Global Evolution

Chapter 309

Chapter 309: 309

Because the explosion was in the center of the two people, and the distance between them was less than 10 meters - so, the flame storm swept at the same time, and Li Qingshui - he flew out tens of meters by the explosion wave in the opposite direction to Liu Chang . He had just stabilized his body and was ready to pursue him . When he was ready to pursue, the body shape of the Thunder Tiger in the rear had already caught up with him 。

Liu Changfei felt a pain in the front of his body when he was dozens of meters away . Although he was not hit by the shell in the front just now, it was a high explosive bomb after all, so it also made him suffer a little shock . However, it would be more appropriate to exchange the distance between Liu and Li Qingshui .

But because this time was shaken to fly, after the chest front suffered the huge blow force, Liu Chang felt that there was something broken in front of her chest .

According to the feeling on the scallop skin, Liu Chang knew that the broken glass bottle was a glass bottle - and there must be only one glass bottle in his personal care - that bottle of "Dali pill" .

"One at a time?" The glass bottle broke, and Liu Chang quickly found the medicine granules from the broken clothes . I don’t know whether it was because they came out of the body of Thunder Tiger . They were not crushed under the explosion of the bomb . The bulletproof glass bottles were broken into pieces of glass, but the particles were intact . Liu Chang took it out of his arms and took it in his hand . At a glance, he counted out that there were 14 grains in total, each of which was the size of a soybean .

Seeing the volume of the medicine, Liu Chang simply swallowed it in his mouth . With his smart tongue, he separated out 13 pieces and put them under the dry root of the tongue, and swallowed one into his stomach .

The material of this pill is also strange .

Contained in the mouth will not melt . They were as hard as steel balls, but when they were swallowed, they immediately turned into bubbles and melted . It was obvious that Liu Chang could hear the "gurgling" .

After a burst of abdominal whine, the drug was digested . At the moment when Liu Chang was ready to load the shell, it had an effect - first, his head felt dizzy . If you drink two or two liquor like, and then the whole body’s scales more red up, the body muscles restlessly beating . A strong sense of strength drives his nerves, which makes Liu Chang excited .

"Hoo!" When you open your mouth, you can blow out a breath of hot white gas, which turns this hot thing into a thick white fog in the cold air .

After eating the super version of the stimulant . Liu Chang immediately felt that his whole body was full of strength - no matter the nerve reflex speed or muscle flexibility, he had got a qualitative leap .

"It’s really exciting!" After the white gas spurted out, Liu Chang had a cold war all over his body . He felt that a heat flow started from his stomach and drove the whole body . His muscles were beating irregularly and his heart beat violently .

He only felt that after taking this medicine, his fighting ability increased by three times - and then his body strength soared, and he just wanted to throw away the cannons when his central nervous system was highly excited . Pull out the broadsword and fight three lilies with Li Qingshui in front of him in the most primitive and fist to meat way . It seems that only in this way can we let out the energy that has no place to vent .

However, the excitement was suppressed . Liu Chang knows - he can’t .

His strength tripled, and he was still no match for that man - so he had to bite the base of his tongue, sober himself up with pain, and then he picked up the loaded gun and made a few steps forward . Let Li Qingshui into their own field of vision, again aimed at him .

"Try this one . "

This time, the muzzle is filled with a scattered flower bomb . According to the text on the shell seen before, it belongs to one shot . After a shell is fired, the large shell will disperse and become more than ten small shells, which are used to attack large area enemies . Generally speaking, it is useless to deal with Li Qingshui such an individual .

But at present, as a harassment army, Liu Chang only wants to make his own existence more valuable . Moreover, he wants to test whether Li Qingshui is really helpless according to this shell .

Therefore, after Liu Chang approached the battle group at a much faster speed than before, he fixed his eyes on Li Qingshui, who was trembling by Thunder Tiger, and concentrated on observing the fighting posture and fighting movements of the two men . Then, the movements of the two men fighting hand to hand on the roof of the house became slower and slower

Finally, Liu Chang saw that Thunder Tiger waved the hammer again and was driven away by Li Qingshui, who grabbed the handle of his second hammer with a backhand .

Then, when Li Qingshui just raised his hand by half a centimeter, the sound of a shell flying out sounded behind his head .

This is the third time that Liu Chang buckled the launcher of his hand gun - and then he saw the shell of the hand gun flying rapidly in the air with the flame tail . Because it is a scattered flower bullet, and the ammunition structure is complex, its muzzle velocity is slightly slower, but it is still above 900 meters .

So, even if you don’t include the acceleration after it, you can fly less than 100 meters at most for a tenth of a second .

In this tenth of a second, Li Qingshui couldn’t get rid of the Thunder Tiger’s entanglement - so Liu Chang watched his own shells scatter after flying for more than 30 meters, and separated more than a dozen bullets in the air . Each one was only the thickness of a person’s thumb, and they were loaded into Li Qingshui’s back in a scattered flower shape . In fact, strictly speaking, Liu Chang’s shell is unscientific, because according to the general purpose of the scattered flower bomb, it is a large area of damage, so the firing distance must be more than 300 meters away from the target, so that the whole projectile can spread out, so as to achieve the effect of killing the enemy in the area in a large area .

Because if the flying distance is less than 100 meters, it will not spread out at all, and it will not produce the desired effect .

But just like the principle of using anti-aircraft guns to hit tanks in World War II - there are no rules for such things as war . Therefore, Liu Chang’s unscientific shot was actually very reasonable .

After the separation of the bullets, the scattered flower bombs only flew more than 50 meters to reach Li Qingshui’s back . Because the flying distance was too short, the warheads of each bullet were only a dozen to dozens of centimeters away from Li Qingshui . In this way, most of the more than ten warheads flew toward Li Qingshui’s body .

And Liu Chang’s calculation is also very accurate . When Li Qingshui is facing a shell attack on his back, it is also the time when he can’t evade all the attacks - because at this time, it is precisely when he dodges the first hammer head of Thunder Tiger and is preparing to counterattack his next attack, and he is the worst time to be entangled .

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