God of Blackfield

Chapter 415: I’ll Do My Best (2)

Ding, ding, ding, ding.

At around 10 am, the seatbelt sign lit up, signaling their arrival at the Shenyang Taoxian International Airport in China. The sun was just about forehead level.

“We’re traveling so much,” Seok Kang-Ho said.

“It would have been nice if these were all for pleasure,” Kang Chan responded.

Seok Kang-Ho grinned. They had traveled around the world for fights to the death.


Amid their conversation, the plane began to descend. The flaps of its wings were fully deployed, and its engine roared.

Since they were aboard a commercial airplane, they didn’t have to worry about getting off the runway. Hence, Kang Chan sat back comfortably and waited to land.

Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble!

Why is the runway of an international airport so shaky?


The plane moved down the runway at a leisurely pace and stopped at the corner of the airport.

Looking at the airport, Kang Chan let out his characteristic laugh. Before his eyes were a long line of vans and cars that would normally never be allowed on the runway. In the middle of their ensemble stood Yang Bum.

- Doors opening.

As announced by the captain, two of the crew opened the door.


The smell of Shenyang was stronger than Cuba's. Its cool breeze carried with it the strong smell of spices.

Kang Chan was the first to step through the door, followed by Seok Kang-Ho, Gérard, and Choi Jong-Il’s party.

Yang Bum smiled and held out a hand. “Good to see you, Mr. Kang Chan.”

It was always nice to shake hands with a comrade with whom he had avoided death.

Yang Bum looked at Kang Chan with surprise.

“You truly look like a leading figure in the intelligence world now.”

“Compared to you, the high commissioner, and Vasili, I’ve barely scratched the den. I don’t even look like myself anymore.”

Yang Bum glanced at Seok Kang-Ho. He recognized him from their time together.

“It’s been a long time.”

“Nice to see you again.”

After exchanging pleasantries, Kang Chan turned his attention to the airplane.

“My men are wearing military uniforms. I don’t want to cause any commotion, so they’re staying on board for now. We are at a civilian airport, after all.”

“That’s okay. You can tell them to come down, and they can keep their weapons with them.”

Was this the power of the director of the Chinese intelligence bureau?

Yang Bum looked as if he still had something to say. However, there was no need to rush. Kang Chan could just listen to him later.

Kang Chan nodded at Choi Jong-Il.


“Come down with your weapons,” Choi Jong-Il radioed. Soon after, armed soldiers began to descend.

Clunk, clunk.

“They look different from the last time you helped me. This makes me realize how important experience and a good commander are to a special forces team.”

Yang Bum looked enviously at the Jeungpyeong special forces before assigning them cars to ride in.

“Mr. Kang Chan, please join me. I have something to tell you on the way.”


Once they had sat in the backseat, the car began to drive straight out of the airport through an exit guarded by armed Chinese officers.

“Director Vasili wants me to tell you that he would like you to visit him in Russia.”

“I plan to do that once all this has been dealt with. On another note, Israel wants to establish diplomatic relations with China. Grafelt, the new leader of the Mossad, told me himself.”

“I’ll make it happen. Are you and Grafelt close?”

“I trained with him when High Commissioner Lanok sent me for intelligence training.”

Yang Bum nodded, seemingly impressed.

“He must have planned that far into the future. This is why I can’t help but bow whenever I see the high commissioner.”

With small talk out of the way, Kang Chan turned to Yang Bum and looked him in the eye, prompting the man to talk about the heavier matters at hand.

“As part of our plan, I’ve arranged a location that Communist Party leaders previously used. There’s someone important waiting to meet us there,” Yang Bum revealed in a hushed tone. “North Korea has been experiencing internal unrest recently. Coupled with economic restrictions imposed by the United States, the potential for localized acts of provocation is high.”

I doubt he’s just trying to scare me.

Yang Bum firmly added, “North Korea’s Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-Do, is waiting to speak with you.”

Kang Chan sighed quietly. His mind felt as cluttered as the jumble of tall buildings and shabby old establishments outside the car window.

“Why is he going to such lengths?”

“North Korea’s generals and party officials are ostracizing Kim Jung-Do. To top it all off, Ziegfeld, who has just recently entered North Korea, seems to have promised huge riches to the North Korean leaders.”

That motherfucker! I’m not letting anyone stop me from twisting that bastard’s neck!

“We believe Ziegfeld intends to either replace the North Korean ruler according to his liking and settle down there or provide the leadership with refuge and exile funds and have them start a war with South Korea.”

“Can North Korea’s leader be replaced just like that?”

“Ziegfeld is trying to persuade Kim Jong-Do’s son to join him, which is what makes this situation so alarming.”

There were assholes everywhere. Strangely, though, they always managed to stick together despite biting and clawing at each other’s necks as soon as they had gotten what they wanted.

“What does their supreme leader want?”

“They haven’t told us yet. All I’ve confirmed is that he arrived at the Shenyang Station by train while I was on my way to the airport. Officially, he’s supposed to be in the Chinese intelligence building in Shenyang right now.”

“I see.”

Kang Chan believed Yang Bum. This was how allies were supposed to be treated.

As if to give him time to think, Yang Bum stopped talking. However, Kang Chan didn’t really find much to think about in cases like these. Since the North Korean leader wanted to meet, they would meet. Afterward, Kang Chan would find a way to twist Ziegfeld’s neck.

After about forty minutes on the asphalt, they turned off onto a dirt road. Eventually, an old three-story building came into view. It had red writing on the worn wooden board by the entrance. Masked soldiers armed with rifles stood guard outside, giving off a formidable aura.

Was it because the figure in question was important? It seemed like overkill, but it was only natural for them to provide a secretly present North Korean leader this much security.

Whatever this country built, they always made it so big that it was ridiculous. The car stopped in a parking lot the size of a sports field, and Kang Chan and Yang Bum stepped out.


“Yes, Cap!”

Seok Kang-Ho rushed to Kang Chan’s side.

“Have our men positioned at the entrance to this building, then wait with Choi Jong-Il’s group inside the entrance.”

“Got it.”

Seok Kang-Ho headed over to Kwak Cheol-Ho.

“Gérard!” Kang Chan called.


“The Jeungpyeong special forces team will guard the entrance of the building. You wait inside with Seok Kang-Ho.”

“Copy, Cap!”

Perhaps it would offend Yang Bum that Kang Chan had given these orders in China. However, he wanted to make the least of preparations he could.

If the North Korean leader died here, Kang Chan would feel as though he had just paid for a junked car.

“I’m sorry if my actions offend you.”

“No, I understand.”

Yan Bum extended his hand and gestured toward the entrance. Kang Chan followed his lead and entered a room at the back of the facility’s first floor.

It looked like a dining room. Red curtains, red carpet, and red tablecloth.

Amid the frenzied red color scheme was a round dining table that was so ridiculously large it could seat a dozen people.

Kang Chan’s gaze drifted to the table, which was in front of the window. A lone man was sitting on one of the chairs, waiting in silence. He had slicked-back hair, fleshy cheeks, a thick neck, a huge bulk, and quality Communist Party attire.

‘That must be him!’

Yang Bum walked toward the man who was clearly looking back at Kang Chan. They stood in front of the dining table.

The man with the covered teacup in front of him slowly stood up.

Kang Chan looked at the badge on his chest and slowly raised his gaze.

“Sir, this is Mr. Kang Chan. Mr. Kang Chan, this is North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Do.”

There were only three of them in the giant dining room. Kim Jong-Do extended his hand, and Kang Chan took it.

With their eyes locked, Kim Jong-Do asked, “You’re the one who killed the head of our People’s Armed Forces and wiped out the 8th Special Forces Regiment, no?”

Tension quickly washed over them.

“Shall we talk about that first?” Kang Chan asked.

Kim Jong-Do’s eyes twitched. He looked uncomfortable, yet he never once broke eye contact.

“Excuse me, Comrade Kang Chan,” he gravely replied.

“Why don’t we sit down first?” Yang Bum interjected.

Kim Jong-Do glanced at Yang Bum for a moment. He then wordlessly turned to the table.

This table is so big. Where am I supposed to sit?

Noticing the look on Kang Chan’s face, Yang Bum gestured at the seat next to Kim Jong-Do. “Mr. Kang Chan, please take a seat.”

Kang Chan and Yang Bum ended up sitting on either side of Kim Jong-Do.

Kang Chan didn’t want to, but it wasn’t like he was going to fight for a seat in this situation. He didn’t want Yang Bum to lose face either, so he just stayed silent.

A Chinese agent approached and placed a covered teacup in front of Kang Chan and Yang Bum. An ashtray, lighters, and cigarettes were already on the table.

Considering the North Korean had secretly come to this place just to meet Kang Chan, it was clear that he wanted something but had a weaker hand. Nevertheless, he was still acting like Chapi.

Maybe he’ll meet a similar end too.

Meeting Kang Chan’s gaze, Kim Jong-Do finally broke the silence.

“A bastard named Ziegfeld came and greased the wheels of our military and party leaders. Although you have assassinated Jang Kwang-Taek, and we’ve been capturing the insurgents since then, there are still many left.”

Kim Jong-Do reached for a cigarette and offered it to Kang Chan. He had been glaring at him until now, which made the act seem so random.

Nevertheless, Kang Chan silently reached out and accepted it.


The big guy lit only his cigarette and put the lighter back on the table.


Kang Chan picked up the lighter, lit his cigarette, and handed the lighter to Yang Bum. It would be a bit awkward for them to move closer to light each other’s cigarette in front of Kim Jong-Do.

“Look here.” Kim Jong-Do blew smoke out of his nose.

I’m sure he didn’t come all the way here just to show me that dirty sight.

Kang Chan held up his cigarette and looked at him.

“I sent the 8th Special Forces Regiment to Cuba as soon as I was asked. Since you were there, I thought you would defeat the forces that the generals believed in.”

“Stop beating around the bush.”

Kim Jong-Do’s cheek twitched. He then exhaled loudly.

“You’re after that bastard Ziegfeld, aren’t you? I’m going to be returning to Pyongyang by train today. You should come with me. Tonight, you can eliminate that big-nosed bitch.”

“What do you get in return?”

“We can kill all the North Korean reactionaries colluding with him.”

Kang Chan and Kim Jong-Do looked at Yang Bum at the same time. The suggestion was as random as the cigarette he had offered earlier. It was also so absurd that Kang Chan had no idea where he was coming from.

It was ironic. The man who had made the ridiculous suggestion and the man it was offered to were both asking Yang Bum if they could trust the other.

“The money-grubbing reactionaries are trying to rally around Ziegfeld. Even if I send him away, he’ll just repeat what he’s already doing,” Kim Jong-Do said, then looked Kang Chan straight in the eye. “If we kill him and the reactionaries at the same time, our generals and party officials will bow down. Do this, and I will announce the connection of the Eurasian Rail. You’ll get to kill the bastard, and I get to wipe out the reactionaries. It’s a win-win.”

Can I trust him?

“Even after I clean them up, my family and I still won’t be able to live long. Even so, I’ll die satisfied knowing that North Korea didn’t fall into the hands of that bastard. That man wants a war, doesn’t he?”

He now spoke in a way that wasn’t quite informal but wasn’t formal either. Kang Chan supposed this was how he showed his respect.

“There’s a lot of pressure not to join the Eurasian Rail project. It would be troublesome if the people in the places it would pass through find out about the outside world, wouldn’t it? The generals and the party officials are worried that civilians will become conscious of their rights and that the system will collapse.”

Kim Jong-Do coughed a couple of times as if something was stuck in his throat.

“This is exactly what that bastard wants. Since it’s bound to happen anyway, he’s trying to instigate a war by offering his help. He’s going to give our generals supplies and tell them he’ll give them money and a place to stay even if they lose the war.”

After a brief pause, he spat, “See, just because you have power doesn’t mean you can do everything. Not even I can mobilize the troops without the generals knowing.”

Kim Jong-Do tapped the ashes of his cigarette into the ashtray. Considering Yang Bum didn’t add anything to the topic, it seemed like he was somewhat speaking the truth.

“So you want me to take the train with you and kill him where he’s staying right now?”

Kim Jong-Do nodded heavily. “I’ll be at the Shenyang intelligence building for the time being. I’ll let Director Yang answer whatever questions you have left.”

Right after, he stood up and left.

Looks like he needs to learn some manners too.

Kang Chan looked at Yang Bum, his gaze seemingly asking for his opinion.

“Even if I try to send troops, I can’t completely cut off the line to North Korea. The information will definitely leak out before the train reaches the country,” Yang Bum said emotionlessly. “Ziegfeld is not an easy foe. If he tries to tempt the North Korean leadership with the amount of money he has, they just might make a rash decision. That is why I arranged this meeting. However, I didn’t know the North Korean leader would make that kind of request. I think you should let things settle down a bit before going in.”

Yang Bum glanced at where Kim Jong-Do had just been.

“North Koreans do not keep their word. It’s possible Ziegfeld has already persuaded him and is just trying to sell you out.”

Kang Chan nodded. That could certainly be true, but there was one decisive factor that made the risk worth it.

“If I lose Ziegfeld here, he’ll definitely come after you, Vasili, and the high commissioner. Then I’ll have to go around the world again, fighting the enemies he’s created. I can’t let him go.”

Yang Bum looked as though his piercing eyes could see right through Kang Chan.

“You have already gained enough power to make it difficult even for Ziegfeld to do anything to you, yet you’re still willing to take this risk?”

“It’s better than the risk of letting him launch another attack on you, Vasili, or the high commissioner.”

A short silence followed. Afterward, Yang Bum unexpectedly smiled.

“You truly haven’t changed,” he said. “I’ll go with you.”

“China and North Korea? I don’t want you to get into trouble because of me.”

“I’ll be off to catch Ziegfeld with the top brass of the intelligence world. Rather than putting me in an awkward position, this will increase my influence.”

Kang Chan felt so embarrassed that he didn’t know what to say.

“As I said before, we have two Chinese proverbs. First, ‘if you’re going to eat poison, eat it to the plate.’”

Huh? Why would you eat the plate too? If you’re going to eat poison anyway, shouldn’t you hit your enemy with the plate to show them how venomous you feel?

Kang Chan chuckled.

“Second, ‘the mountains are high, and the emperor is far away.’ There is a familiar saying in Korea. ‘The law is far away, but the fist is close.’ I think this saying suits you best, Mr. Kang Chan. As Director Vasili said, anyone who gets on your bad side dies.”

The two shared a laugh. Afterward, Kang Chan, Yang Bum, and their men made their way to a restaurant.


After having a hearty lunch with the rest of the men, Kang Chan talked to Yang Bum at the restaurant. Amid their conversation, they noticed the entrance become a bit rowdy. Go Gun-Woo walked into the dining hall soon after, escorted by a Chinese agent.

“How are you, Assistant Director Kang?” he greeted.

“Fine, sir. I’m sorry I couldn’t finish this in Cuba.”


Go Gun-Woo looked happy to see Kang Chan.

After exchanging greetings, Kang Chan gestured toward Yang Bum.

“Director Go, this is Director Yang Bum of the Chinese intelligence bureau. Mr. Yang Bum, this is Director Gu Gun-Woo of the National Intelligence Service.”

“Yang Bum.”

“Go Gun-Woo. Pleased to finally meet you. ”

After a bit of small talk, Yang Bum decided to give them space so they could speak.

“I’ll be back in a bit,” he said.

Once Yang Bum had left, Kang Chan gestured to one of the chairs. “I have something to tell you, Director. Please have a seat”

Go Gun-Woo glanced at the entrance, then sat down.

“Two hours ago, I had a meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Do here.”


“Kim Jong-Do, the Supreme Leader of North Korea.”

Kang Chan relayed to the flustered Go Gun-Woo what Kim Jong-Do had said.

“If we miss this opportunity, things could become difficult for us,” he concluded.

“This is too risky, Assistant Director.”

“You’re right, but, if we have to go back to fighting in Afghanistan, Libya, Africa, Cuba, and some other country in the future, we won’t be able to withstand it. Besides, if Ziegfeld’s money managed to sway the North Korean leadership, then we’re already looking at war.”

Go Gun-Woo seemed to have gotten his answer from Kang Chan’s eyes.

“You’ve already made up your mind.”

They covered a lot of topics in a short time—the situation in South Korea; Moon Jae-Hyun’s request; the appeals of Israel, Peru, and Japan; and the active courtship of the United States. When they were done, Seok Kang-Ho, Gérard, Choi Jong-Il, and the rest of the Jeungpyeong special forces team came to greet Go Gun-Woo.

“Take a seat,” Kang Chan instructed. He then told his men about Kim Jong-Do’s proposal and the current situation.

Go Gun-Woo looked at the soldiers in amazement. This task involved eliminating Ziegfeld and also killing generals and party officials in North Korea. Nevertheless, they all just obediently listened to Kang Chan’s orders.

“Mr. Yang Bum of the Chinese intelligence bureau will be joining us. If he comes, at the very least, Kim Jong-Do won’t be able to pull any tricks.”

“Are we all going together?” Seok Kang-Ho asked.

“Of course,” Kang Chan replied.

Everyone listening looked satisfied.

“The director of the Chinese intelligence bureau is going too?” Go Gun-Woo clarified.

“Yes, sir,” Kang Chan said.

Go Gun-Woo nodded in acceptance.

Kang Chan stood up from his seat and searched for Yang Bum to tell him that he would be joining Kim Jong-Do.

“I’ll be waiting for you at the Shenyang Station. When should we leave?” Yang Bum asked.

“In twenty minutes. I’d like to request more ammo for our men’s rifles.”

“I’ll make arrangements and notify the station,” Yang Bum replied, then left.

Kang Chan returned to his seat, exchanged a few more words with Go Gun-Woo, and then stood back up.

“Assistant Director. I’ll see you soon.”

“This is our final mission. I’ll be back.”

After shaking hands with Go Gun-Woo, Kang Chan headed to the entrance of the facility and piled into the cars and vans with the rest of the team.


It seemed like things were getting checked off, but everything came off as difficult.

A palpable tension enveloped the car for the entire forty-minute drive. Kang Chan didn’t find it surprising, however. After all, they were going into North Korea to kill generals and party officials.

The area around the Shenyang Station was heavily guarded. Kang Chan had never seen a VIP waiting room in a train station until now.

Soon, Kang Chan and Yang Bum walked right through it to the train. A man in full regalia, clearly an agent, pointed to a railcar in the back, and the two quickly stepped on.


Before they could sit down, the seven-railcar train roared to life and slowly accelerated.

Creeaak. Clunk! Clunk!

Soon, it sped out of the station. They were finally leaving for North Korea.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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