God of Illusions

Chapter 1002 - Fickle’s Might (1)

Chapter 1002: Fickle’s Might (1)

“What if you lose?” asked the general coldly as she suppressed her urge to lash out.

Smiling, Bai Xiaofei uttered, “How about we give you our six hundred and sixty-four heads?”

As his voice echoed, a chill ran down everyone’s back.

“Your heads are useless to me. Just get out of the frontier and stop blocking our sight.” The general’s attitude couldn’t help but weaken. Dropping these words, she quickly led her people to leave. For some reason, she felt very uncomfortable when confronting Bai Xiaofei.

After they left, Tan Xin immediately came up to Bai Xiaofei and asked in surprise, “Your research succeeded?!” The rest didn’t know where the chill running down their back just now was from, but she knew very well.

“Sort of, but my control isn’t quite there yet, I don’t know if it will be effective against the Sacks,” replied Bai Xiaofei with a grin.

In the past half month, Bai Xiaofei had not been idle at all in the evening as he had been studying how to enhance his strength under the condition that his energy was sealed!

The battle with Ahetu had made him realize that he had severely underestimated the Sacks. If Ahetu hadn’t misjudged the situation, he could have absolutely annihilated Bai Xiaofei’s army back then.

Therefore, in order to ensure his own safety in the next battle, power was the difficulty that Bai Xiaofei had to overcome, and driven by this idea, he had placed the focus of his study on the unique mix of energy that he had acquired in Ethereal.

The energy being sealed didn’t mean that it had disappeared, it just couldn’t be mobilized. Therefore, if he could make his energy work without having to be mobilized, the Sacks’ sealing ability would be useless!

Bai Xiaofei’s unique situation made this conjecture possible to be realized. First of all, he had no fixed energy gathering point as his energy was evenly distributed all over his body. Therefore, it didn’t need to circulate and could directly take effect in any part. Secondly, Bai Xiaofei’s energy had many characteristics that automatically influenced the opponent accordingly without needing any guidance from him.

Therefore, Bai Xiaofei had determined his research direction – Under the condition that his energy wasn’t mobilized, release the effects of his energy such as resentment, murderous intent, pressure… etc.

For half a month, he had devoted every bit of his free time to this research, and his hard work paid off. Currently, Bai Xiaofei was able to release the effect of resentment! Although it couldn’t play a big role in actual combat yet, the result might just surprise if used in a confrontation.

“Do your best! I’m looking forward to the day when you scare people into peeing with just a glare!” Tan Xin patted Bai Xiaofei’s shoulder with a look of high hopes. Suddenly, she remembered something. “But what was that you and that general talked about?”

This question struck Bai Xiaofei. He nearly forgot about it!

“Something grand!” He chortled and headed into the camp to assemble the Fickle Army.

As Bai Xiaofei explained everything to them, the men weren’t scared at all and were instead extremely excited about attacking the enemy’s temporary bases. Then, they carried this mood with them as they set out for the first operation ever after arriving at Divine Light Fortress!

Under the scornful gaze of most people in the fortress, the 600-odd people marched toward the area between Moonlight and the Sacks.

After they left, the three generals also set out with their armies, each of which, unlike Bai Xiaofei, were 50,000-strong and taking three different directions, occupying an absolute advantage in numbers.

The commotion in Divine Light was naturally noticed by the spies. The Sacks fortress guards immediately entered high alert.

For Moonlight, these small fortresses were a battleground, but for the Sacks, they were a must-defend area!

After spending half a day on the road, Bai Xiaofei’s army arrived at the vicinity of the first fortress when the sky had begun to darken.

“Zhuang Shuo, bring a few people to check out the situation. I need to know the opponent’s approximate force before it’s completely dark. Also, find out the position of all the posts, obvious or hidden, so as to pave the way for our operation at night.”

“Old Zhu, take a group and prepare for a retreat route if we ever need it. While you’re at it, plant some scouts at the periphery just in case they have reinforcements, even if this is basically impossible.”

“Sister Qingtong, you’re in charge of hiding our horses. Don’t hide them too far away so that we can summon them at any time.”

“The rest of you, keep quiet!”

Bai Xiaofei issued several orders in a row and everyone immediately moved accordingly, while the main force quietly lay prone on the spot.

Acting on orders was the most basic and most serious consciousness that Bai Xiaofei had instilled in them. In his words, if he wanted them to be absolutely quiet, even farts must be held back in!

Time trickled by. During the thirty minutes it took for the sky to go from dusk to dark, everyone returned to Bai Xiaofei’s side one after another.

“Boss, all done. There are about 30,000 troops in there, over half of them having just arrived and obviously unfamiliar with the situation. They should be the reinforcements sent after the Sacks learned of the movements in Divine Light. We’ve figured out all of their posts. Except for the open ones on the four corners of the base wall, which are a little tricky, the rest are simple to handle. Also, this fortress should have been rebuilt from a village as the wall isn’t high, just over five meters. The structure inside shouldn’t be too complicated,” Zhuang Shuo reported everything that he could observe from the outside.

Bai Xiaofei couldn’t help but frown. “Can you tell if there are Moonlight people inside?”

“Can’t be sure yet. I haven’t seen any traces of any Moonlight people, but judging from the situation previously at Divine Light, they should keep prisoners to do labor,” Zhuang Shuo deduced and arrived at a judgment that earned Bai Xiaofei’s approval.

“No matter. Just don’t give them the chance to use the prisoners to threaten us.”

Biting his lip, Bai Xiaofei then made his decision.

“Sister Qingtong, Xin’er, Old Zhu, we will be divided into four groups to approach from four directions while handling the posts in our way. Handle those four wall posts last and attack at the same time upon signal. After we go in, Xin’er will take care of diverting them, Sister Qingtong will coordinate with everyone, Old Zhu is in charge of stirring up a commotion, and I will capture their base camp.”

In just some brief words, everyone was able to determine their missions.

“The grouping starts now. We’ll officially start in three minutes.”

The four began the plan with their evenly split group, quietly approaching the fortress from all four directions with the night as their cover. Soon, they came into contact with the first posts in their paths.

“Both open and hidden at once,” Bai Xiaofei commanded.

Three soldiers leaped out.

It was a common practice for open and hidden posts to work in pairs and look after each other, but this kind of link was not impossible to deal with. Under normal circumstances, an open post was responsible for looking after a hidden post while the latter was responsible for surveillance.

However, people make mistakes. Once you create the conditions for them to make mistakes, the open post would be as good as a decoration.

After leaping out, the three soldiers proceeded while sticking out of the perspective of the open post and got close enough to the hidden post before stopping. Finally, one of them suddenly zoomed across the surveillance area of the hidden post.

The two Sacks warriors in the hidden post immediately noticed something was wrong, but because the figure was too fast and covered by the night and the trees, they could not be sure if it was a person.

Just as the Sacks party hesitated, the other two Fickle soldiers sprang out. The person in the open post immediately noticed them, but before he could send a signal, the first Fickle soldier appeared behind him.

Almost at the same time, three daggers pierced the chests of the three Sacks, all of whom saw their comrades being attacked but all failed to send a warning signal. Good timing was the most important part of double harvesting a pair of posts!

After handling the Sacks warriors, the three Fickle soldiers replaced them.

There was communication between the sentry posts outside and the ones on the wall. If there was no response from the ones outside, the entire fortress would be put under lockdown.

Once all of the posts outside were cleared, Bai Xiaofei’s team quickly spread out and approached the walls at the fastest speed possible, during which they played a game of ‘Red Light, Green Light’ with the sentry on the wall.

Wherever the sentry’s eyes turned, the troops in that direction would stop to lie prone on the ground, perfectly blending into the night with their special camouflage clothes. Meanwhile, the fake post troops constantly responded and kept the wall sentry in a relaxed state.

Soon, the first wave of troops approached the wall, and the rest stopped completely. They then carefully made their way along the edge toward the post and sent out a signal indicating that they were ready.

Before long, the other three directions also sent the same good news. A few seconds later, there was a firework going up into the sky in the direction where Tan Xin was located. Immediately, the Fickle soldiers at the edge of the walls threw out their lock hooks at the sentries’ necks with great precision, and the mechanical blades that sprang out from the hooks slit their throats.

A short while later, the Fickle soldiers successively threw their lock hooks onto the wall. The first reaction of the Sacks warriors on the wall was to approach to dislodge the hooks, but as soon as they got close, the Fickle soldiers had climbed up and taken down a large number of enemies with their spring-loaded arrows.

The first wave of Fickle soldiers successfully climbed the wall!

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