life and making it into an utter mess.

"No, I know you wouldn't do such a thing, and I trust that you won't suddenly change your mind since the girl I fell for isn't a wishy-washy person who can't make a decision, but a brave woman who follows through with her decisions all the way until the end." I said off-handedly, which made her feel really proud about herself, and I stuck her chest out in confidence, which only made my chest cavity tighter since she was pushing her breasts right into me.

"...But even though I say that, I still can't help but feel a little scared that you'll stop thinking about me and what happened this morning the moment I leave this house and have second thoughts about our relationship, which has nothing permanent to hold us down and is still in its premature stage where nothing has started." I said with a dim glow in my eyes, like I was scared about my future with Camila, which she picked up on and nodded her head.

"I see...Then what do you suppose we do about that?"

Camila understood my worries and immediately chose to acknowledge them, just like any mature adult would, instead of arguing against it like you would see a girl my age do, thinking that I was doubting her. She then joked, saying,

"Please don't tell me that you want to stay at my house until you're sure that I won't just forget about our beginning, as I don't want your mother to call the cops on me, saying that I kidnapped her son."

"Well, that is quite a good idea, since I'd have more chances to sneak into your bed." Camila narrowed her eyes and made sure, in her mind, to never let me stay overnight for her safety.

"...But I was thinking more along the lines of giving you something that will definitely make you remember what happened today and make sure that you know who you belong to, instead of letting your thoughts waver off to thinking about the welfare of your family."

"Give me something?" She tilted her head. "You mean a gift? A gift I can keep in your memory."

She seemed excited at the thought of receiving a gift from me since it would be the first time, which was apparent from the way she was unconsciously wiggling her buttocks in joy.

But the 'gift' I had in mind was much more different than what she was thinking of, which made me wonder how she would react when she heard that what I was giving her wasn't a gift but a 'mark' on her body that showcased just who she belonged to.

"Hold up now...Don't make it sound like I'm giving you something so that you can use it to think about me while I'm off to war, and use it as a reminiscent piece if I were to die there." I said, as I wasn't ready to die anytime soon before seeing just how the woman who birthed me looked.

"What I want to give you isn't exactly a gift and is more along the lines of a 'mark' on your body, which will surely make you think of me whenever you see it."

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